

What...cough...where...yes, and I promise never to start a land war in Asia...hold on, who stole my letter opener!??


(Jay Inslee as he wakes up from a 10 yr slumber.)
Inslee should especially want to be seen as an anti-austerity candidate who will increase revenue.
Inslee is a quitter.
Then he better get on the stick and help stop charters.

If he wants to support education, he needs to support education reform that works. Charters, overall, do not do better (or worse).

I'm with the Governor - enough of this nonsense. It's time to move on to REAL ed reform (like maybe fully funding schools).
He didn't mention the stuff the Republicans didn't add back to their budget, like TANF, and Disability Lifeline, little things like that which help people, you know, stay alive.

Will someone else PLEASE run as a Dem. Anyone.

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