Fnarf raises a valid question: Did Callista "Devout Catholic" Gingrich know about Newt's open marriage proposal? Did Newt bounce the idea off his mistress first? Maybe right after he finished bouncing himself off his mistress?
The Gingrich campaign has presented the holesome story of Newt and Callista's courtship as a redemption narrative: Newt is a better man today thanks to Callista, he's better suited to be president thanks to Callista, and he's better prepared to defend traditional marriage thanks to Callista. Callista even brought Newt to the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church! So it's fair game to inquire if Callista knew in advance that Newt was going to ask his second wife for an open marriage and approved of the arrangement. (It might be more accurate to say that Newt informed his second wife that she was already in an open marriage and asked if she wanted to remain in it.) Would Callista still be Newt's mistress today if the second Mrs. Gingrich had agreed to remain in the marriage that Newt had already opened?
This news alters the redemption narrative that the Gingrich camp set before the voters. So questioning Callista about the open marriage proposal—what did the mistress know and when did she know it?—is entirely legit line of inquiry.