Blogs Aug 15, 2011 at 11:05 am


Oh this isn't one of those polls? Bummer!
Ack!!! NSFW warning please!!!
Oh, I <3 Xdress. Mmmm
The guy in the lingerie is hot, no matter what he has on. I choose him.
Most of the lingerie guys are adorable. The elephant trunk guy is creepy. So, definitely the second.
Guy number 2...only if I have to.
Seriously - NSFW! I got lucky no one was looking. That said, I have to go with the lingerie I guess...I wouldn't be able to stop laughing if someone walked in wearing #1.

Hilarious! Definitely the second. The first you don't see outside New Jersey or Australia, and they're not my favorites.
Blue is such a flattering color.
Obviously since the second guy is actually hot. If he were wearing outfit A, that'd be fine too.
Hi, I'm suddenly not gay.
the second guy was hotter. But it doesn't matter what they are wearing. It's coming off anyway, the faster the better.
Definitely lingerie guy.
Second. It's not even close.

ah jeez, the second guy. i think he'd probably have a better personality.
Hey, don't you have pit bulls to hate or fat people to 'shame?'
@2, @7 isn't this the kind of question that implies NSFW? Did you think the question was about "which tie?" or something?
definitely the lingerie. A crossdresser is more likely to want a girl like me anyway.
Definitely second guy. Less creepy.
duh, the penitard is totally hot
both are wearing "denied by firewall".
Why not both?
@18-naively, yes. I figured one was just wearing ridiculous clothing, and the other was wearing a Rick Santorum mask.
The second guy - and you should have set this up as a poll.
The second is actually sexy. The first is just... odd. I'm not sure I'd be able to keep a straight face... Although perhaps that wouldn't matter.
the second for sure.
That depends, what am I wearing?
Number 2. Yum.
God, the xdress guy, without even thinking about it. The first is just too silly/faintly creepy for my taste.
@27 Hope you aren't either!
The second one, no question.
All right, I'll cop to having a wacky banana hammock fetish and go with option one all the way.
I'm with @11. I'm suddenly feeling less gay than I was before looking. *shudder* I'm a 100% perfect Kinsey 6, and I don't find either remotely attractive. I suppose the second guy is hotter, but only if I can burn the lingerie.
The one that is nicest to me?

I can't say the clothes matter much, but the roid look of the first link is a real turn off.
Dan, you need to get out into the real world more. Needing to be told to put NSFW tags is kiddie league.
(me clicking on the links) BLOCKED, let's go to the iphone! (Goddammit, why did I just do that? I should leave it up to the mo's)
Also, where are the feminizing corsets on the second site? Or is it for super manly cross dressers only?
It really depends on the guy. I mean, if they're going to take it off who cares, pick the hotter guy.
If I had to choose one of the outfits for a guy I was going to sleep with, it would be the lingerie for sure.
@38 Statistically the second one is more likely to be into chicks than dudes. The first one is mostly into himself I think.
I'm even more confused by the "vagina style" of…
BTW, the correct answer is the one who doesn't snore.
The first outfit is ridiculous, but I sort of like the guys. They'd have to take it off if they want to get with me.

The second model looks bitchy and high maintenance - and that is a turn-off for me. Plus, I'm sorry - If cross-dressing is your thing, go forward with my support and blessing, but it just doesn't do a thing for me, erotically speaking. If I wanted that, I'd be with a woman.
@44: Women cross dress?
I'd choose abstinence.
Might I suggest that if links are embedded into a post about being having sex with someone, then there's a good chance the links are NSFW?
Reminds me of this "who would you sleep with" conundrum.

Number one for having the chutzpa to wear something like that.
Oh now Dan, you know what I mean. I'm sure its indicative of some terrible repression or internalized something on my part - I have many character flaws - but I just don't find men in lingerie sexy. And if anyone is going to be bitchy and high maintenance in any of my relationships, it's going to be me..
@48: The chick with the dick.
No, Dan, women dress like men. Men dress like men. But only men dress like women anymore.

I'm sure that makes sense to somebody.
Gah! Fnarf @42, that link is terrifying! Seriously. WTF!! I think my brain just exploded, and not in a good way.
I'd rather see a cock-sock bathing suit ANY DAY. But hey, that's just me.
If we only have to SLEEP with them, I don't care. Just don't ask me to touch them or talk to them.
Oh, door #2, ROWR for sure! The first one is too much WTF for my taste.
@ 48, the chick with the dick. Not even close. And I am not really into T-girls either.

It's a fascinating question though. Wonder what percentage of straight guys would answer likewise.
Number two!
@42 What. The. Fuck.

No, really...OMG...I...I can't even...not process.

Is this a fetish type thing? I mean, the lingerie thing is kind of hot, as long as they're not bitchy and high maintenance (as @44 suggests, and I concur). The weird penis trunk thing is not terrible, but kind of weird. Far better than those gross toe shoe glove things. But, @42's link?! Dude.

(P.S. I secretly love it for its brain-scrubbingness)
#2 got me hot and bothered the other day, so that is easy :-) It was fun to find that out about myself!

@48, Straight woman here: the combination of breasts and dick is HOT! Easy choice there for me too, though Buck Angel has his own appeal.
It isn't the outfits. It is the guys wearing them.
It looks like they're wearing some sort of full coverage, impossible to slip off condom.
Hey! Stop hating on the creepy-toe-sock-shoe-shoes! Yes, they are hideous as fuck but they helped my running.

That being said, yes, blue is flattering. Do I have to sleep with him? Can I just have him stand in the corner and hold my towel for me?
I thought we always had to choose the least bad.
The pics made want to tap some pussy.
lingerie dude. he's much hotter...despite the bad attire
The second guy but the lingerie has to go ASAP!
Could I have some chocolate instead?

Okay, if I must, then I'll take NOT the model in #2, but one of the other ones.

#1 with its dinky dink-holders is just too narcissistic (way more than anything involving a cross-dresser wearing satin and fishnets).
agree with most, lingerie dude is hotter. ironically, I think the weird man-kinis actually work as cock-blockers....
If I have to (normally I object to forced homosexuality, but here I'll relent) I'd definitely go with a guy wearing a penis sleeve over lingerie.
Number 2 dude is handsomer, but his bulge looks photoshopped, like his cock is originating on his thigh or something. Dan, you should have qualified that it's the clothing, not the dude we're opinionating on.

But of course the correct answer is the one that doesn't snore and/or hog the covers and thrash around in his sleep.
Completely separate of the models -- talking about outfits in general. When I was younger, I would have said 'definitely #1' because though I could deal with tacky stripper wear (and did!), I couldn't have processed the lingerie, no matter how how the dude.

Now, all things being equal between the guys, I would easily go with #2. I can be game for -- and even joy -- kinks that aren't my own for a guy I think is hot. But I couldn't get around the elephant sock on just about anybody.
Oh Fnarf, why did you send me there? Now I'm afraid to fall asleep.
Second, without a doubt.
What's the Y in nsfyw?
Does this have to be either/or?

76, the Y stands for "Your". NSFYW = Not Safe For Your Work. This notation is used because it is safe for work if you work for the Stranger. In fact, if you work for the Stranger, I don't believe anything qualifies as NSFW.
Absolutely the XDress guy. Hard.

Also @48, I would choose Buck, all day, everyday, until my vagina swells shut.
80 looks so much less silly.
The first one. Specifically, the one on the left.
Well, I'll be. This is how I find out my dad is an underwear model?
@42 - Thanks one whole hell of a lot. That image, once seen, cannot be unseen.
One picture made me laugh, one made me sad. I think I'm sleeping alone . . .
I'd go with #1 - but only if his packaging were XXL
My votes are looking pretty normative here:

@ Dan, choice #2. The cock-sock is never gonna work for me, while the girly wear is fine...and he is the way hotter model.

@ 42, Fnarf I have sworn an oath of blood vengance upon you.

@ 48, Both--at the same time.
So, if nothing else, women's fashions and lingerie highlight the figure's hip-to-waist ratio. The dynamic implies greater access to her heater, perhaps inspired by her lust. Even for the men in the lingerie, I can say, yeah, nice hip-to-waist ratio.

But, strictly speaking, I don't think the hip-to-waist ratio rule applies to men. If a guy bends forward and arches his back -- which enhances any woman's hip-to-waist ratio, and is a staple of porn -- his ass looks like a couple of large and boney knees, which I can't imagine anyone finding attractive.

So is there anything analogous on guys to women's hip-to-waist ratio? For the people expressing delight over the men in lingerie, is it the prospect of seeing these models flash their asses like a pair of fan-blades that's going to send a tidal wave of blood and tension to your pelvii? How does attraction to the male figure work?
The man in the lingerie. Mmmmm
@42 - Fnarf you made me laugh so hard that tears are down my face. but seriously, that guy has some fucking huge balls when you look at that photo. but it's hilarious.
All my men wear English Leather. Or they wear nothing at all.
Did anyone notice that the cock socks have a metal hook in the back of some of them that serves as a, well, hook in the guy's ass that pulls when he's hard?

Ew. Ew. Fucking Ew.
It'd all depend on the personality.

Personality goes a long way.

(However, I would be less likely to be completely repelled by the personality of a man in men's lingerie than I would by a man in a penis sheath. Once I got done laughing.)
I choose c: Celibacy.
The lingerie one FOR SURE!!!!!
Definitely lingerie. I'd imagine the type of straight guy who would wear that is much more pleasant to be around than the type of straight guy who would wear the first thing.
I don't get the man-kini at all. Do you have to be hard to wear them? How in god's name do they size these contraptions? All options are too hairless and roidy! If I had to choose, Hairless/Roidy #2, I guess. He looks like he'd enjoy it more.
None of the above? Or death. Can I choose death?

If I have no choice - if someone is holding a gun to the head of a family member, for instance - I guess I'll go with #2. But man, lingerie on a guy does nothing for me. Neither do six pack abs. I prefer a nicely toned, lightly furred chest on a cutely geeky guy...

Uh, I'll be in my bunk.
Lingerie guy, hands down. Not just because he's hotter but because I think it would be hot to tie him down and cut that frilly blue thing off him before fucking.
I don't know, but since I'm a woman, I doubt either of them would want to fuck me, so it probably doesn't matter.
Definitely the sexy guy in lingerie.
@99 spot on


How drunk are we assuming I am?

Can I choose both and then just sit it out while they sort each other out?

If not then I guess at least that's a nice shade of blue #2 is wearing.
The second one, definitely. Lady-styled lingerie on a guy doesn't particularly do anything for me but the confidence to wear it with style might, whereas the "Ballistic Package G-String" makes me a little bit frightened. It might take part of my house out when it explodes. Also, I much prefer the royal blue of the satiny lingerie to the baby-powder-blue cocksling, although I don't really think either is the right colour for any of them. I can see lingerie dude in red, though, definitely.

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