
That's some good news on a cloudy wet Monday morning
This is inspired!

I imagine Dow's team did the political calculus correctly, and will get more bang for their buck off the good "press" and goodwill from this gesture than had they simply asked for another round of cash for the campaign.
As much as I love our ladies of Washington government, Dow and Jay have been impressing the hell out of me lately. We seem to be breeding a new kind of liberal here.
Woo hoo!
Thanks, Dow. We owe you big time.
Yes, this was nice. But, honestly, not such a huge deal. If this gets Dow off the hook for hosting his own fundraiser(s) for the campaign and dialing for big-time dollars from his own high-dollar list, he walked away a winner. Plus, you know, the headlines proclaiming his generosity are way better than those about him cheating on his long-time girlfriend.
I love me some Dow. If he weren't straight, I'd consider taking up stalking.
This is a must win situation. Talk to your neighbors and friends. Let them know who you are and that you need their help! And, thanks Dow!
Dow is the half of McDow I would vote for again.

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