
Goldy, your error is in assuming that the SEC filings are correct. We now know that Republicans don't seem to think that accuracy on those irritating SEC forms is all that important.
I'm guessing it'd be a lot easier for Koster to raise money (or, on the basis of "work ethic" if we must, he'd bother more to do so) if any of the Dems started looking tough to beat. Maybe whichever survives the primary will kick it into gear enough to spur the opposition to open their wallets. We'll see.
Obligatory Suzan dig, check. Darcy hype missing. 6/10.
Then why does he get all the biggest effin signs along the I-5 corridor? They're like billboards, seriously.
Koster has large signs (4ft x 6ft, maybe 5ft X 7ft) all over Snohomish,Skagit and Whatcom counties in high profile locations. Have seen a couple of DelBene signs along I-5, but no other Dem appears engaged up there. (Larsen has a lot of signs up in the areas of his new district up there.) Anyone who thinks Koster will be anything but very difficult to beat in November is kidding themselves. If Burner, Ruderman or DelBene are the Democratic nominee, Koster will have all the Newspaper endorsements (Seattle Times has already endorsed Hobbs and will go for Koster in November if Hobbs is not the Democratic nominee) and an unlimited supply of PAC money for television.
people seem to think signs make a difference. Most of the population of the new 1st CD is in King Co, where there are no Koster signs. #1 I think you mean FEC filing - and for the most part they are correct. For one thing, these are reported in multiple places (PAC's report too) and a simple audit would reveal problems that would bring down a world of hurt very fast. So no, there is no conspiracy, the story is he's a terrible fundraiser.

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