I can't keep track of Sully's cutesy-pie names for things, so I voted for you not knowing if the award was for something nice or if you were included as a fresh kind of intra-pundit kitten-fighting.
I voted for you but puh-lease talk about more than just cervical cancer. The HPV vaccine protects against cervical cancer, penile cancer, anal cancer (remember Farrah?), tongue and throat cancers. Plus, you don't get big old cauliflowers growing on your ho-haw.
Come on, social conservatives don't want to kill women, they just want to control every aspect of their personal lives through fear of Godly retaliation for their sinful fornication.
@3: Weird. I was at a talk by Michael Moore two months ago (which he said was his first corporate speaking gig ever) and he seemed extremely well-informed on most topics during the open Q&A that did involve hostile/pointed questioning. Plus or minus his other writings/productions which might speak to his 'ignorance'.
I hear that it's completely legal to relax on the knee-jerk regurgitation of snide critical keywords.
@5 You're right, of course. Every public person is a friggin' genius and Mr. Moore tops them all because he does movies too. You're welcome, and thanks for wasting your time too.
I can't do it. It's a negative award and I think too highly of the voice you have given to progressive causes. Have a happy time at home after all of your travels!
I can't do it either. But more because I have finally gone from occasionally enjoying Sullivan to not giving a shit about Sullivan to being actively annoyed by Sullivan more often than not. I refuse to give him the hits required to go to his stupid site and vote.
@3: Sure, if by "ignorant slob" you mean "one in possession of the relevant facts and not afraid of presenting them using effective rhetorical tools".
When Farenheit 9/11 came out, the Democratic establishment reached for the smelling salts and bent over backwards to disown and neuter it, though it contained *zero* lies or factual errors. Republicans, by contrast, gave plenty of air time to the Swift Boat Veterans for "Truth". And that's how the fate of our country was sealed, not just for the next four years but for the foreseeable future.
I see you're out far ahead for now Dan, but I'm not going to add to that pile as much fun as that would be for you. Crumley's terrorism sympathy and Winchester's loving sighing over North Korea (!!) are too much to not vote for.
Sully is fun sometimes, but he's often a complete fuckwit. His positions on women's health and autonomy are a shining example.
I can't bring myself to vote Dan's note on the HPV vaccine opposition of the Republican Party as an example of "divisive, bitter and intemperate left-wing rhetoric," since it was none of those things. He merely called out shits for being shits, and Andrew proves he himself belongs in that category, uncategorically.
Duly voted. If Sullivan considers this to be "divisive, bitter and intemperate left-wing rhetoric," so be it - I call it "telling the unvarnished truth" and I say we need a lot more of it.
Yeah - the Moore award tends to be a little less exciting than the other awards just because it's a much lesser level of bullshit - generally it's just the blunt truth. Still vote asked for, vote recieved.
You're whomping Cornel West Dan! And no one else is even close to Dr. West, so it's a bit of a landslide now.
Michael Moore comes across to me as a patriot, with a love for America and Americans that is almost sappy except that it is so endearing. I didn't see anything factually wrong in F9/11. It asked a lot of good questions that the Bush administration had no good answers for. The man has a gift for making topics important for national discussion relevant and riveting. "Sicko" is a great example. If the same subject were discussed by a panel on public radio, I'm sure my eyes would glaze over fairly quickly. It would be an honor to win this poll, Dan. Being associated with Michael Moore in this way would be something to be proud of.
Well, Dan did exaggerate the position of the anti-HPV crowd; even though there is truth in what he wrote, there is also falsehood. So I don't think that actually counts as contributing to actually stop people from saying false things about the vaccin -- they can now point at Dan's exaggerations and claim some credibility for themselves by discrediting an important opponent. I wished he had worded his post differently.
@22 I'm sure there's an association between exaggeration and extrapolation, but all Dan did was point out the end point of the apparent Republican/anti-HPV position and where it leads, in purposely colorful language to get folks' attention. He was factually correct. If the Republicans, and Sully, don't want to accept the public health consequences of their social-conservative political positions, too fucking bad.
Sure, they can whine about it, but if they confront Dan face-to-face, he can easily support and defend his position. They can't. So, maybe we could just call it "emphasis" rather than "exaggeration?"
It is shameful for Andrew Sullivan to give an "award" in the name of Michael Moore. While Sullivan was cheerleading the Iraq war, Michael Moore got it right in Fahrenheit 911. When Sullivan heaped praise on the American health care system, Michael Moore got it right in Sicko. Sullivan later changed his mind on both subjects, taking positions indistinguishable from Moore's. But instead of honestly acknowledging that Moore was right and he was wrong, Sullivan continues to give out this ludicrous "award".
Dan Savage told the truth, and (like Moore) was in no way "divisive, bitter, or intemperate" about it. Dan's campaign to take this "award" is well worthy of our support.
It is shameful for Andrew Sullivan to give an "award" in the name of Michael Moore. While Sullivan was cheerleading the Iraq war, Michael Moore got it right in Fahrenheit 911. When Sullivan heaped praise on the American health care system, Michael Moore got it right in Sicko. Sullivan later changed his mind on both subjects, taking positions indistinguishable from Moore's. But instead of honestly acknowledging that Moore was right and he was wrong, Sullivan continues to give out this ludicrous "award".
Dan Savage told the truth, and (like Moore) was in no way "divisive, bitter, or intemperate" about it. Dan's campaign to take this "award" is well worthy of our support.
It is shameful for Andrew Sullivan to give an "award" in the name of Michael Moore. While Sullivan was cheerleading the Iraq war, Michael Moore got it right in Fahrenheit 911. When Sullivan heaped praise on the American health care system, Michael Moore got it right in Sicko. Sullivan later changed his mind on both subjects, taking positions indistinguishable from Moore's. But instead of honestly acknowledging that Moore was right and he was wrong, Sullivan continues to give out this ludicrous "award".
Dan Savage told the truth, and (like Moore) was in no way "divisive, bitter, or intemperate" about it. Dan's campaign to take this "award" is well worthy of our support.
It is shameful for Andrew Sullivan to give an "award" in the name of Michael Moore. While Sullivan was cheerleading the Iraq war, Michael Moore got it right in Fahrenheit 911. When Sullivan heaped praise on the American health care system, Michael Moore got it right in Sicko. Sullivan later changed his mind on both subjects, taking positions indistinguishable from Moore's. But instead of honestly acknowledging that Moore was right and he was wrong, Sullivan continues to give out this ludicrous "award".
Dan Savage told the truth, and (like Moore) was in no way "divisive, bitter, or intemperate" about it. Dan's campaign to take this "award" is well worthy of our support.
It is shameful for Andrew Sullivan to give an "award" in the name of Michael Moore. While Sullivan was cheerleading the Iraq war, Michael Moore got it right in Fahrenheit 911. When Sullivan heaped praise on the American health care system, Michael Moore got it right in Sicko. Sullivan later changed his mind on both subjects, taking positions indistinguishable from Moore's. But instead of honestly acknowledging that Moore was right and he was wrong, Sullivan continues to give out this ludicrous "award".
Dan Savage told the truth, and (like Moore) was in no way "divisive, bitter, or intemperate" about it. Dan's campaign to take this "award" is well worthy of our support.
The very concept of a snide award for hurting Andrew Sullivan's fee fees because you call bullshit on right wing nonsense is irksome enough to happily vote for Savage since he asks. The HPV thing is a particularly good one since it highlights the hollow morality driving right wing positions. Whatever their contrived bullshit, they empirically prefer a lifesaving vaccine to remain illegal or unavailable just so women won't have unapproved sex. If Sullivan wants to give this issue extra notice, I'm all for it. Fuck you Sully.
Can we give out an Sullivan Award? For the most pretentious, self absorbed, attention seeking pundit on the interwebs? Bonus points if they routinely shill for people who hate them and make themselves look better by using a thesaurus when they write on top of maintaining a "civilized tone" all the while defending abhorrent, disgusting views.
Dan, I love ya, but I'd rather not give Sully the page views. Were it up to me, you'd win the award with but a single vote -- Andrew's.
I stopped reading the Dish five years ago, and never intentionally click a link to his site. Some principles are worth living for. How Oakshottian of me...
I don't like Sullivan much. A bit too cult of the personality with his videos of "Ask Andrew".
Besides, coming from an European, his chants of "England über Alles, and I hope Europe dies a slow painful death since those wogs don't even love on England" are quite ludicrous.
Just like a Texan who'd be hoping for the utter economical failure of the rest of the USA, except in his beloved Texas, would sound like a doofus to a European audience, and like a traitor to a US one.
And then, I've read that he's endorsing Ron Paul. Er... ? Well, coming from an admirer of Margaret Thatcher, the impoverisher of the people of the Bristish Isles, nothing should surprise me much.
I'm sure he's lots of laughs in person, but this humor doesn't really seem to come across in his career, just a sense of befuddlement, appeasement of and longing for the conservative movement to love him back the way he loves them.
@5: I think people are most put off by Moore's approach than ever harp on his facts. I'm for the most part fine with him, but I can see why it might be off-putting. Even still, I'm not going to fall for the tone-trolling and be dismissive about everything he has to say. He's certainly not as obnoxious and reliant upon emotional pleas as Olberman or Garofalo.
'Andrew is a good friend and a charming guy with a big heart and a great sense of humor. '
He's also a pompous, arrogant ,sneering, truth-distorting power-pedophile who disparaged, reviled and sneered at people who were trying to stop the corrupt, immoral, perverted wars that he promotes. Just for the record. Also. Too.
I hear that it's completely legal to relax on the knee-jerk regurgitation of snide critical keywords.
When Farenheit 9/11 came out, the Democratic establishment reached for the smelling salts and bent over backwards to disown and neuter it, though it contained *zero* lies or factual errors. Republicans, by contrast, gave plenty of air time to the Swift Boat Veterans for "Truth". And that's how the fate of our country was sealed, not just for the next four years but for the foreseeable future.
Silvio Levy
So then, if it suits you to be the winner of Sullivan's Moore Award then, by God, this flying monkey will add his shoulder to the wheel.
Good luck!
I can't bring myself to vote Dan's note on the HPV vaccine opposition of the Republican Party as an example of "divisive, bitter and intemperate left-wing rhetoric," since it was none of those things. He merely called out shits for being shits, and Andrew proves he himself belongs in that category, uncategorically.
You're whomping Cornel West Dan! And no one else is even close to Dr. West, so it's a bit of a landslide now.
Still I voted for Dan.
Sure, they can whine about it, but if they confront Dan face-to-face, he can easily support and defend his position. They can't. So, maybe we could just call it "emphasis" rather than "exaggeration?"
Dan Savage told the truth, and (like Moore) was in no way "divisive, bitter, or intemperate" about it. Dan's campaign to take this "award" is well worthy of our support.
Dan Savage told the truth, and (like Moore) was in no way "divisive, bitter, or intemperate" about it. Dan's campaign to take this "award" is well worthy of our support.
Dan Savage told the truth, and (like Moore) was in no way "divisive, bitter, or intemperate" about it. Dan's campaign to take this "award" is well worthy of our support.
Dan Savage told the truth, and (like Moore) was in no way "divisive, bitter, or intemperate" about it. Dan's campaign to take this "award" is well worthy of our support.
Dan Savage told the truth, and (like Moore) was in no way "divisive, bitter, or intemperate" about it. Dan's campaign to take this "award" is well worthy of our support.
I stopped reading the Dish five years ago, and never intentionally click a link to his site. Some principles are worth living for. How Oakshottian of me...
I'll take Moore over the HIV-Positive Barebacking Tory Moralist Hypocrite any day of the week.
Besides, coming from an European, his chants of "England über Alles, and I hope Europe dies a slow painful death since those wogs don't even love on England" are quite ludicrous.
Just like a Texan who'd be hoping for the utter economical failure of the rest of the USA, except in his beloved Texas, would sound like a doofus to a European audience, and like a traitor to a US one.
And then, I've read that he's endorsing Ron Paul. Er... ? Well, coming from an admirer of Margaret Thatcher, the impoverisher of the people of the Bristish Isles, nothing should surprise me much.
Still voted for you, since you asked...
I'm sure he's lots of laughs in person, but this humor doesn't really seem to come across in his career, just a sense of befuddlement, appeasement of and longing for the conservative movement to love him back the way he loves them.
He's also a pompous, arrogant ,sneering, truth-distorting power-pedophile who disparaged, reviled and sneered at people who were trying to stop the corrupt, immoral, perverted wars that he promotes. Just for the record. Also. Too.