I agree with Rick Mercer:
I have always agreed with Rick Mercer:
The point of the videos is to give despairing kids in impossible situations hope. The point is to let them know that things do get better. For some people things get better once they get out of high school, for others things get better while they're still in high school. And some kids [are] helping to make things better for other kids who are in still high school. But things do get better and kids who are thinking about suicide need to hear that.... Nothing about letting kids know that it gets better excuses or precludes us from doing more. We should press for the Student Non-Discrimination Act, demanding anti-bullying programs, confronting the bigots who are making things worse, or supporting the Trevor Project. But we're not going to get legislation passed this instant or get anti-bullying programs into all schools—particularly private Christian schools—before classes start tomorrow. Doing all of that is going to take years of hard work and dedicated activism. In the meantime, while we work on all of that, we can get messages of hope in front of kids who are crisis right now.
So: yes to that assembly, yes to confronting the kids who abused Jamie Hubley. Since the beginning of the project I've called for bullies to be arrested and prosecuted. If it's a crime for a 16-year-old kid to beat up a little old lady in a shopping mall, it's a crime for for a 16-year-old kid to beat up queer kid in a high school. Parents whose kids are being assaulted need to go to the police first, school administrators second.