
Right, Paul, because if Perry did really well in a debate with Obama you might vote for him.

If anything, winning debates just makes you the kind of guy the knuckledraggers don't want to have a beer with. And if a majority of that type doesn't turn out, then the GOP isn't going to win in the first place. Obama has done such a good job of disappointing the kind of voters who think intelligent debating (or just intelligence) is a virtue that it just might work.
even if Perry did win, he'd still have to debate Barack Obama

Why do you say that?  Aside from Romney, all of the Republican candidates are so far out of touch with reality that I wouldn't be surprised if they thought they could get away with not debating Obama.
Rick Perry is not a serious candidate anymore. He's off the list; he's been plummeting for two months now. The most recent polling has him falling behind Newt Gingrich. There are only two Republican candidates now, period.
Perhaps they think he'll have an easier time focusing on just one opponent; i.e. they just load him with 4-5 talking points and set him on shuffle.
Oh, and if you're a Republican waiting for a white (ahem) knight to ride in, the deadline for getting on the NH primary ballot is tomorrow; Florida's is Monday. Not going to happen.
I'm not writing him off until the first primary and caucus results are in. He's still the most accomplished and qualified one of the bunch besides (and maybe including) Romney, and has more bona fide appeal to the base. The main thing Mitt has going for him is the "anyone who can beat the president" tag, which is what John Kerry had, too.
@6, Perry's at 10% amongst Republicans nationally (below Gingrich) and falling by half every month. He's done. He's going to get maybe 5% in Iowa and New Hampshire. The base thinks he's a communist because he's "soft" on immigration. Not a candidate.
It's like skipping kindergarden with the intention of scoring well on the SATs.
It's like quitting a governorship with the intention of serving your constituents.
It's like knowing that the stupid electorate will vote for you anyway because they hate the law professor currently in office.
I would love to watch Barack Obama debate Rick Perry. No doubt it would be extremely entertaining.

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