
"This is because National Review's editors know that their readers will no doubt fill the comment threads with even uglier racism in Derbyshire's defense, which would reveal exactly how large a racism problem the right really has."

Then you've clearly never or have seldom read their comments section. Those on the left comment there frequently, and it's far likelier that they don't want THEM turning it into a circus.
Yet it's not good enough for these conservatives that Barack Obama is not openly Muslim, nor openly socialist. If the President has the decency to keep that stuff under wraps and not startle the horses, what's their problem?
Also keep in mind that all their comments are all moderated, all the time, so none of those EEEEEVIL REPUBLICAN RACISTS'!!! comments would have been published at any rate. They just don't want to deal with it from whatever direction it's coming from... and you don't know what you're talking about.
I'm guessing the National Review critical about Juan Williams getting bumped from NPR for expressing basically racist views, though.
Oh, Paul, but the comment thread for the original post, which you linked, is open. It's worth a look, if you want to read racist people dressing up their racism with sophistry. It really sounds like something out of the Deep South from fifty years ago. And yes, I know that the South didn't invent racism and they've never had a monopoly on it.

In fact, I used to live in a very red region of our Northwest and would occassionally hear your stereotypical redneck racists let loose on their bigotry amongst themselves. It was amazing. I remember one lamenting O. J. Simpson's waste of himself as "a beautiful Black". Just like that. And that's for starters. A surprising number of these inbreds really hold the same opinions spoused in the post and its comments.

However, it does surprise me that a professional near-mainstream writer would actually go on record with them. I've never heard anyone on conservative radio say these things.

Finally, I wonder if this writer is so out of touch that he thought nothing would happen to him, or just stricken by colossally bad judgment. Or both.
Any word on whether Marion Barry will lose his job for saying Asians need to be driven out of D.C, but not "until" there are blacks to take over their "dirty" stores? He then made a semi-apology by clarifying it is only "some" Asians and pointed to a friend of his who is a "good Asian".
No backlash? You claim that NR shut down comments because it would reveal what racists there audience is. Perhaps you should look at how the Grio, News One, and the Root audiences defend Barry's comments and heap on the racist abuse of Asians.
Can we get some leftist condemnation of the remarks and those who defend it?
This will, of course, protect a certain segment of writes-about-politics against charges of racism for quite some time to come.

"We're not racist, we fired racism! When is The Left going to do that? Huh?"

Don't be silly. You can't fire racists who've been elected.
I'm no judge of American right-wingers. Most of them strike me as tiresome hypocrites disguising themselves as ideologues. And i've always thought that racism, antisemitism, and xenophobia were either essential parts of their ideological foundation, or the trigger that got them there. That racism, etc., is how they divide the country against its own interests. But for that, we could be much more of the middle-class paradise we once imagined becoming.

Derbyshire's little screed was definitely face-palm material, but then so much out of the so-called conservative movement elicits that same reaction from me. I guess I somehow don't see it as significantly more horrendous than usual. Fuck him, for sure, but as far as I'm concerned, fuck the rest of them, too.
@6: as requested! You're welcome! Now fuck off!
@9 I think Derbyshire's real sin here was channelling Bill Buckley a little to closely for comfort.

Seriously, it's not as if the Review doesn't have a long, long history of this sort of thing.
Is there some reason you follow Marion Barry?

Really, I had not heard of that incident yet but once I went looking for it I found that the opinion pieces on it (as opposed to just the reporting that it was said) were negative.

So you had to follow Marion Barry personally to be able to know that he made those remarks but not know that the response to them has been negative.

Well, unless you were just spouting right-wing talking points without doing any research on your own. But we know that you wouldn't do that, right?

So what's up with the Marion Barry fan-boy thing? It's weird.
I haven't read John Derbyshire in quite a while (3-4 years?). I recall reading him in a periodical called the New English Review. I don't recall any articles regarding race or ethnicity let alone racist commentary whatsoever. So, this comes as a bit of a surprise. If NR felt that he should be dismissed so be it. I read right, left and center opinion journals. All have their quacks.
@13 BTW, that's the New English Review via Arts & Letters Daily, hardly a reactionary website.

Arts and Letters Daily is hardly a reactionary web site, but it's hardly a left-leaning web site, either. I find it's great when I check it once in a long while, and pretty bad when I check it often.
Didn't Paul's spoof predict this? Or at least explain the "value" of it?
John Derbyshire has never "danced around the line on these issues". He's always been a white supremacist, even if he never directly identified as one. When you talk about how a nation must remain ethnically pure, you're not dancing around the line anymore.
You nailed it. It matters little if the editors of the National Review condone his opinions or not. The fact is that many of the National Review's followers (online, at least, where they don't have to actually subscribe to and read entire magazines) condone them.

Kudos to NR For taking this action, but I suspect they are soon to undergo some backlash from the troglodytes they've been courting. If they're sincere about dialing it back a notch and returning to the sensible side of conservatism (yes, Virginia, there is such a thing, even if it seems not many people occupy it these days), they might as well invite back Christopher Buckley, and run a column telling (college dropout) Rush Limbaugh to down a bottle of Viagara and go fuck himself.
"Arts and Letters Daily is hardly a reactionary web site, but it's hardly a left-leaning web site, either."

Gotta stay firmly ensconced in the echo chamber!
I'm waiting for Victor Davis Hanson's column explaining that getting mad about Trayvon Martin's killing is exactly the same as bending over for the Medes and Persians.

A&L Daily does like to tip a few sacred liberal cows, which is a big part of why I like it once in a while. What I'm suggesting is that lark in comment #13 shouldn't have been terribly surprised to learn that a mildly contrary article found via ALDaily was written by a person who, as it turns out, espouses much more radical right-wing ideas as well.

I'm not sure he'd find the matter worthy of scholarly references. There were none to be seen in his bitter complaint about all the drunken illegals constantly crashing through his vinyard, and the worthless local cops who do nothing about it, and won't even let him take matters into his own hands.
Oddly enough, Ta Nehisi-Coates linked to an interview in which Derbyshire said this:

I am a homophobe, though a mild and tolerant one, and a racist, though an even more mild and tolerant one, and those things are going to be illegal pretty soon, the way we are going. Of course, people will still be that way in their hearts, but they will be afraid to admit it, and will be punished if they do admit it. It is already illegal in Britain to express public disapproval of homosexuality–there have been several prosecutions. It will be the same here in 5-10 years, and I shall be out of a job. Fortunately I have marketable skills.)
In this day and age of dog-whistling and other forms of "plausible deniability" racism, it's sort of surprising to see this sort of direct, in your face racism.
The Derbyshire article struck me as written in the same spirit as a blog troll's pathetic posts. It's not worthy of any response other than 'please shut up'.

Don't feed the trolls. Imma right?
we highly value Paul's opinion on race relations, especially pertaining to the Right; as he doesn't know any negroes or any conservatives personally.
"Most of them strike me as tiresome hypocrites disguising themselves as ideologues"

Derb's sin is that he was NOT a hypocrite. He said what he believed. And this highlighted the hypocrisy of white liberals and progressives - most of whom live exactly according to the rules he describes (stay out of black areas; be wary of large numbers of unfamiliar blacks; have an "acceptable" black friend to show your non-racism and appreciation of "diversity").

In reality, most white liberals are just as racist in their behavior as Derb is in his prescriptions.
@27 Derbyshire's "sin" was a) being racist and b) too stupid to control himself from spewing racism all over the Internet. With a) there is no b); and trying to cast b) as "not being a hypocrite" is asinine. It is better to be racist and ashamed of yourself than to be racist and proud of it, you dumb fuck. Obviously it is better still to not be racist, but behaving in the way described while acknowledging that it's wrong and trying hard not to promote or pass on the attitudes that inform the behavior is NOT hypocrisy.
@25 sure, but when you're a magazine, and one of your employees is the troll, firing them is how you say "please shut up".
I feel sorry for his children. This is supposedly the screed he wants them to hear about race yet no mention of the usual demands they be Christian? What happened to "Love Thy Neighbor"? Oh, that's right, the rules are for everyone else but Christians.
Kris Kimes probably wishes he'd avoided large crowds of youg black men. Edward Scott McMichael and James Paroline probably both wish they had avoid small groups of young black males.

Tel me again, why do Sloggers profile pitbulls?
Yeah, his kids are going to miss out on a lot of culture and insight. Every one of those points seem to have gravitas because they are in print, right? Now, taking each point on its merits, could we not find a corollary? Is there not an incident of a couple of young black men "making a wrong turn," winding up in the wrong neighborhood and getting killed? Hmmm, seems I recall the name Emmett Till. I've also seen a so-called IQ test that was culturally-biased toward an African-American aesthetic. I would have scored below 100 on that.

So, the guy's just taking face value and using it as evidence to re-enforce and justify the prejudices that were already there.
Yeah, they'll miss out on gangsta rap, pimp rap, slap yo' bitch rap and grow up to be productive tax paying citizens and not the 70% of blacks born to baby mamas. Cryin' shame that.
" culturally-biased toward an African-American aesthetic."

Korean Americans score fine on it.

The problem for white Seattle liberals is that they live in Whitopia so only know black people in the abstract. Those of us who have lived in predominantly black cities learn very quickly, like many black people, the difference between black people and niggaz.

Why bother spelling it with a "z?" You're not afraid of the PC police, are you?
@35. Just going native.
@22- I love how he knows that that people who crashed unlicensed cars into his vinyard and fled without being captured or even seen must have been illegal.
@32 I've also seen a so-called IQ test that was culturally-biased toward an African-American aesthetic. I would have scored below 100 on that."

Do you have a link to that test or any comparable one? I'd seriously be interested in it.
@37 that's funny because the 3 times in 20 yrs I've been hit by uninsured, unlicensed drivers? All illegals.
@36: Yeah, you're doing the verbal equivalent of wearing a feather headdress, doing a rain dance, and saying "how" and "wigwam" every other word.
ISHYGDDT. I shiggy diggy doo dah.
@34: Sorry, I grew up in a black neighborhood before I moved to seattle and I didn't turn out like your racist ass.
@42 Lagos doesn't count.
"This is supposedly the screed he wants them to hear about race yet no mention of the usual demands they be Christian? "

Probably because Derb is an atheist!
@44: Nope. Lapsed Anglican, in his own words.…
@45 You need to read more than one sentence:

" My general attitude is that of an unwilling unbeliever."

Venom, how is ghetto life in Evanston? Those gangs from Loyola crossing into Wildcat territory for drivebys much?
@6 - As a liberal its surprising I even had time to read this article, what with how busy I am defending Marion Barry all day, every day.

The south side of Evanston is hard, yo. Totally legit.
Thank you, 48 and 49.

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