
Trying to get someone fired for a stupid comment on a reciept is an abusive of your position. Reporting on facebook posts is a disgrace to your profession. You might also own up to some catty weight comments made in the past.
Better than nothing, but may I point out that you reached many more people than Victoria Liss's FB page did? "Small role" my fanny. And the defiant "that - and only that" statement. Not necessary.

That said, I forgive you, Dan.
What happened? Is there something back in the original post that says? Could I maybe just go look that up instead of posting this inane comment?
I'm not impressed, Dan. My opinion of you has changed. Forever. And I've been a BIG fan. Show some humility, for god's sake!

:-(, :-(, and more :-(

You are a bad, bad man.
blech, facebook is cesspool. and getting involved in flame war there?? never a good idea.
Let's not remove the primary blame from where it belongs. The original douchetard Andrew Meyer is still the one responsible for the whole mess, including (at least in part) the collateral damage to his namesakes.
Christ, nice way to change the headline of the post to be even more obnoxious. Sorry, I'm taking my forgiveness back, because three fucking instances of petulance means the apology is completely insincere.

Someday I'll understand how someone who can be such an awesome advice columnist and righteous gay rights leader can also be a big fucking 47 year old baby, too. That day is not today.
Dan shouldn't you be more sensitive with regard to online bullying? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST you are an extreme narcissist and a hypocrite.
Nice nonpology.
Dan lacks the ability to ever apologize fully and gracefully. He just can't do it.
And now back to Urine Soaked Yurt coverage, already in progress.
I speculate that the world will go on. And @6: agreed. Facebook is a cesspool.
Has anyone considered that the tip was appropriate?

I dine out a lot and in the last 20 years, I have left a zero tip maybe 5 times, and each time is was appropriate.
@11 not can't, but won't. He could. He could do it. But he won't. Because deep down, in spite of his recent anti-bullying campaign, Dan is, himself, a bully. Tried and true. He's shown it again and again on Slog. And as a bully, he simply won't lower himself to make a genuine or sincere apology. Ever.

Do you think the insult was appropriate?
@14 it's not about the 0 tip.

I know a lot of us are Dan Trolls, but I don't really see how he's such a bad person for the post - it was posted elsewhere (not just on facebook, but on jezebel and the Seattle PI) and he didn't say "go get 'em" - just commented on the story in progress.

the line out posts, on the other hand..
In the course of life we occasionally step in it. How we handle it speaks volumes about our character. Unfortunately, Dan has proven himself - on more than one occasion - to be petulant and graceless when he steps in it. I've lost a lot of respect for him because of this.
The guy didn't stiff anybody, he paid his bill with a credit card. That's how we know his name!
If I hear that somebody stiffed their bill, I assume they walked out without paying.
I feel like the primary person who needs to apologize is the asshat who left the snarky comment after stiffing the server & pilfering the tip jar too. Had that not happened, Dan would not have helped to turn a selfish act from an insensitive & thieving pos into an international event. Knowing that Dan didn't start the fire, I'm satisfied with his response....knowing that he has learned from his error. Wonder if the guilty party who cannot spell, does not always tip & sometimes steals will ever apologize to Victoria or the many others who share his name? Seems like (to me, anyway) that Dan has performed a public service for the untold numbers of folks out there in the world who forget how truly creepy social media has made us as a society become. Dan has reminded the world that if you are going to be a dick & don't want it ever traced back to you.....just be NICE.
...someone who can be such an awesome advice columnist and righteous gay rights leader can also be a big fucking 47 year old baby, too

Look, Dan is clearly semi-repentant. There's no need to viciously add 20 years to his age.
No, the asshat isn't to blame for ANY OF THIS. The stupid bartender should have either blown off the incident or confronted the guy next time he came in. She caused concrete problems for real people, she hurt her own reputation, and has made me and others never want to revisit the two businesses she works for. If I were her employer I'd be tempted to fire her. Dan didn't commit a crime, but he did amplify the bartender's stupidity. I genuinely hope he gets burned in this so he thinks twice before he does this kind of thing again (that is if he wants to maintain some kind of public career. But I know that won't happen and the non-existent ethical system that governs blog journalism will continue.
I love the word "pogrom".

and whatever...I have plenty of friends whom I'd like to see apologize for this flame war over Dan Savage.
If Dan wants a real career and doesn't want to piss away all the good will he's generated over It Gets Better, he'd be well advised to stay out of the petty daily interactions of average people. There are public figures that can and should be held accountable. Getting involved with a small-time dispute between two people is unprofessional and the kind of thing that can become a real career-destroying scandal.
26: Seriously. He's lucky this transgression just resulted in a few hard feelings and some cheap laughs.
petty junior high bullshit all around.
Thanks Dan, I guess...
Dan, no respect for bringing this to anyone's attention; a person leaving no tip and a snarky comment is news? If it's really so important to you I daresay you could spend the rest of your life writing about nothing else.

Of course your post said "Go get him." Why else would have posted his full name, and what you thought was his place of employment?

Not leaving a tip and making rude comments is simply not the worst things in the world. And rude comments are the easiest thing to deflect. Adults know that people who make rude comments are generally immature; mature people can shrug a rude comment off.

The waitress took it to a level that was entirely inappropriate, and did herself and her business a disservice. Then everyone leaps on the wrong man; threats of actual bodily harm were posted. Who knows what messages they may have sent privately. Maybe they screwed up his email or phone; maybe a prospective employer saw the comments on the FB page. Maybe he's now being stalked. Maybe he'll be physically attacked. And you don't sound sympathetic at all.

How do you even know the waitress didn't write that comment on the slip herself, to make her complaint more "valid"?

I guess you only have empathy for people you like. If it's a gay teen being bullied, that's bad. But you don't like "Andrew" so it's okay to bully him. Hypocrite.

I'd have felt sorry for that waitress if she hadn't gone online about it. But slapping the guy back so harshly about it, tagging the wrong person, and sounding about as sorry about it as you do was just wrong. It made such a big fuss out of something so minor. She's worse than he is, really. As are you.

Editor's note - strike out the last line.
Who gives a shit.
I figure it was a good tip. It could save her life - look at her facebook page, she is fat. America seems to be on this bender to redefine fat as being ok, when it's really, really not. Fat is bad, fat kills, and friends don't let friends live fat.

The only thing Andrew is guilty of is a lack of tact.
@32, ouch! But good point

@32 I'm gonna have to say fuck off. The tip line of a receipt is not the place for that shit.
This is rich.

Dan's snarky smug shitass advice to Andrew: "my point; that we live in a different world now. Be an asshole if you like, treat people like shit, accuse someone falsely. But you might not want to write your assholery down and post it and sign your name to it, you know? Because the Internet"


talk about biting yourself in the ass.....
Dan's original post was not really about what did or did not happen in that bar, but about the way anonymity can no longer be assumed - it's no longer as easy to be an asshole with impunity. Nothing in what has since happened makes that point any less true.

I live in a small town. Dropped my car off to get new tires, the guy says "I'll give you a ride home, I'm going by your place anyway" - I've never seen him before, but he knows where I live. Go into a restaurant I eat at maybe once every three years, and the cook says "agony's order's ready" when my food comes up. That's just what it's like, living in a small town; we take it into account when we think about acting like assholes. We know that we won't get away with it.

Dan was pointing out that the wider world is becoming more like a small town. He's right, and I don't really see that he has much to apologize for.
@19 and 20, Stiff means no tip. It also means you're a douche, but not a criminal.

@32, Yes, I"m sure she's making changes today based on his helpfully intended advice. Because everytime someone calls somone else fat, it's only meant to be helpful--so this must be the first time she's ever heard such sage advice, otherwise she'd be skinny by now! Especially brave when left behind on a note. Not cowardly at all.

It's all about intent. no tip, and a cowardly insult left on the bill? He meant to hurt her. A mean, petty little man who didn't have the guts to complain to her face.
@35? What the hell? He didn't accuse someone. This is a blog. Where other blogs and weird news of the day is noted. For all those who've ever waited a table, Dan passed it along. I freaking loved it.
Regarding all the references to online bullying showing up, I would hope that people could recognize the difference between (a) a teenager in a vulnerable period of life and an adult, and (b) someone being bullied for who they are vs. shamed for what they've done.
@36: "Dan was pointing out that the wider world is becoming more like a small town."

god, I hope not, small towns are usually banal, boring, limiting, backbiting and petty tiresome shit ass places to be. sort of like facebook.
@36 this part got cut off: so yes, your point is valid.
37: She's also an attention-hungry idiot who didn't think about the consequences of her actions. Fuck her. I hope she gets fired.
36: Yeah, here come the rationalizations and the apologists.

Much in the same way that people with authority shouldn't be allowed to intrude into people's sex lives, people with authority shouldn't be allowed to intervene in a one-on-one tip dispute.
Portland Scribe, I'm not buying it. Dan posted the guy's full name, where he believed the guy to work, and said point-blank that he stiffed a Capitol Hill bartender. He didn't even say 'allegedly'. That's accusing someone.

He linked to the FB where all of this was going on, including the mis-identification of some poor schmoe with the same name. Without any corroboration, this was reckless. It contributed to the schmoe's struggles.

I agree with Agony's point that Dan was trying to get at the idea that in a world with less anonymity, being a jerk in public can have public consequences. However, by irresponsibly linking to the FB page and using the guy's whole name, Dan fueled the fire. He also altered his post, first using strike-throughs and then simply deleting some inflammatory material. This isn't illegal, but it is unprofessional, unethical, and slimy.

Housekeeping--not Retraction. 'Small Role' . "he he, finger the guy" 52-80's right; this is a nonpology.
She's not fat. She's Reubenesque.
@34 - We don't know what she said/did to him to cause this. It's very possible that he was entirely out of line in writing this on the tip line. Which would, as I said, be a lack of tact. Or, it could be that she insulted him, gave him crap service, and went on a power trip while serving him. In which case I think the tip is awesome just to get her goat.

But that being said, she should put her pride away and recognize the tip for what it is - good advice. Unless she dies in an accident of some sort, her obesity will likely be the cause of her death at some point. This is the part that people seem to be missing. She Will Die from being fat. I'd say dealing with a bit of wounded pride should take priority over dying.
I'm glad you did it, the people here who aren't need to lighten the F up, the guy did a really nasty thing, you called him out on it, and it's your blog, so all the self righteous, faux indignant haters out there need to perhaps get some semblance of a life. What a bunch of whiny hypocrites. Not tipping someone and then insulting them on top of it? Andrew Meyer is a douche, and the people berating you for your blog post aren't much better. There.
"@44: "This isn't illegal, but it is unprofessional, unethical, and slimy."

aka; the "new media" model. it is what it is.
@47 You only know one side of the story. What if she called him a stupid cunt/fag/piece of shit and spit in his food before coming to the table? Would you still think he wasn't justified in doing what he did?

We only know one side of the story. There is a reason why the courts give both sides a chance to explain their story in a situation - because listening to only one side of the story biases the listener.
So you're not sorry about the internet bullying. Cool.
Well, it's Dan's playground, he can do what he wants with it. I *personally* feel that some more fact-checking would have been advised before posting 4 facts about someone in the post's title, 2 of which turned out to be inaccurate. If the point was that the 'net can amplify things, fine, but on Victoria Liss's FB page, they were saying things like this guy deserved to get ass raped, or his throat slit. & I recognized a couple of the names from Slog, too. Click again to enlarge enough to read the FB comments.…

Dan, I've been reading you since at least 1995, maybe before, I don't remember. & you have acquired the enviable 'net power of Flying Monkeys. I've seen the tone of your writing become a touch less strident while still maintaining its humor - & that's a fine line to walk. It's disingenuous to say you didn't send your monkeys after Andrew Meyer. Not in so many words, maybe.

If the point is, we're all online now & our words/actions can be seen, because the Internet..that also goes for the guy whose playground it is.

& now for something completely different. I hope.
BTW, I just noticed that Ms. Liss, on her FB, is in those comments. I guess Barry is her boss. She said: .."Also, Barry said I could hit them if they came back..! Well, he said, "I wouldn't write you up if..."


Ya know, I'm a chubby chick who used to tend bar. I heard some things about my weight. I also got some mad fat tips. *shrug* There were good days & bad days. I think what the Bad Andrew did was crappy, but frankly, I don't think much of the response, either. I woulda been so fired if I did something like that in retaliation for a slight at work.
oh man, i agree with dan, but this is a lame apology. dan was reporting on something that was a thing. people were interested in it, and it was local. he should have used the word "alleged," and maybe he didn't have to focus so much on the "this is the guy" part. and that -- and only that -- is what dan should apologize for. just like he says. only, what a spiteful apology. eh, oh well.
If I were in the service industry & knew that I had mistreated a customer, who in turn left me no tip & a smart ass note, I shrug it off. I don't know for certain what happened, yet I cannot fathom making it a big deal if I had done my job, hence, I suspect that when Victoria shared what happened with co-workers & then the general public, it came from a sense of being mistreated. Agony nailed it (from my perspective) in post #36. Corydon also gets it, see post # 39.
47: Yeah well I guess you hold public figures like Dan to any standards of conduct then. That's nice. Fox news fan by any chance?
47: It's also funny that you think the guy deserved it, when in fact the culprit was never caught. In other words, the target of all this wasn't even humbled. All this fire did was create a lot of smoke. I'm glad it makes you feel better to call some guy you don't know a doucheback based on the Internet hearsay though.
@54 Yeah, 39 might be true if it happened to be the RIGHT FUCKING GUY who was being harassed. Both of you missed the fucking point.
Is her facebook page now "temporarily unavailable" or did Jezebel just disable the links to it? And if the latter, why?
The point isn't whether or not the bartender was justified in posting the guy's receipt. The point is that they fingered the wrong guy, Dan helped spread the word, and now he doesn't even have the decency to apologize.
I think we just put that one WAAAAY behind us and try never to repeat it. It was ugly, all of it.

@60 yep. Move on! I've bartended, and why does everyone have to tip? They don't. Most tip, but few, very few, don't and that's ok with me. Why don't we tip OTHER minimum-wage service workers? Fast-food, murder-marts, theatre staff- those people work hard and help us, why not tip them? What's so sacred about a draft beer, or a coffee?
@61 What's interesting is that I lived in Japan for 11 years. In Japan there is no tipping. None expected, none given, and no complaints - and the service is consistent across the board. There are a million reasons for this I would imagine, but it definitely made me look at tipping in a different light when I moved back to the homeland. Now I only tip for good service (and I tip pretty well for good service). If the service is mediocre, I may throw down a pittance, but if it's bad, they get nothing.

@54 - you are projecting your motivations onto the girl herself. Maybe you are right - maybe she did nothing wrong and therefore felt mistreated. But you cannot know that - maybe she was the rudest waitress ever, and he decided to get her back in a way that made him laugh. We really have no way of knowing without hearing his side of the story (which as far as I know, we haven't).
Dan is a hypocritical, self-righteous cunt who might as well get a job working for Fox.

There is no defense, you are a world-class douche.
Holy shit. Whether or not you got the correct 'Andrew Meyer' is irrelevant. You need to apologize for enticing cyber bullying PERIOD. Your fans will forgive.
Like it's anyone's fucking business if she is fat. Jesus.

Tip your bartender, or there will be consequences: sometimes you'll get watered down drinks, sometimes the Internet will collectively call you an asshole.
As a former tarbender and server, I'm sad that I'm traveling this week and missed a bunch of this. I saw the original post and thought "right on!" Then didn't think of it until this morning driving on the 10, when I heard Kennedy (yes, her) declare Andrew Meyer her "douche of the day" and recount the story. Then tonight in San Francisco, my delightfully Russian server at 21 Am complained about "the Europeans" at the next table, who complained that she was rude and ignored them (she was hovering over them, so what?) When I told her the Meyer story, she laughed and declared that table her "thee douche of da veek". So, whatever the story was, it brightened my day (local story on radio while I'm out of town missing home) and delighted a totally cute Russian gaygirl server in San Francisco, who was unfairly maligned by one of her tables.
It's a serious character flaw not to be able to sincerely apologize and truthfully own up to one's part in wrongdoing. I used to be a fan of Dan's. Not anymore.
Victoria Liss apologized, too, says the Seattle P-I:…

As a journalist, you have certain respon... Lol, but you're not a journalist.
@47 thank you for putting it so eloquently.

and I love those faux clutching-my-pearl-necklace-and-rolling-my-eyes attitude... Wonder if some one had left the following remark... "you could be less faggy if you want to" I wonder what the self righteous @1 @8 @18 @67 ....would have done...
Oh, for Pete's sake. I don't understand this "kill the messenger" attitude. But, whatever. I think we can all use this to learn a few things about people and ourselves. Let's hope, anyway.
@ 71, because his role was not merely that of a messenger; messengers don't add editorial comments that implicitly approve of the actions being taken. And if you still believe that it was simply a matter of being a messenger, then there's still the bit about him taking Liss at her word, without verification.

As I said way up top, I was ready to forgive - until Dan changed the headline, calling it a "pogrom" and showing he didn't really take this seriously at all. (The original headline featured no such word.)

I'm not going to waste time on persuading the usual sycophants, but Vince, you really seem to have a big moral blind spot here.
Lol at all the Dan-bashers not getting their fill in the 300+ posts of the last thread and coming back for more self-righteous scolding because his apology wasn't abject enough or broad enough. I think they probably ought to do a little self-examination and admit to themselves that no apology would have sated their indignation; if Dan had been completely abject; they would be criticizing him for taking so long, or not personally delivering his apology to the wrongly harassed Andrew Meyers. Some of them may also want to see a counselor for evaluation of their splitting/black and white thinking "You were my hero Dan, but now I can see you are an evil villain. You've doen so much good in the world but with this one post you have betrayed me and your readers and IGB!"

What a bunch of tools. To paraprhase this weeks master of douchebaggery while applying his ire int eh right direction rather than the wrong one, you all could stand to lose a little priggishness, a little self-righteousness. And of course, if you are so horrified, Stop reading and posting.

You know what? A person gets to post about an asshole who ruined their day on their facebook page. That's part of what it's for. Some things go viral. This spark of Andrew Meyer assholery tapped a vein of indignation and blew up like a fire in a dry field of wheat. The cause remains the spark of assholery. The wind is merely the conditions which spread it.

And of course, the real douche Andrew Meyers could have stepped forward with his own apology at any time, but I suppose the kind of guy who leaves nasty little barbs to the server on his receipt lacks the courage.
No acknowledgement that what you did was akin to what you crusade against with It Gets Better?

You are a complete tool, Dan Savage. All puffed up with faggot pride as you lambast some innocent on the internet for messing with your precious popular bartender. I hope she gets canned for her part in this, since you're obviously not going to suffer any ill effects.
Oh, and an apology offered with conditions is not a sincere apology. It is just simply bullshit excuses. And it's not accepted. Try again, and try to put more effort into it next time.
Meh, the only people attacking you for it are those who attack you for being gay/not constantly praising their jeebus/for being sex positive.

Anyone with with a clue knows the right Andrew Meyers deserves it. Of course I think someone could have verified which one they were talking about.

@17: Oh, the Line Out posts that he oh-so-helpfully linked us to?
This is why Dan is dooming himself to irrelevance.

If he weren't such a small person, he'd be a fantastic spokesman for the LGBT community. Instead, he's petty, he can't control his mouth, and he thinks insincerity is funny. A handful of appearances on the teevee that he always derides, and that'll be it. He'll be back to giving relationship advice, which is a great pursuit, but when you think what he might've been able to contribute to the national discussion...

It's going to have to be someone else.
@39: Have you noticed all the people who were being bullied just for having the name Andrew Meyer? Does that not count as "being bullied for who they are?" You almost had a point there.
lol again

Way to prove my point, orcas.

But please don't feel you now have to post another five indignant posts responding to me and bashing Dan some more. :)
@68: Oh, her little half-apology got reposted too. Still not fired, I see. What a shame. I liked Bimbo's, but there are burritos elsewhere with much less childish waitstaff.
@80: Oh okay Andrew.
78 FTinsightfulW

It is inevitable that a smug asshole prick will self destruct;
Dan's meltdown on Mayer where he fantasized about raping Santorum was his last appearance on TV, this is another embarrassing nail in the coffin of his attention whore 15 minutes....

Did our little danny Bear False Witness?!

That's a commandment, danny.

And it's way worse than buttsex or raping your kid.

'cause there ain't no commandments about buttsex or raping your kid.

You might as well rape the kid when he gets home from school, danny.

It wouldn't be as bad as Bearing False Witness.
Can't believe you'd use the word "pogrom" to describe this. Do you know what real pogroms were? Learn some history and have some sensitivity to men and women and children who were raped and murdered.
The bullying that's taking place (again) in this very blog is worse than what happened between the bartender and the bar patron. IMO.

This seems like the modern day version of a public stoning, and it's making a lot of us kinda sick to our stomachs. Please stop the verbal abuse.

We can be better people than this.

can someone please link what the fuck happened? I saw the original post with the receipt pic and now this, but nothing in between.
@72 On the original post I said I thought it was all petty and vindictive. What I saw Dan's post saying was look out if you are going to be an asshole to people and leave your I.D. with them because they will try to get revenge on the social network. I never saw Dan saying "Go get him". It was an interesting story for it's modern implications. But the vitriol spewed directly at Dan makes me think the intentions of his attackers are far from pure themselves.
Thank you for the links to the facebook comments, Eva. As one of the flying monkeys from way back, I smiled to see a commenter with Dan's babydaddy's stage name for a handle saying he had pitched the story to Dan. While that doesn't fix the problems with the original story, it does suggest this could be sort of a family kerfuffle, which I can't help but think is kinda sweet.
73: Yeah bro, we're a bunch of tools because we don't go on random crusades against innocent people based on the account of an unreliable woman. You're so righteous and in charge bro willing to go out there and make a fool of yourself over a random chick on the Internet! Rock on!
This a good example of why mob justice, digital lynch mobs or whatever you call them is a bad idea.
And I should point out in case someone doesn't read those comments from facebook, Terry's comments leave no doubt he was concerned right from the start about the consequences of bullying the wrong Andrew. He asked her very clearly if she knew which Andrew it was.
let's direct some of this energy toward finding THESE FUCKERS:…
@ 88, it wasn't exactly "go get him," but it wasn't exactly "Oh, here's something interesting that's going on." There was tacit approval of what was going on, as evidenced by all the info originally included in the post, and Dan's "hey, shit happens to jerks on the internet" tone. He became part of the story when he posted it.

Honestly, that's not what's infuriating, though. What's infuriating is that he made a mistake and isn't owning it. He's offering a fauxpology, making light of the damage caused by the flames he helped fan and showing all the maturity of a 9 year old who put his chewing gum in another kid's hair.

Over the years, I've come to accept that this is part of who he is. We can't have Dan, the guy who made Rick Santorum an unelectable joke, without Dan, the guy who constantly jumps the gun before getting all the facts. Dan, who co-created (and probably deserves sole credit for making possible) the It Gets Better project, which likely was motivated by the same impulse that made him smear a King5 reporter as a goat fucker when she issued a sloppy story. His good work is so good that I just have to take the shit too.

Like I said, I hope to someday understand this; maybe it won't piss me off so much then.
Speaking of Santorum, did Miss Savage consider the fact that her witty little campaign to make a joke out of the name "Santorum" might hurt a whole family including kids?
Of course not.
Don't forget readers - Danielle is not a journalist, she was a theater major. It's all about the drama, ethics be damned
This story is currently the basis for a poll on MSN's homepage. Right now!

Gotta agree with Matt from Denver. Dan's a great writer and a great spokesman for the LGBT community, but he also uses his platform to be an asshole regularly. This was another example. I can't say I hope the real Andrew Meyer sues Victoria and Dan, but I'm sorry to say I would not be surprised if he did -- and won.
Making fun of someone's physique is never acceptable. And for #32 who thinks it's acceptable "in the name of health," you cannot tell a person's health by looking at their size. There are healthy heavy people and unhealthy skinny people. So how about STFU, mind your own body, and let other people mind theirs.
The problem here was the fact that there is more than one Andrew Meyer. The Andrew Meyer who actually did this deserves all of the ridicule and calling out that he gets. He is an immature, nadless wank job.
How about a link, Keekee, or at least instructions on where to look for it? I'm not finding it, and I'm trying hard!
@ 36 & 38 - yup, I agree.

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