...by our hate:
A four-year-old child at a church in Indiana gets a standing ovation when he sings "Ain't no homos gonna make it to heaven." Looks like it was at a wedding. Paul Loebe at Free Thought Blogs:
We all know that these actions are absolutely reprehensible and wrong. You can start by contacting this church here. Let them know that these actions are absolutely and unequivocally disgusting and that you want them to come out with a statement condemning such acts. You an also write letters to their pastor here:
Apostolic Truth Tabernacle
Pastor: Rev. Jeff Sangl
1114 W Westridge Parkway
Greensburg, IN. 47240You can leave a message here: (812) 662-8224
The Apostolic Truth Tabernacle is in Greensburg, Indiana. That's the town where Billy Lucas was bullied to death for being perceived to be gay by his classmates. I wonder if they stood up and cheered at Apostolic Truth Tabernacle when Lucas died—hey, another homo in hell. I wonder if any of Lucas's tormenters attend services at Apostolic Truth Tabernacle. And remember: I'm an anti-Christian bully for pointing out the connection between what straight kids are taught about "homos" in the shithole mega-churches they're dragged to by their parents and what they turn around and do to "homos" they encounter in classrooms. And what if that precocious little four-year-old singer is gay?
Praise the Lord and pass the barf bags.
Via Towleroad.