Sarah Palin was a government employee from 1992 until 2009, almost all of her adult life. Before that, she briefly worked in sports reporting before becoming a housewife.
This is the new meme from the Republican machine, which has been coming out of several image-making mouthpieces in the past few days: "business experience". There is, however, no evidence whatsoever that business experience has anything at all to do with governing success. The great hero of the Republicans, Ronald Reagan, had virtually no business experience, having been an actor almost all his life, and a radio broadcaster before that.
I could also mention that "business experience" does not equal "successful business experience". George W. Bush was a spectacular failure in every business he ran, losing millions of dollars at every turn, until his rich friends bought him a slice of the Texas Rangers, where 100% of his profits came about from sitting quietly in a chair while the market value of the team skyrocketed.
Actually, Sarah represents the real American conservatism that is in ascendence! Barack Hussein Obama had to be dragged kicking and screaming into proving he was eligible to be POTUS, and it doesn't matter because he didn't have two citizen parents. If you call simply stating facts blowing a "dog whistle," then you are engaged in the intellectual gymnastics liberals need to perform in order to look themselves in the eye and convince themselves that liberalism is right.
It is also why our illegal president is headed towards an epic defeat, and once a real American conservative is elected, real steps can be taken to undo his marxist program on the grounds that he was an illegal president (removing his Supreme Court justices, to begin with). Then we can cut taxes and get the economy rolling again, just as it did after the Bush tax cuts in 2001.
My only quibble with that is that I'm sure Bush did more than his share of ass kissing, oops, I mean "networking," something he really does excel at. It's too bad his family's status couldn't let him settle for a sales or marketing job.
@11 - I know, don't feed the trolls, but Obama wouldn't have been the first president to not have two American citizens for parents. Where's the cry to disregard everything done under those presidents as completely invalid?
What is the point of this post? Like it or not Palin is a college grad and fully literate. Palin's polices and ideas are bullshit and she would be a horrible president. But do you do know that every time liberals like you insult her for stupid bullshit her cause grows stronger? Palin has made a career of portraying herself as the victim of left-wing bullying and these sort of posts just give her more ammo. Why not focus on the fact she is so self centred she couldn't even complete a signle term as governor?
Also simply using the common adjective foreign is not a commentary on the Presidents birthplace. Paul you are basically a paid internet troll.
@14 Chester Arthur was the only other one. There is no concrete proof of this, anymore at least, because he destroyed all his family records that showed his father was British. Without concrete proof, any nullification efforts would be...well, null.
Not so with Barack Hussein Obama. He has freely admitted that his father was Kenyan (and I'm still pretty sure that Barack Jr is Kenyan too) in his ghost written book. So nullifcation would be easy, if enough patriots are elected to actually do it.
In related incompetent, lazy ass news, Tony Hayward, the BP chief who lost his job over the Gulf oil spill, has a new job... overseeing mine safety. Corporate America ethics.
@18 - This is actually kinda interest, but (not counting the technicality of first 10 US Presidents whose parents were born before 1776), there's actually more than a handful of US Presidents born of non-US citizens. BOTH of Jackson's parents were Irish immigrants, and most recently Hebert Hoover, whose mother was Canadian.
Said the career politican to the career politicican, "You're a career politican! What experience do you have doing anything else? Clearly your career as a politician means anything you say cannot be trusted."
@28 - Looks to me like the part of that decision you're referring to only says that someone born of two citizens is a natural-born citizen, not that it's the only definition of a natural-born citizen. The hypothetical situation they cite ("...the children of citizens of the United States that might be born beyond the sea, or out of the limits of the United States, should be considered as natural-born citizens.") merely seems to extend the right of citizenship to the children of citizens abroad. This would actually be a broader interpretation of "natural-born" than even non-birthers tend to claim, and is actually pretty common policy in many countries.
Or, you know, it could be invalidating the presidencies of a quarter of our past presidents. Whatever.
@28 - Ignoring the fact non of us are law scholars, I am at least qualified to point out that since Minor v. Happersett (1875), Chester Arthur (who you seem to take issue with), Woodrow Wilson (English mother) and Herbert Hoover (already mentioned) have all served as president.
Don't forget, George W. Bush was born in New Haven and even lived on land now occupied by... if my hunch that you post while driving is wrong, you might want to sit down for this... Yale University!
Saying that a black person doesn't understand what this country was built on reminds me of the scene from Do The Right Thing where the guy in the Larry Bird jersey tells Buggin' Out that it's a free country.
I'd rather the president were a constitutional lawyer than a businessman. And another thing: the government is not a business, and is not meant to be such.
Also, this discussion about citizenship is whack. What about the "anchor-babies," where a Mexican woman (supposedly) slips across the border to take advantage of the Fourteenth amendment to have a baby that is automatically a US citizen because it was born on US soil? Did the rednecks/xenophobes forget about their anchor-baby whining not long ago? How, then, is Obama not a citizen if he was born on US soil by a native citizen and a *legal* immigrant? God, you guys, get your story straight. This is so easy it's not even funny. I'm not talking to you LB, since you're obviously just joking around.
I'd love Ms. Palin's entertainment value if there weren't so many people out there willing to vote for her. Clowns are only funny when they're not a threat.
"His ideas are the antithesis of those things that created the prosperity in America" ... Sooo his ideas are the antithesis of slavery, white supremacy, and capitalism? The last of which allowed for a very small minority of people to become fabulously wealthy at the expense of millions of their fellow Americans, a trend that continues today?
This is the new meme from the Republican machine, which has been coming out of several image-making mouthpieces in the past few days: "business experience". There is, however, no evidence whatsoever that business experience has anything at all to do with governing success. The great hero of the Republicans, Ronald Reagan, had virtually no business experience, having been an actor almost all his life, and a radio broadcaster before that.
I could also mention that "business experience" does not equal "successful business experience". George W. Bush was a spectacular failure in every business he ran, losing millions of dollars at every turn, until his rich friends bought him a slice of the Texas Rangers, where 100% of his profits came about from sitting quietly in a chair while the market value of the team skyrocketed.
And THAT'S journalism!!
It is also why our illegal president is headed towards an epic defeat, and once a real American conservative is elected, real steps can be taken to undo his marxist program on the grounds that he was an illegal president (removing his Supreme Court justices, to begin with). Then we can cut taxes and get the economy rolling again, just as it did after the Bush tax cuts in 2001.
My only quibble with that is that I'm sure Bush did more than his share of ass kissing, oops, I mean "networking," something he really does excel at. It's too bad his family's status couldn't let him settle for a sales or marketing job.
Oh, and Lord Basil:…
Also simply using the common adjective foreign is not a commentary on the Presidents birthplace. Paul you are basically a paid internet troll.
Not so with Barack Hussein Obama. He has freely admitted that his father was Kenyan (and I'm still pretty sure that Barack Jr is Kenyan too) in his ghost written book. So nullifcation would be easy, if enough patriots are elected to actually do it.
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson.…
Calling Sarah Palin an artifact is not fair to the rest of the artifacts.
Go read United States v. Wong Kim Ark and STFU about stuff you clearly know nothing about.
Or, you know, it could be invalidating the presidencies of a quarter of our past presidents. Whatever.
Don't forget, George W. Bush was born in New Haven and even lived on land now occupied by... if my hunch that you post while driving is wrong, you might want to sit down for this... Yale University!
True. An artifact of the press that keeps feeding her. When you go to the garbage dump for stories, DON'T FEED THE BEARS.
Also, this discussion about citizenship is whack. What about the "anchor-babies," where a Mexican woman (supposedly) slips across the border to take advantage of the Fourteenth amendment to have a baby that is automatically a US citizen because it was born on US soil? Did the rednecks/xenophobes forget about their anchor-baby whining not long ago? How, then, is Obama not a citizen if he was born on US soil by a native citizen and a *legal* immigrant? God, you guys, get your story straight. This is so easy it's not even funny. I'm not talking to you LB, since you're obviously just joking around.…