
Are they negotiating or simply admitting they're wrong?

That's an important distinction.
This budget is better, but still relies on a $143 million skipped payment to state pension plans. In fact, it specifically skips funding the one plan that is already underfunded in an otherwise healthy pension system.
It also brings in Tom's charter bill as an amendment. This is NEW spending so still a cut to other education programs, no proof it will hit the schools they say it will AND we already voted this thing down THREE times.

Oh well, always a referendum.
Maybe it's just me being cynical but I suspect the charter inclusion was the "cost" for Toms to split with the Dems and support his old republican pals. If the Dems cave on charters they are caving to Toms plain and simple.
As they say here; there is no reason to agree to any of this. Keep applying pressure to the moderate republicans and other dems...
Did you mean RAISING the obvious question?
There are no moderate Republicans.
Eli "The Top" Sanders was spun so hard,...
publicola has the story:…

I'm going to need another Special Session.
keep moving left.

Now would be a good point to float a 1% income tax, capital gains tax, lowering the state portion of the sales tax.
Negotiating with themselves? Or proposing another alternative arrived at in secret while pretending to talk! These guys are buffoons. Or are they so unprepared for leadership, they don't know how to proceed.

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