
New acronym from Dan: GBTBR - "good bye to batshit rubbish".
Uh, ATU. THIS IS YOUR DAUGHTER. That is a relationship that is permanent and you will always love her (well hopefully thru the teen years, too). I can't fathom why a girlfriend would be threatened by that. A tat of your ex? Yeah. Daughter????

Wow. Some people.
I'm getting a Snow-White evil queen feel, but with no happy end.
Yeah, that's some crazy shit. Be sure not to leave any room on your arm for any additional children.
My god, what a psycho. Guy knows how to pick 'em.
No, no, no. Shrinks all around. First. Get the tat second. Cuz, you know, it's kinda irreversible.
Get the tattoo and DTMFA.
Get the divorce documents tatooed on your back!
Friend of mine went thru a messy divorce; got a tat of a drawing that his daughter made of the two of them.

I generally loathe tats, but hey, coolest tattoo ever.
I can't help but think this woman is jealous of the attention and love this man has for his daughter, and the rest is just grasping for anything to justify that. Who would want to be with that?
The current partner is right about one thing - it is totally white trashy
Be glad she showed you what a controlling, manipulative harpy she is BEFORE you eventually married her.
Fercrisakes, what a fucking lunatic. If you divorced somebody for this beatch, you went from the frying pan into the fire. I'd get a big tat just to spite the witch. Then I'd throw her out on her ass!
You want the tattoo, then get it, LW. Make sure you love the design, though because you will be looking at it for a long time.

My theory is we share our love with people, we share our lives, some we share our bodies with, but no-one, no-one owns us. You don't need your girl friend's permission. Maybe there is something else concerning you girl friend, that she is using the tattoo as a line in the sand, only you know her. Anyway childish ultimatums are unexceptable and they should always be so.
Oh, she's batshit all right, but I think I am overly sympathetic to a man who artfully used the phrase "hideous precedent."
I suspect the reason why ATU's girlfriend had such a strong reaction has something to do with the traditional view that tattoos have something to do with sex: you know, the sailorman who tattoes his girlfriend's initials, or who selects some design he thinks will impress the ladies, etc.

So her first instinctive reaction could perhaps be depicted as:

tattoo on arm -> love/sex; but with daughter !! --> stop! pedophile!

Given that people can and do often get tattoos for reasons that have nothing to do with their sexual orientation and/or sexual partners, ATU's girlfriend is clearly wrong. But given that there is some cultural association between tattoos and sex/love relationsihps, I can see where she's coming from.

Maybe she herself had some problem with this kind of thing? Maybe her associations with tattoos and tattooed people are bad? Maybe she was herself molested, and now reacts strongly to anything that suggests molestation?

Again, I'm not saying she's right -- nope, she's wrong, and ATU does have the right to do whatever he wants with his arm. I'm just imagining what kinds of issues his girlfriend has, and trying to understand her. (ATU doesn't say it, but I get the impression that his girlfriend doesn't normally have such strong, immediate reactions? After 3 years together, if she had a pattern of suddenly going irrational and screaming "no! I won't let you!", he would have mentioned it in his letter, wouldn't he?)

DTMFA, tattoo or no tattoo.

Girlfriend is crazy. (1) Leaping onto the pedophile assumption because you love your daughter is crazy. Crazy crazy. (2) Issuing ultimatums like this is not healthy relationship material. Period.

I'd follow that by urging a timeout on the tattoo. I have a tattoo myself, so I'm not anti tattoo. But I am anti ill-considered tattoo. Don't delay because of the crazy girlfriend. Delay to be sure that this is a thoughtful honest way you want to express your love of your daughter... for the rest of your life. Don't get this out of anger with your girlfriend, or to prove you won't back down. If you do, you'll regret it a couple years from now when you'd really rather forget the crazy girlfriend. Dump the girlfriend first. Then take a deep breath and wait a couple months. Then decide if this is really what you want. There is no hurry.
If his child from the previous relationship (in discrete tattoo form) can't compete with the crazy girlfriend now, how will she fare against the happy couple's subsequent offspring?
Get the tat! When you're far from your girl, being able to touch the tat is going to be a great comfort...
WORD. When I was single, I was totally open to dating guys with kids, but only, ONLY, if they were good, involved fathers. ATU GF sounds like the worst kind of dad-dater; one who would actually prefer that her boyfriend was some kind of deadbeat who didn't give a shit about his kids. I mean sure, it would make him a terrible human being, but she wouldn't have any competition for his attention, and THAT's what really matters, amirite?

At the very least she needs therapy, but the fact that she admits to all of this bullshit openly with no apparent shame and brings pedophilia into the conversation indicates to me that she's just a morally bankrupt nutjob and DingTMFA is probably just cutting to the inevitable chase.
Kim in Portland @15 wins, as usual.

Everybody else is right too, though. Bitch be crazy.
Of this whole story, it's the 'pedophile' part that I'm still having difficulty wrapping my mind around.

We're that paranoid now as a culture? So obsessed with Teh Preevertz that a father displaying love for his daughter is automatically a kiddy-diddler?

Jesus Haploid Christ, lady, get a sense of fucking perspective.
A blowup over a proposed tattoo in general (of his alma mater mascot or a huge sinking ship on his chest or a face tattoo) can be explained as a momentary lapse from a wonderfully high strung and delightful partner, but it still reveals the desire to control someone else and is a huge red flag.

Ink that can be covered by sleeves and commemorating a daughter? Admitting there is some jealousy involved? Pedophile comment? No excuse - run.

I think he should skip the tat, pledge to see her regularly, and start a college fund. A father in her life is worth way more than a memorial tattoo.
I've never heard that traditional view of tattoos, ankylosaur.
I've always understood tattooing in the military to be more about military units, battles, kills, etc., an association which remains widespread among older Americans who served. I don't know of anyone who has a tattoo about sex, memoralizing, hobby/interests, personal inspiration are the reason given. None of mine are about sex either, although the fact that Themis' left breast is exposed could be considered sexual. Anyway, thank you for the "learn something new everyday". :)
I don't think she's crazy. She had a gut reaction based on twisted cultural norms BUT she agreed to seek Dan's arbitration. Hopefully this will set her straight and they'll live happily ever after. Dude shouldn't be so trigger-happy about dumping her if she comes around.

Silvio Levy
@24, now, I used to date a dude who wanted a face tattoo. I have several tattoos myself and I usually prefer a partner with a little ink - at least aesthetically. BUT the FACE? NOT the BEAUTIFUL FACE!!! ARGHH! Is always how I feel about face tattoos. At least on the folks I date/sleep with...
@23 yes we are. We have been since at least the late Reagan years. Maybe you weren't around when the McMartin Preschool Abuse Trials and dozens of others hideously unjust, if lower-profile, prosecutions took place. Or when Clinton's Surgeon-General was fired because she dared muse out loud whether masturbation ought to be a topic in sex education.

Silvio Levy
This is perhaps as sympathetic a case as can be advanced, but I am still constitutionally prohibited from advising or approving of any person acquiring a tattoo for any reason. I would shrivel up and die faster than Elphaba melted. But, priorities - end the relationship first, and make it abundantly and repetitively clear that it's the autonymy, stupid. Then do as you will.
I will give you the same advice I gave my ex when his new girlfriend expressed jealousy over his child (from a relationship before me): RUN SCREAMING. It was ineffective because I was his ex-girlfriend and the new girlfriend convinced him I was jealous and that she did not, in fact, exhibit all the characteristic behaviors of a sociopath (she was actually a textbook case). The "You were right, I was wrong" email arrived 9 months after their marriage, and 3 months after they separated. She'd tried to get him to put his son into foster care.

I haven't gone out with you, so take my unbiased advice and RUN SCREAMING. There is no therapy for this kind of insecurity and lunacy. An adult who is jealous of a partner's parent-child relationship is irretrievably fucked. There is no rational reason for it. If there was indeed something messed up about your relationship with your daughter, the tattoo is not where she would choose to make her stand. You were in a bad marriage, and you left it to enter into another bad relationship. End this one, and take some time to yourself - try to figure out how you ended up in a 3-year relationship with someone who would pull something like this. I'm gonna guarantee you this ain't the first bit o' crazy she's shown.
I am going to assume BSCGF (batshitcrazygirlfriend) had a father with a lovable tattoo that she was forced to see up close while he was raping her in some way. There is practically no other explaination for the pedophile part of the scene. I would not necessarily want to take on the healing that one might need.

Otherwise it is an adult female who is jealous of a little girl and the only cure for that one is DTMFA.
@17, "Maybe she herself had some problem with this kind of thing?... Maybe she was herself molested, and now reacts strongly to anything that suggests molestation?"

Hence Dan's advice that she should "get a shrink." I do like the suggestion @9 that the LW brainstorm with his daughter about what would be a nice design. He picked her initials because that seemed like the easiest way to represent her, but those initials may change someday, and in any case, she may feel that something else represents her better. If he knows that his daughter is going to name something he can't stomach, then don't ask, but otherwise I think it would be nice to talk about it with her first.

I thought the response to "that's so trailer-trashy" was to claim to be ironic. But I guess that's hard to do when it involves your daughter.
@23, ya know what? I don't think she really DOES think it's something a pedophile would do. I think it was calculatedly manipulative language intended to scare him. Any love he shows to his child will be pedophiliac if you ask her. That's how she'll hang on to him and drive a wedge between them. Seriously.
I'm with Reverse Polarity on this one.
Two issues:
1) dump the controlling, crazy girlfriend. Jealousy over a parent's love for a child is bad enough, but likening that love to pedophilia is really sick and shows a really insane mind Though yes, codariem, I agree that our whole society is paranoid and obsessed with identifying and rooting out the child molesters (defined as anyone who shows any affection to any child for any reason at any time and in any way).

(And yes, I know that molestation exits and children are victimized, which is horrible, and I'm not in favor of pedophilia, in case I'm about to be accused.)

2) Wait before getting the tattoo. It is permanent. As is your love for your daughter. If you want to proclaim that love through body-modification, that's your right, but there's no reason you have to do it before she leaves town with her mom.
The tattoo idea is pretty trailer trashy, even if everything else she said was batshit. And if this is a typical custom "round the globe," there's far more trailer trash out there than I thought.
I'll vote for DTMFA. This doesn't bode well for the future. ATU didn't say whether his girlfriend has or wants kids, but her reaction was a fairly clear indication of how she values ATU's love for his child.

Also, I like the idea of holding off on the tattoo and having his child help with an inkable design. That'd be cool!
Your body & your mind are two of the only things in this life over which we have near-total control (barring medical conditions, etc). Nobody should use their position in your life to try to wrest that control from you. Influence? Sure, in any relationship, opinions will be given - like Dan's about large-size earlobe holes. But in the end, it's your fucking arm, as you said. She doesn't like your new tattoo, she doesn't have to stick around. Tattoos also don't have the trailer-biker rep of yore, either. Don't get it hastily & make sure you love the design.

The tattoo sounds loving, though I'd echo the idea someone had above & maybe get the daughter's first name, as opposed to her initials. The initials might change.

..and as others have said above..pedophilia? W.T.F..? I dunno about run screaming, but your girlfriend has some serious issues. A shrink at least.

@ 35,

Yup, we're everywhere even some European royalty are members. Many of us are friendly, though. I'll share my Elijah Craig 18 years with you.

This situation sounds like my father and step-mother. When my parents split dad got a tattoo of my name on his arm, and I spent a lot of time with him. His new wife hated it. She was, in her own words "jealous of what [we] have together." She started beating me when he was out, and broke my jaw when I was a toddler.

I'm not saying this woman will do that, but she sounds about as crazy as my step-mom. Even aside from this chick denying your right to do whatever the fuck you want with your own body, that kind of mad behavior and rage, directed at your child, is a huge red flag.

DTMFA, for your kid, and my jaw.
Whatever you do, DON"T let the batshit crazy girlfriend get pregnant. If she is this bad over your child now, how much worse will it be when she has to deal with jealousy over her own child taking up your time? DTMFA
Wow. Without knowing anything else about this woman, Dan and 34 people are calling her crazy. ATU didn't say anything about her having a history of crazy behavior. She is his love of three long years. He left his daughter to be with her.

This is a fight that got out of hand with both sides upping the stakes. Also we only have his version of reality. I'd like to hear her side.

She said it made her feel weird. What's so terrible about that? As the fight escalated silly things were said on both sides. A frequent occurrance as fights escalate.

To me his side makes him sound like a 12 year old jerk ("Boy, I'll show her! I'll get this tattoo just to prove I am a real man who can do what he wants without caring how others feel").

This is fight that got out of hand, that's all. But now that Dan and 34 other people (and no doubt more to come) have poisoned their relationship with crazy of Crazy! Batshit! I highly doubt that the relationship will last out the week. Too bad. They have three years and a divorce invested in this relationship.

I doubt if he is going to be happier once she is gone and his daughter is gone and there he sits all alone with his tattoo.

A question that comes to mind is would he rather be right or happy? I know 34 people who vote for right. Me- I always go with happy.
DTFMA. And what everyone else said about the pedophilia accusation being batshit crazy.

But. I dunno, ATU, you've been with this woman for three years. Has she backpedaled since the ultimatum? Is this the first time she's acted batshit crazy? Has she previously expressed jealousy toward your daughter?

In other words, is her response totally out of character for her, the result of a bad day in which she failed as a human being? We're all assuming that her batshittery response is indicative of the kind of person she is, but only you have the three years of experience to know for sure.
I agree with the advice given here, although I will say that it is a courtesy - not a requirement, and not asking for permission - to let your partner of three years know if you're considering some type of significant body alteration before you've put down a deposit. Three years is a pretty established relationship, and while I firmly believe a person's body is their own and they can do whatever the fuck they want to it, it is respectful to give someone a chance to give feedback - hopefully far better feedback than this batshit lady did - because, quite frankly, there are people who don't like tattoos or whatever and that's their right. Giving someone you love an opportunity to say "I love you but would have a hard time finding that attractive" about something that's pretty much permanent just seems like a good idea.

The one thing I find saddest about the letter is that ATU seems gutted that his young daughter is moving away and the batshit gf doesn't sound like she made any attempt to be supportinve of his feelings around that or why he wants to get this tattoo at all.
She said a lot more than that it made her feel weird. She all but accused him of being a pedophile because he loves his daughter.

In my experience, anyone who is jealous of their partner's relationship with a child from a previous relationship is someone who will do their best to drive a wedge between parent and child. And any parent who lets that happen - now, that's one whole hell of a lot "trashier" than any body art could ever be.
The pedophile comment alone warrants a DTMFA. She is 100% insane just based on that and has no business being in a relationship with someone who has a child if she's capable of thinking something as patently ridiculous as that. She resents your daughter and would rather she didn't exist, plain and simple. She probably loves the fact that your ex-wife is taking your daughter away and is too selfish to care about the pain you're going through. That's not a partner; that's a sociopath.

Whether you DTMFA or not, get the tattoo. It's your body, and it's your daughter. This bitch can take it or leave it. Most women would admire a man who loves his daughter.
I don't think anybody should tattoo themselves but that GF would force me to get one. God! Where do these fucking people come from!
@17 I'd be curious to see the designs the tat parlor came up with. Nothing would justify GF's apparently unmodulated response, but, you know, could it be possible there's something vaguely creepy about the design?

Shrink for sure, though.
@41The gf admitted that she's jealous of his daughter!!! The LW seems to think she may not have meant it, but the fact remains that she had the capacity to say something so completely insane to him. That kind of statement isn't the sort of thing a sane person should be able to so flippantly throw out in the middle of a fight.

If you think you'd rather be happy in a relationship with as massive a red flag as that, then more power to you. But the LW's sadness over ending the relationship won't be permanent, and the prognosis for his long-term happiness is much greater without this psycho if you ask me. So your question doesn't really apply. He can be right AND happy. DTMFA.
I'm with @46.

That said, LW, just a couple of thoughts: I know a guy who got his daughter's name tattoo'd on his arm (it's a short name, four letters), but he did it in binary, which was awesome and a little more subtle. Brail dots can also look cool.
@41: Sure, Neville chamberlain was probably a happy fellow but apparently none of it rubbed off on Hitler.

ATU does not sound like "a 12 year old jerk" to me.
@41 So you can't be right AND happy?
Dump her. Get the tat if you want. I'm not a tat fan, but like you said, it's your arm. But if the GF is jealous of the love you feel for your daughter and is willing to make batshit crazy ultimatums like that -- you are in for some serious future pain. Get out while you can.
@9 Love that idea.

@17 I don't think you're right on that - when I think of stereotypical ideas of tattoos, what comes to mind is "Mom".

Put me down as another vote for dumping her, and then waiting a bit to get the tat. I've got a couple myself, I'm not anti-tat, but "Oh yeah? You can't tell ME what to do" is not a good reason to do anything. Get it because you want it, not because she said you couldn't.
@50. re: 12 year old jerk. That's how his own comments sound to me. He's what Dr. Laura would call a male, not a man. Not everyone believe that having a cock or fathering a child qualify a person as a man. Acting with maturity qualifies you. What we have here is two immature people having a heated argument where stupid things were said.

He thinks the fact that he has 'invested' $50 in a tattoo is an issue. A real man would not have even mentioned that but a boy would.
He is offering up the option of decorating his body of a fist with a middle finger unfurled just to show her it's his fucking arm. Like I said a real man wouldn't do that but a boy would.

Ok. He's immature. And she's jealous. I have no idea what the word batshit means but I am not sure that is applies here.

And now that I mentioned Dr. Laura I wonder how she- or Prudie, or Abby, Margo and the rest would replied to this letter rather than Dan. Dan offers the DTMFA option rather than working things out. An easy solution but it leaves you alone.

A person you're supposedly in an adult relationship with who is jealous of your offspring is not enough of an adult for that relationship. Especially when they call you a pedophile when you don't immediately fold under their ultimatums.
@54 I'll have to disagree with you solely (but isn't that your whole message?) on your saying what is and what isn't a "man". A man is a man is a man is a man. If a man's actions don't serve your own interests, what right does it give you to label them otherwise? Who the Hell cares what Dr. Laura says? Is she a man?

And, Hell, better alone and with options than with some batshit-crazy, jealous, controlling, asshole-douchebag-motherfucker.
She never called him a pedeophile. She said his plan was "something a pediophile would do."

@ 41/50, you're way off. An immature man would never have written a letter asking for help. And if you have to ask what's so wrong with her even feeling ANYTHING but supportive and admiring of his desire to do something to feel like his daughter is there, then you have issues in need of therapy yourself.

I say this with all sincerity, and hope that you'll take it to heart. You're reaction to this is not normal.
Sorry, that should say "@ 41/54." Or "@ 41/54/57." Tantrangel, that bit you quoted @ 57? That's calling someone a pedophile - by comparison.
I think it would be more adviseable to get a tat of some symbol or object that you feel represents your daughter or your relationship with her rather than initials. I'm actually in the camp where I can see a roundabout way of getting to the pedophilia thing, only in that anytime I see someone with initials tatted on them I would likely assume this was a moment of bad judgment where you got an ex's initials tattooed on you. So this guy might want to prepare for a lifetime of people asking him about the tat, thinking its a current or ex, then him saying his daughter, and people momentarily having their head in the wrong place.

However if I thought my partner was simply making an ill-advised decision I'd happily explain that, not fly off the handle in crazy rage. Clearly either the OP is exaggerating, or she's just really super against tattoos, or we're not getting her side of the story, or she's bothered by something other than the tattoo.
@57, um that's one heck of a semantic hair split. And given that I know an awful lot of people with their kid's names tattooed on them somewhere, I don't think it's really a pedophile identifier, unless my friends are WAY creepier than I ever suspected.

And I do find her tossing around of labels like "trailer trashy" kind of funny since she had no problem dating a married man. .
don't have time to read 60 comments, but i've been down that road. DTMFA!
@56, I get what 54 is saying. They're not saying that a man has to be John Wayne or Ward Cleaver or Clint Eastwood or even Cliff Huxtable. Not saying that a man has to like football, fix the car, mow the lawn, make a lot of money, have a lot of sex, etc., in order to be a man.

They're saying that maturity, thoughtfulness, patience, and forgiveness are requirements to being considered a man, and not a child. I agree that some of the lines in the original letter gave me pause--the alternate tattoo of the upturned middle finger, the putting down a deposit with only a couple of days' thought, being less than willing to walk away from said $50 deposit.

@54, I see what you are saying about calming down and seeing if they can talk this out. However, she did say some things that are huge red flags--throwing out pedophilia, admitting she was jealous of the daughter, going straight to breaking up at the first mention of tattoo. That's an awful lot in a 20-minute argument.

There are lots of things I will give on in order to be with someone I love. I learned that I don't always have to be right, that being happy is pretty good too. But this might be one case where in the long run, he wouldn't be happier with her. Might be time to part ways.
She might have other good qualities like a good sense of humor or being a loyal friend. It doesn't matter.

He may have his own issues. (You'd consider a tattoo to spite the GF and prove who's in charge because that and 50 bucks is more important than the maintaining a bond with your daughter? Really, ATU?) It doesn't matter.

This woman is jealous of someone in KINDERGARTEN, and she has already tried to make ATU feel like there is something wrong and dirty about loving his child in a pathetic attempt to compete with a little kid. Compared to that, none of the rest of this matters, and there is no context in which acting on that jealousy in any way is okay. ATU, if you chose to stay with this woman, don't expect this to be the last time she uses something like an accusation of pedophilia to try to make you feel ashamed, guilty, or miserable about loving your child. She will use whatever she can to destroy your relationship with your daughter because she sees it as a threat to her, and if your daughter has the misfortune to be around her, she will try to destroy your daughter's self esteem as well. I hope you dump her, and if you don't I'm glad for your daughter's sake she'll be several states away. I assume that you saw something in this woman, but whatever good qualities she has she is completely unsuited to being a stepparent or involved with anyone with children. DTMFA

it is always OK to get tattoos about 1.dead people and 2. children. I think memorial tats are really wonderful (I have one for my dad and my best friend) it's a way to keep them with you, and your kids will always be your kids. period.

the girlfriend is nuts, dump her!
What a wonderful stepmother this woman would make. RUN, and be glad she gave you the chance.
@ 63, 64, I think you are reading too much into the "spiteful tattoo/$50" thing. The former is venting - I don't believe, for one minute, that he's even a tiny amount serious about getting a flipoff tattoo. And $50 isn't that small amount of money. I wouldn't risk my relationship over it, but I'm not someone who can just miss a sum like that, either. And some people are pretty well conditioned that way when it comes to money - just letting it go to waste might be as distressing to him as finding only animal-based food to eat would be for a vegetarian.
Don't dump her - just get the tattoo. If that makes her break up with you, you can then a) know she wasn't worth it and b) go hang out in one of those hipster bars with lots of hot straight chicks, and when one of them asks you about the tattoo and you tell her it's of your sweet 5-year-old daughter who your ex tore away from you and it breaks your heart how much you miss her (your daughter), she will totally melt and want to fuck your brains out.
Matt, I'd find it hard to walk away from fifty bucks, too. But I also wouldn't put that much down for a tattoo I'd only thought about for a couple of days. It just seems that if one won't walk away from a deposit, then it sort of demands that you be a little more mindful and cautious about the things you put a deposit on.

@69 FTW
@69 there's a wealth of Tasmanian Devil tattoos out there that suggests thinking about it for a couple of days is actually on the long side of the range. For a lot of guys, something as innocuous as some initials on the arm isn't exactly seen as a big life change. I thought about my tattoo for 4 years, but not everyone's like that - especially if it's a tattoo that would normally be covered by clothing.
@ 69, I kind of doubt it was for a couple of days. The decision, yes, but not the thinking about it.

But, even if it was that impulsive, I'd say that given the mindfuck he must have been going through over his daughter moving away (I know I'd be having a real hard time if my daughter was), he can be cut a little slack. Besides, who would have anticipated such a horrid reaction? In this day and age, I'd completely expect any woman under 40 (maybe even 50) to be accepting if not fully down with it. Especially one I'd been dating for three years.

Now, it could be that he's been blind to some warning signs. Someone upthread said she must have displayed some craziness before, and I'm inclined to think so, too. But, not everyone can spot the signs. Some guys seem to think crazy girls are great in bed, and put up with a lot of drama because of it. That's never been my cup of tea.
I don't think she's crazy, but I think you should get a tattoo if you want to. I will say this, to both of you: if s/he'll cheat WITH you, s/he'll cheat ON you. Watch your backs. This relationship contains entirely too much insecurity all the way around.
I don't think Dan's wrong. I think crazed ultimatum throwing deserves to be immediately shut down. Get the tat you want (not the revenge tat, the one you wanted in the first place) and see where it goes from there. Beyond that, only you know if this episode is part of a pattern of behaviour or an isolated "bad day", as someone suggested above. So only you know if the tattooed you should give her another chance.

Still, guys, her admitting to some jealousy might not be a marker of insanity - just painful honesty. When our baby was new and I spent ALL my time physically attached to her, my husband would sometimes admit to being jealous of how much of my time was hers, all hers. Not with any desire to CHANGE the situation, just to keep me in the loop about his feelings. I sometimes have a similar reaction now when I come home exhausted and want a cuddle, and our darling daughter is monopolizing her Daddy's time. It doesn't mean I don't adore my baby (she really is empirically the best child in the world, I'm convinced), it just means that sometimes I have emotions I'm not proud of. So I'm not sure it's 100% fair to jump on her for this bit of (potentially) emotional honesty. MAYBE she was trying to unpack her batshit reaction.
I think the girlfriend's ultimatum is a very, very bad idea. But you know what? If my father got my initials tattooed on his arm, I'd find that vaguely creepy.

"I decided a couple of days ago that I might like to get her initials tattooed on my arm as a statement of my enduring love..."

Here's a thought... How about showing your enduring love for your daughter by being a PARENT.
Sounds like someone's girlfriend has some daddy issues of her own.
@Aealias, I think it's useful to separate jealousy from envy. I could be way off base here, but I think I'd classify your and your husband's respective feelings as envy. Also, neither of you threw tantrums about it. Lastly, because it was about the child you two have together, it's not the same red flag that the non-bio-parent adult waves when she talks about jealousy of a child. As I say, there may be too much hand-waving in my thoughts here.

Matt, it's possible I mis-read "I decided a couple of days ago that I might like to get her initials tattooed on my arm" and that the thought process did take longer than just those few days. I could see that. But his daughter moving away was a long, drawn-out process; it wasn't something sudden. My original point was that him not being willing to walk away from a $50 deposit can be a sign of immaturity--either that, or throwing down a deposit too large to swallow is the sign of immaturity. HOWEVER, I mostly agree with you that this fellow should be cut some slack. He didn't even say definitively that he *wouldn't* swallow the deposit. I was just trying to explicate how a male of more than 21 years of age might be called 'not a man'. I don't really have a lot of investment in demonizing this guy. As I say, I agree with you probably 95%. (Crazy women *can* be great in bed; it's never worth it. As I'm sure you know, it's possible to find great-in-bed without the crazy.)

@71, I'm not trying to put a value judgment on spur-of-the-moment tattoos. I'm trying to say that if someone is concerned about a sunk cost, then they ought not put that money down on the spur of the moment. Either you're careful about your money, or you're not.
Dr. Laura

THAT is batshit insane.
To me his side makes him sound like a 12 year old jerk ("Boy, I'll show her! I'll get this tattoo just to prove I am a real man who can do what he wants without caring how others feel").
I can't be the only one who notices that when people dig in their own heels it is always on points of noble principle, but when other people dig in their heels they are stubborn children. And when when people dig in their heels on a point with which the poster agrees it is on a point of noble principle, but when people dig in their heels on a point with which the poster disagrees they are -- surprise surprise -- stubborn children.

Just sayin'.

Oh, and one other thing on behalf of all my clients in divorces over the years who have heard their refusals to become doormats for psychopaths and control freaks characterized as peurile and contemptible stubborneess: fuck you with a broken condom and an itchy social disease. Twice.
I have no tatoos. I don't have anything against them - at times I have even thought about getting one. But I have never come up with a design that seemed appropriate to permanently etch into my arm. Sure I could put my wife's name on there, but we're happily married - she doesn't need that to know I love her. Dead friends' pictures? What's the point - they're dead.

Tattooing your daughter's name on there, as a reminder to her during her teen years that however far away, you're still her dad and you love her? That is THE BEST idea for a tattoo I have ever heard. I am thankful that it is not relevant to my life, but for you - get the fucking tat NOW.
@ 74, in addition to what @78 said, that's normal with couples and their first baby, and dads get over it after a few months, or even weeks. But this girl started seeing this guy when he was already a father, and this blowup happened after three years of dating. I don't think their situation compares to yours.

I'd like to know more about how they handled things involving his daughter. If he wanted to take them to the zoo, did his GF come up with some excuse not to go? Or to the movies? Would she go out to dinner with him and his daughter, or would the girl always have to stay with mom those nights? Did she ever play with her when she was around?

@ 78, cool. I've encountered plenty of middle aged and old people who would fail to qualify as "men" or "women" by that standard.

@ tantragel, I just caught your "observation" that he left his daughter for this girl in your comment @ 41, which is completely nowhere to be found in his words. Did you really read this letter?
Piano Tuna @76:
Here's a thought... How about showing your enduring love for your daughter by being a PARENT.
The kid is going out of state, asshole. The mom is moving her far, far away from the LW being able to do things like pick her up from school, help her with her homework over tea and watch her baseball games, and suddenly in your eyes he's a shitty dad because he just wants some pathetic symbol of how much he loves her now that she's far away.

Die in a fire. Soon. Now would be good. Don't let me hold you up, I'm sure that you've got some matches in the house.

God, people like you make one insane. If the dad had turned around and said something like, "hey, she'll be out of state but she can skype me!" you would write him off as a shallow asshole unworthy of the presence of his child. But his grief at her being so far away is worth even more contempt to the likes of you.

I don't smell smoke from you yet, which is perhaps the saddest thing of all.
Interesting that this woman has used your child as a weapon & you'd even consider staying with her. If you remain with this psycho without demanding she seek counseling, then thank God your ex- has custody. And if I were her, I'd use this incident to document that perhaps your psycho girlfriend should NEVER be alone with your kid.
Thanks, Matt. I feel like I'm not explaining myself very well, and then I end up over-explaining and ending up with a wall o' text.

In the same vein of trying to explain others' remarks, the writer left his marriage for his current girlfriend. His ex-wife has primary--or at least physical--custody. Some folks would classify that as leaving his daughter for the girlfriend. Not sure I agree with that assessment, but I think that's what tantrangel was driving at.

@79, yes, that gave me pause as well. But even a blind squirrel will occasionally find a nut.
@78, but that's kinda my point. For some people, a couple days is serious consideration for certain big purchases. If you decide on it and you don't see any bad consequences, why not go for it? (I say this as a somewhat cost-conscious, but also pretty impulsive shoppper.) He wasn't exactly anticipating bringing down the crazy on his head from his girlfriend. I mean, who would?

But I dunno - he might be able to eat the $50 with no problem, but when you're eating $50 because of someone else's nutty and irrational reaction, it suddenly seems like a bigger waste than if it was just because you changed your mind.
@41: Sure, Neville chamberlain was probably a happy fellow but apparently none of it rubbed off on Hitler.
Actually, NC was a prissy, humorless control freak who became icily hostile if you questioned his judgment. It wasn't, therefore, necessary for Hitler to have this rub off on him because, well, delivery of those qualities had already been made in full.
The girlfriend may be crazy but, dude, don't let your story to your daughter be that you tiger-mommed every other relationship to death. That only seems to handicap her.
Just to be contrary:
I think the LW and his GF are perfect for each other!
The LW "left his already disintegrating marriage" and a 2-year-old daughter for this woman? Based solely on his letter (and there always could be something exculpatory that's not written), he's a CPOS who thinks his daughter wasn't worth sticking around for, or fighting for custody for before he got with the new woman?
A tattoo is a pretty sad excuse for the love AND RESPONSIBILITY he should be taking for his 5-year-old.
He should make every possible effort (with or without his GF) to get a job in whatever state his ex is moving to. No tattoo will ever substitute for being there to help his little girl grow up, even if it's only on weekends.
Admittedly that's difficult in this economy, and following his daughter might mean abandoning his GF and maybe getting a lower-paying job. But is his daughter worth his time and effort, or just worth some ink injected in his arm?
Those responding to tantragal: She outed herself as a troll when she suggested Dr. Laura (Dr. "gays are pedophiles" "homosexuality is a biological error" "Matthew Shepard brought his death on himself") would give better advice than Dan.

he's a CPOS who thinks his daughter wasn't worth sticking around for, or fighting for custody for...
. Oh, agreed. It's not as if he has spent
years of wrangling in court
. Wait.... ummmmm......
@86, I'm not arguing his decision. I'm not saying that him getting a tattoo after a short consideration time is a bad idea. Where have I said otherwise?

@83, wow, that's a lot of vitriol for a one-line comment. We could consider the possibility that ATU might use the money for the tattoo toward things his daughter would appreciate more.
@89: So, since the ex-wife has custody of their daughter, he should let her make all decisions about where he lives and works for him for the rest of his life? Being a good father at a distance is difficult and painful, but probably a lot wiser than being a doormat to his ex-wife for the rest of his life.

The letter says he fought in court to keep her in-state and lost. It sounds like he's running low on options and making better decisions than any you've suggested.
It may be a lot of vitriol for a one line comment. It's about 77 litres of vitriol less than the comment deserved. Call it impatience. One of the reasons I stopped doing divorces was the ascendancy of psychos who figured that locking people away from their kids gave everyone the right to criticize the locked out person for not being there for their kids.
Dan, I don't agree, and I feel that it comes down to this - what's more important to you: getting a tattoo (when you obviously already love your daughter and getting a tattoo won't alter, prove or deny that), or having a relationship with this woman? Yes the woman is acting irrational to some degree, but maybe there's a reason why - besides the popular, "she's a controlling bitch" comment on here.

Personally, I think getting a tattoo to prove to random people - or yourself - that you love your kid is the real fucked up thing in this situation.
DTMFA, and get the tattoo. But wait to get it. Not because you might change your mind about getting it, but because if you get it right now, in your mind it will represent Batshit Crazy as much as it represents your daughter. Wait a while, maybe even a year if it takes that long, before the idea of the tattoo no longer represents the conflict with Batshit Crazy and once again is all about your daughter. And it'll give you time to choose a design that's really, really fitting. It will give you time to talk with your daughter about it, enjoying each other's company while you work on a design together. The process of choosing can be a bonding experience, and there's no need to rush through that.
@89: So, since the ex-wife has custody of their daughter, he should let her make all decisions about where he lives and works for him for the rest of his life?
Canadian Nurse, you may be wasting your breath. One of the great consistencies of this sort of case is that if he tries to be a part of her life he will be seen as an obsessive asshole who can't let go and if he doesn't he will be seen as as uncaring.
To ATU's girlfriend. Everyone here seems to think that you're crazy. How about proving them wrong? Turn to this guy and apologize for allowing something so petty as jealousy over his child to get in the way of your relationship. A man who loves his child in his heart of hearts, fights for her in court, and vows to stay close to her is an honorable man. Your job is to call bullshit on your own insecurity, stand with him and help him stay close to his child in every way he can. Isn't that the kind of support YOU would want from your partner if you were going through something really harsh? Isn't that what being someone's partner is about?
@94, I see it from the other side as well. I know a guy who finally moved out from his wife and kids after she cheated on him one too many times. This guy didn't try very hard to keep in touch with his kids, didn't get a lawyer, etc. I don't think he paid a lot of child support either. And now, years later, he's saddened that his kids are wary and tentative of forming a relationship with him.

But really, the urging of people to die in a fire is a little over the top. I know it's a meme, but come on, do we really have to go there?
Kids always come first. Period.
The gf is crazy-jealous and crazy-crazy so I agree with the advice to DTMFA.

I also think the tattoo idea is stupid (get it, don't get it, who gives a fuck, certainly not your kid) and other things you do will be more meaningful to your daughter, like writing letters EVERY week, skyping, sending her little things, and travelling to see her frequently. Kids need real involvement; gestures like getting a tattoo might mean something to you but it has nothing to do with a child's needs. At all.

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