Way to make a fool look like an even bigger fool... This could be a lot of fun- thousands of gay barbarians showing up at all the Bachmann's campaigning events! Hah!
This type of thing won't do anything to the Bachmann's. It's not like they will be vaccuuming and dusting up the place after hours. One middle aged midwest woman gets stuck with these "barbarians" who are trying to prove some kind of point.
Do you think she thought it was funny? I doubt it.
I don't like the whole "ex gay" thing but really there are better ways to go about going against the whole "ex gay" therapy and movement than silly childish tactics like this.
Then again, go figure it was posted and argued by Dan Savage the king of being childish and vindictive.
Oh please let the gay barbarian hordes increase! Let them spread across the nation, demanding deliverance from the Bachmanns everywhere they go. Because the greatest weapon of LGBT activism is joy. Nothing is so defiant in the face of hatred.
That was priceless. Perhaps the next time there's a protest ... no, strike that - I meant performance art, it could focus on ... uh ... the discipline aspect (as in BDSM).
What can strait people who believe in gay rights do that would be that much fun?
I'm not into political activism, but if I can have some fun and dusrupt a complete assholes life for at least a few hours, sign me up. For any cause that I can agree with. If only because the world needs to laugh more.
Fucking awesome!
Are you actually suggesting that this was done in order to convince the Bachmanns and co. to close up shop? And they videotaped it why? Just in case the Bachmann went online to view it I guess. Obviously this was geared towards discrediting their practice in the eyes of others and making it obvious just how deluded Bachmanns "barbarian" comments were. And for comedy, why not, it's a damn funny idea.
Sorry to feed the troll. I really couldn't resist.
@25: Although I like your concept, I feel like this was probably more effective. BDSM freaks out a lot of the vanilla people, and it might make them sympathize more with the Bachmanns than with the protesters. This way, at least, it really just highlights the silliness of Bachmanns incredibly stupid comments :P
Awww, those sweet, open-minded, welcoming of all points of view, non-violent little gay mafia bullies are spreading their love and hypocrisy yet again. How hilarious :)
No posts from Dan today, so far. Hopefully HICBIA has bashed him over the head with his laptop and dragged him off to the beach for some discipline... :)
To the person who made the negative comment about Lady Gaga's song "Born this way", well, homosexuals have said that for many years BEFORE Lady Gaga was even thought of when they were told it's a learned behaviour. Just sayin'.
I don't think the old lady receptionist was pleased, but the perfect ending would have been for her to applaud them, tell them they were cute, and ask if they could perform at her church the following Sunday. [Yes, I know that's from a Glee episode, but it still would have been perfect.]
@27 We can show up and even dance. My GF and I would have been there if there were around here. I marched (and shouted) in Sacramento when prop H8 devalued love around here.
I do second you though on wishing that I could do more; I feel like Abbie Hoffman in the late sixties wearing his "I Wish I Was Black" shirt, I want change, and I can't wait to see the haters choke on it.
It is time to start a push to have Dr. Bachmann's License to practice pulled. He is practicing techniques that have been proven to be ineffective and DANGEROUS.
Oh, how I love activist street theater/performance art.
@36: He doesn't have a license to revoke: legally, he doesn't need one as long as he doesn't claim to be operating as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor. Also, the school from which he got his Ph.D. is not APA accredited, so he's not eligible for licensure as a psychologist in any state, as far as I know (I'm mostly familiar with Wisconsin licensing requirements, as I work for the Educational Psychology and Counseling department at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee).
@ 17, Dude, she would have to vacuum the floor anyway. It's as much work to vacuum glitter as it is general dust. And she has a job in this economy--she's probably thrilled. (Or as thrilled as you can be working for a bunch of scumbags)
*dies laughing*
Do you think she thought it was funny? I doubt it.
I don't like the whole "ex gay" thing but really there are better ways to go about going against the whole "ex gay" therapy and movement than silly childish tactics like this.
Then again, go figure it was posted and argued by Dan Savage the king of being childish and vindictive.
I'm not into political activism, but if I can have some fun and dusrupt a complete assholes life for at least a few hours, sign me up. For any cause that I can agree with. If only because the world needs to laugh more.
Fucking awesome!
Are you actually suggesting that this was done in order to convince the Bachmanns and co. to close up shop? And they videotaped it why? Just in case the Bachmann went online to view it I guess. Obviously this was geared towards discrediting their practice in the eyes of others and making it obvious just how deluded Bachmanns "barbarian" comments were. And for comedy, why not, it's a damn funny idea.
Sorry to feed the troll. I really couldn't resist.
Yeah ::sighs:: I guess I can't have everything.
::pouts, but imagines a FUN revised performance protest anyway::
I do second you though on wishing that I could do more; I feel like Abbie Hoffman in the late sixties wearing his "I Wish I Was Black" shirt, I want change, and I can't wait to see the haters choke on it.
@36: He doesn't have a license to revoke: legally, he doesn't need one as long as he doesn't claim to be operating as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor. Also, the school from which he got his Ph.D. is not APA accredited, so he's not eligible for licensure as a psychologist in any state, as far as I know (I'm mostly familiar with Wisconsin licensing requirements, as I work for the Educational Psychology and Counseling department at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee).