No, there isn't a band of dirty fucking hippies camping out at Bellevue Square (though once we build light rail across the I-90 bridge, it's Katie bar the door, Kemper) but with GOP evil-genius Karl Rove visiting the Bellevue Westin Hotel this evening to raise money for the Washington State Republican Party, today might be a good day to start an occupation. Joining Rove at the state GOP's "Blueprint for Success" fundraiser will of course be Rob McKenna, demonstrating just how different this "different kind of Republican" really is.
There will be rally outside the hotel at 5:30 pm, on the corner of N.E. 6th and Bellevue Way, protesting Rove and his particular brand of dirty politics. And the featured speaker knows what he's talking about: Ambassador Joe Wilson, whose CIA operative wife, Valerie Plame, was infamously outed by Rove's henchmen as payback for Wilson publicly speaking the truth about the yellowcake uranium hoax. So if you're in the neighborhood, please stop by and tell Rove to go fuck himself.