
Charles, something is seriously wrong with your camera. First the blurry Portland picture and now this...
Eh, shitty photo aside, the building to me looks like a throwback to the early-60s-style "wall of windows" schoolhouse design.
why not link to or copy a picture that is actually worth something? Your picture makes this look like a bunker, and it is actually a cool building.
@2, Mid-Century Modern. So cool it's coming around for a second appearance!
The new building featured in the photo is, in real life, very cool. It is particularly cool because it sits immediately next to a beautifully restored historic building, the main school building. The two of them together really form a statement.
Charles, I'm afraid there seems to be an error in this and in your CityTank article last year that mentioned the building. The building did not win a 2008 Honor Award. The actual winners are here. The Cleveland project is listed on the 2008 Honor Awards website, but that appears to be because they were nominated. The website design is flawed in that if you look at the nominees' pages they don't show that they were merely nominees, so out of context, it looks like they won. It's an understandable mistake.

In May 2010 the project won an AIA Project of the Month award. This is for projects which were nominated for Honor Awards but *did not win* one.

See… which was just posted.
Every time you post a picture, baby jebus sheds a cornea.
Whatever @ everyone; I like this picture. It has drama created by its lack of clarity. Higher definition would make it more mundane.

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