“After the first couple of events, we started getting reports of hanky-panky going on there,” Connolly said. “My objective from the beginning was to see if any criminal laws were being broken. People might not like what they’re doing, but if it’s a protected right under the First Amendment, you have to be very careful before you trample on someone’s rights.”
Huh, well apparently that went right out the window.
And the payoff: “We’re hoping the owners of the building will ask the tenant to leave,” Connolly said. “Because it’s obviously not a healthy activity and it’s not what the people of Sanford want in their town.”
It sounds like it's what several Sanfordites want in their town. And where was the harm to anyone not in attendance? Oh yeah, there wasn't any.
@16: Damn right we do. And most of us don't need to drive to Maine to stick it in a Masshole, dammit. We do it right here! Where's their hometown pride, dammit?
@3 Well, that would depend on how vice was defined, wouldn't it? I could totally support vice cops that went after rapists, religious nutjobs abusing children in their care, gay bashers & racists... but they just don't seem to...
Being originally from Maine, and dating someone from Massachusetts, I'm very glad that I moved to Seattle, where when he comes to visit, we can have opposite-sex sex without it being a scandal. Seriously though, the Portland Press Herald is the filthiest republican piece-of-shit newspaper I've ever encountered; not everyone in the area is really that concerned about sex happening in the general vicinity of a library...
The bigger problem here seems to be that it was a venue that served food and was open for non-sex parties during other times. I'm all for swinger parties and if this had been in a private residence or a venue that was only used for the parties I'd be against it being shut down. However since it was being held in a hall that could be rented by anyone and we have no idea how good their post-party cleaning is I'm pretty okay with it being shut down. Of course the local media is going to sensationalize it but most people here in Maine are more squicked by it being a venue that served food to the public at other times being used for a swinger party.
At least that business will now stay in Massachusetts where it belongs. We need to do everything we can to keep our state economy strong! Thank you, Maine, for sending business our way.
@35: "but most people here in Maine are more squicked by it being a venue that served food to the public at other times being used for a swinger party."
Uh, we are? First I've heard of it.
There was a follow-up article a day or two later quoting someone (sociology professor, perhaps? I don't remember) who commented that swinging and voyeurism aren't really all that far out there as fetishes go. But it sort of got missed in all the shouting by the morality police.
@43, I dunno . . . I live in Oregon, and there's no limit on sexually oriented businesses here--no more than other types of business, I mean. I believe there's some limit on what strippers can do on stage, if in a place where they serve alcohol, but I think that's it. In terms of zoning, nada.
As a Sanford Maine native I must say its not really that close to the library....also the food there wasn't very good, now I know how they stayed in business.
I think I just figured something out about people I know who live in southern Maine and in Massachusetts. It would explain a lot, and it would be an awful coincidence if they hadn't been involved with this place. My head is spinning a little.
As a native of Vermont's curmudgeonly upside-down twin, I recognize this for what it is: standard anti-tourism bias. If you can't blame Massholes, then New Yorkers are the fallback.
Huh, well apparently that went right out the window.
Nah. He said it at the end.
He has to be very careful BEFORE trampling on someone's rights.
Gotta go through all the procedure first.
But did anyone speak to their civil rights?
I wonder where the party will move to now? Maybe a Masonic Temple?
cool, huy?
≠ ≠ ≠ ≠≠≠≠≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠
but you'd have to be cool to have a Mac and do cool stuff like "≠".....
silly question.......
But I'm definitely disappointed I didn't know this club existed. Then again, the T doesn't go to Maine.
I laughed at the "Freaky Accents" bit, though. Ever hear a down-east accent?! Now THAT is a weird one.
It sounds like it's what several Sanfordites want in their town. And where was the harm to anyone not in attendance? Oh yeah, there wasn't any.
Somerville Ho
(I lived across from the hospital on the corner of Highland and Lowell for years and they never did replace the S-P-I-T-A-L)
if(you.getOS()!=OS.Macintosh && you.getOS()==OS.Windows){
you.setStatus("Not a hopeless dweeb.");
} else {
This looks so much like the kind of thing Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart should talk about in their shows. I hope someone sends them the story.
It only cost $10 and some snacks to get in.
Uh, we are? First I've heard of it.
There was a follow-up article a day or two later quoting someone (sociology professor, perhaps? I don't remember) who commented that swinging and voyeurism aren't really all that far out there as fetishes go. But it sort of got missed in all the shouting by the morality police.
Part of Oregon's freedom of speech laws.
Small world.
Its a relavent question.
Don't be a chickenshit coward pussy.....
They're even donating to a worthwhile charitable cause. That's a pretty thoughtful sex club!
That troll just wants Dan's attention so he can attempt an awkward hatefuck with Dan.