
The movie Later Days did a better job of answering this question than Romney did. Hell, I think Big Love did a better job.
Yes, I believe all the crazy things the Mormons believe; the Mark of Cain, magic underpants, going to special god-planets when we die, lost tribes of Israel on the North American continent, the works. Yes, it will inform my policy positions as President. Yes, I will be surrounding myself with like-minded individuals once in office. No, you may not ask me about it.

Seems fair.
I was waiting for Obama to ask him that but I'm glad someone stepped up. I would love to see all sorts of political hay made from Mormonism. We've established (mostly) that Obama isn't Muslim but I bet something could be made of the shared roots of Islam and Mormonism.
They have never stopped their ridiculous questioning of Obama's religious beliefs and now they want a Mormon in the Whitehouse but his beliefs are not to be questioned. Fucking bullshit!!!
It is a valid question.

If Romney could not stand up to his church back then (but he now donates millions of dollars to it) how is he going to stand up for what he believes during a world crisis?

Or did Romney believe as his church believed back then?
Well, at least he only has to atone for 1977-78.
Romney was born in 1947, wasn't he?

Can Romney point to any of his work to change his church during his college years and after? No? Nothing?

But lots of college kids were actively working for civil rights in 1964 and prior. But Romney doesn't have anything to show his involvement even when he was in college after that?
@6 Yes, Phoebe. Racism is like chickenpox, it only appears after an incubation period, and then leaves whenever it is "cured".

Oh, wait, you mean it's often indicative of a systemic problem within churches, governments and social organizations? Oh, that muddies the waters a bit. Oh dear.

Do you have any pearls I can clutch? I dropped mine into the perrier fountain at the yacht club, and you know how difficult it is to reach into anything that isn't someone else's retirement fund.
@6 Atone? Atone to whom? Atone is a biblical word. Who's bible requires this atonement? The Book of Mormon?
No such thing as a Mormon priest. Do some more research.
The Mormons only made that change when forced to by the federal government, or lose their tax free status, if memory serves.

Of course, a Morman can equally go up to someone and want to know about this "only having one wife" taboo.
"i'm sorry, we're just not going to have a talk about religion IN MY VIEW"?

what does that mean? we're not going to talk about my religion? my views on my religion? we sure get to talk about obama's religion.

i don't think i'm going to vote for this willard romney now.

memory fails
Questioning candidates about their religion is not only fair game, it's essential and it's not done nearly enough. People should be demanding to know whether there will be the opportunity for executive orders governing the beliefs and practices of specific religions as long as we're accepting all this influence of government by those religions. As an atheist American I want the chance to tell, say, evangelicals that they're not doing it right.
How To Interview Mitt Romney About Racism:
Yeah, but this is ridiculous given Romney's family background.
I don't believe the LDS church's stance is relevant when it comes to Governor Romney's campaign - HIS stance is. I think the same is true for President Obama - his church's/former pastor's beliefs aren't relevant - HIS are. I think Gov. Romney's response here was appropriate. He answered the question without speaking for the church. He spoke for himself.
The LDS church's stance is relevant because that is the gauge against which Romney's actions regarding that stance should be measured.

What, specifically, did Romney do between the ages of 21 and 30 about the racism in his church?

Nothing? That does not bode well for a leader of the USofA.
@19, there's nothing that bodes well for the USA about any of the GOP candidates. You don't have to look at his religion to be depressed about Romney. His real church is money.
He had a good example--His father fought the Mormon Church on civil rights throughout the 1960s.
It is a better question for the LDS leadership. As in, "You acknowledge that you were wrong about race until the revelation of 1978. What makes you so sure you are right about gay marriage now?".

A decent question for Romney is whether he supports the LDS leadership with regards to gay marriage. When he answers yes, the question above then makes sense (as a followup).

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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