
Go Team Surprise Anal!
It seems so obvious now...
Are you still providing marriage counseling to Mr and Mrs Cruise?
Now that'll spice things up for him. He'll never accuse you of not being creative and spontaneous again.
And if he's been particularly snotty, wear a nice pointy ring on that finger.
@2 LOL !
I had a gf do that to me once - with the best of intentions, and I've been a big fan of it ever since.
Long after we'd broken up (but in a friendly way), I had an ex ask me if we could try that. I was like "WTF, why are you asking me?" His response was a heartfelt "You're the only woman I know that I can trust with something like that."

I think it's a measure of how fucked-up I am that I thought that was incredibly sweet.
Don't be frontin', #9, that's incredibly sweet and anyone can see it.
Hey - I said that in the original comments!!
I suggested that back when that was a LotD. Everyone keeps acting like it'd be a good way to "get back at him" or something, but it strikes me as entirely plausible that it's what he's hoping for in the first place. He wants to try butt stuff, but he's too embarrassed to ask for it. He knows every other issue of Cosmo suggests sticking your finger in your man's butt when you blow him, so he vaguely hints at wanting something new in the bj department.

Because hey, if it was her idea first, he won't have to worry about her worrying about him being gay, right?
Could be a good time to try sounding too. See "Two kids, one sandbox" for inspiration. ;)

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