
Nicely done, SCCC. I support the Occupy movement in theory, but if it interferes with the lives and livelihood of the citizens, it's going the wrong way. I'd like to be able to attend the farmer's market this weekend without having to step over sleeping bag piles.
Can our Republic stand when its C+ students revolt and close down our community colleges?
Typical institution-robot speak! Over-concern with the functioning of business as usual instead of considering how much good could come of this. Of course the occupation will try not to interfere with the farmer's market--I'm sure most of the farmers support occupy! Duh!

At least they aren't making any real threats, and it seems like things will go smoothly at SCCC, depending on what happens. How easily a school's administration forgets that the cuts are slicing their students' necks as well. I suppose it's easy to ignore as long as their salaries are stilling in the 6 digits, which I'm sure the college president's is...

Anyway, I'll be there!
Students are part of the 99% and should not be hindered in their attempts to improve their lot through education. I don't have a problem with this statement.
Yay! We're going to protest on...private property that isn't a corporation and doesn't want us?

Way to make a stand...or something.
Two-Block Radius Alert!
Enumclaw is nice.
Anarchist will ignore this and ruin it for everyone.

"What do we want!?"
"To squat on private property and get arrested!!"
"When do we want it?"
So basically SCCC doesn't want dorms for its own students?

Juuuust kidding, I enjoyed my time there.
The Occupiers will be awake and on their way to Westlake before the Farmer's Market will set up.

Petitions are going around. The Occupiers are coming to campus.
@1 happily we'll have ample and inexpensive tomatoes to lob their way.

People like @3 are one of the reasons I quit going to protests several years ago. You can't tell the difference between most people's realities and your assumptions.
yes, agreed asteria, silly people. Let's say that it is true the president makes 6 figures...and do you even know that for a fact (it IS public knowledge, after all) you know what it takes to be a college president? The amount of education, experience, and actual work? It is not an easy job, and shame on these people for dissing him, he is a good man, and is trying to do the best he can without causing a riot. go home occupy people! or at least, go to B of A or Key Bank etc...nto to SCCC, they cannot afford to house you there!

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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