Hahahaha, "one of the most fascinating and important election seasons in many years." What a bunch of horseshit. This election's a done deal unless there's some kind of major fraud, and Romney is the least interesting nominee for either party since Dukakis.
She's being sent over to write awful horse-race "journalism" and do each of the horrid little things detailed in this feature today.
Since she was hired (IIRC) on the strength of her human-interest stories for a North Carolina newspaper, you might wonder what she was doing on the editorial page in the first place. The only thing I can figure is that she wasn't sufficiently insistent or vociferous about the only issue the Times cares about: making sure poor people and students suck it up so that the Blethens don't have to pay any more in taxes.
The Times is showing some desperation. There seems to be an increasing awareness things are not what they used to be. Surprise! They aren't the rulers they thought they were. Get ready. I have the feeling they are feeling the heat. And something bigger is on the way.
Gee, the next time Eli delivers a verbal beating to her on Friday mornings, I'll almost feel sorry for Joni. Or not, since they usually follow some egregious neo-liberal horseshit blather.
Yeah, Lynne Varner was very classy today in keeping with the Times not getting the Seattle Schools superintendent finalist that they wanted. She's already dissing the guy via Tweets and he isn't even here yet.
"... she was a star reporter in the '80s and '90s." Really? I moved to Seattle in 1991, and it seems to me I remember Joni being debuted at the Times right about then — as (get this) "Hard-Hitting Joni Balter." And that's how we've referred to her around our household ever since.
Oh well, at least we won't have to listen to her prattle on KUOW for the next few months.
I would take Joni Balter's sarcastic 'smart girl' quotes on KUOW if we could just horsetrade Lynne Varner to the newsroom. Pretttttyyyyy Pleaaaaaaassssssseeeeee.
It wasn't Lynn Varner because every argument Varner makes is a pubbie strawman argument and she doesn't even know she doing it. So she's perfect for the Times. Balter, OTOH, sometimes knows when she's making strawman arguments and tries to compensate for not being quite as stupid as Varner with ad hominem attacks on liberals. Unfortunately for Balter, the Blethens are connoisseurs of stupidity and are not fooled.
I wonder if we are celebrating prematurely. Maybe she's just been moved to be the Blethen thug overlooking political coverage so they can get their man McKenna in.
Good riddance. I don't have an ideological beef about Balter, just that she is the most boring, predictable columnist EVER. Has she ever written ANYthing that isn't the definition of conventional wisdom? She makes David Broder look like Hunter S. Thompson.
She's being sent over to write awful horse-race "journalism" and do each of the horrid little things detailed in this feature today.
Naturally, Goldy, you managed to get in a reference to yourself before the subject of story.
And damned proud of it, too!
Oh well, at least we won't have to listen to her prattle on KUOW for the next few months.