
It is a sad state we have come to when a perfectly straight man lives in fear of admiring another male form purely for aesthetic reasons because it might mean he's gay.

I run across this in the art world a lot. Most straight women feel perfectly comfortable admiring a photo or painting of a nude woman, appreciating the model's figure and form for its own sake, and not worrying about what that says about their sexuality. Not so for men. Most straight men are far too terrified to admit that they appreciate a painting or photo of a male nude.
The cock wants what it wants and will not be denied--it's a beautiful thing.
Then there is this:
According to psychotherapist Joe Kort there are plenty of reasons why a straight man might be interested in gay pornā€”and most of them arenā€™t signs that heā€™s questioning his sexuality. Likewise, a gay guy might get turned on by straight porn, but that doesnā€™t make him straight.

ā€œMany straight men are just curious about gay sex and how it works... or are turned on by gay male porn but have no desire to actually have sex with a man,ā€ he explains.…
@ 4

Good point. QC must produce photos of the alleged Hot A$$ immediately. Or his own will work fine, too.
Not gay, but thanks for trying, I guess?
I'm a tad less gay than Quentin Crisp and have showered in hundreds of dormitories and barracks and believe me the asses I've seen should be immortalised on Greek pottery. But I would never get an erection where it's not wanted.
I don't think the letter is fake, but I also don't think it really warranted a SLOTD. He clearly says there is nothing sexual going through his mind when "checking out" this dude's ass, and that he is a fitness-buff, imply that he was in fact seeing a toned, shaped buttocks. If it was considered gay to admire the same sex's physique or looks, then I'd be a raging lesbo right about now. There are beautiful people in the world, ain't nothing wrong lookin' at em.
Agreed with @1. LW should stop needlessly analyzing himself and go with the obvious explanation for checking out a fit male (appreciating aesthetics, inspiring fitness goals).
@7 That's what I was thinking. Maybe a little plum page, but a full hard-on in public is generally considered rude in a mixed orientation setting. No straight guy wants to see that, especially aimed at him.

This responder sucks. Half of us commenters would have been a better choice than this asshole...even the ones i think are weong most of the time. This one at least started out with good points then fucked them up. Yesterday's response was shite.
He might not want to live there, but he can at least admire the architecture, to borrow a figure of speech from "Platinum Grit".
RE: that linked Kinsey test - what is up with that shite? It told me it couldn't match me to a number because I was either too unusual or I had "answered some questions wrong." Wrong!? So I changed a few that were 50/50 for me, and still nothing. It's broke.
@10 um you've got some shitty reading comprehension. The responder didn't tell the dude to get naked and show his hard cock to the guy with the hot ass. He just told him to be aware of what was happening with his own dick as he was checking him out which to me reads obviously clothed and discreet. Seems like decent advice to me. He also told QC to drink a shot or two to ease his nerves and not be freaked out by the situation to let his dick respond naturally.

I think women are more more attractive than men usually, but I'm not attracted TO them. I think you can find something beautiful without wanting to hump it. I don't know how credible I am though, because the Kinsey test says: "The test failed to match you to a Kinsey Type profile. Either you answered some questions wrong, or you are a very unusual person."
12 - Thanks for posting that. I got the same response ("The test failed to match you to a Kinsey Type profile. Either you answered some questions wrong, or you are a very unusual person") so I figured I was a unicorn. I figured I'd score either a 1 or a 2.
I just took the test, and scored a 6 (yay me!). Maybe I gave all the "right" answers.

As an "exclusively homosexual" male, I will say that I can recognize sexiness in a woman, and recognize what it is about a female body that can make men want to climb on top of it, without having the least desire to do so myself.
I find this week's responses needlessly essentializing, and devaluing of experimentation.

I find it sad when people suggest that others who are open to experience are deceiving themselves.
what gym does Jesse go to that guys can walk around with hard-ons?
Maybe it's just me, but my dick doesn't leap to attention the second I see an attractive guy. In fact my dick doesn't get hard unless I'm in a private space and some sort of sexual contact is imminent.
I think the heart rate test is better than the boner test. He's in is LATE 20's. Mr. Penis isn't just going to stand at attention because of one hot gym ass. I work out at Gold's Castro. And it's not full of guys holding books in front of their ragers.
I'm thankful to this post for putting the image of penis ears in my mind.
@20 yeah I had the same thought. I'm not getting an erection from every hot guys ass that walks by (going to the gym would be impossible). The "I wonder what it would be like to fuck that guy" thoughts are there and some reaction happens - but a throbbing erection?
Perhaps its an age thing? Like when you where 20 there was basicly nothing you could do (except make sure to shower on your own, stay seated for long periods of time and think about the pope (which is the very best way to lose an erection)) - maybe as we got older we simply learned to have some damn control over it or atleast not lose ourselves in fantasy and think about other stuff instead?
I'm having problem with the Kinsey test because 10 questions don't seem to appear at all on the screen because of some Javascript error....but my javascript is fine. Everyone that's having problem probably don't see the button that says 'click here' to make sure you answered all the questions. There are supposed to be 25.
@ 22 Mother Teresa also works well.

And I can't look at Jessica Gomes without wanting to debauch her (or otherwise enjoy her, if it came to that). Thanks for the link.
It said I failed the Kinsey test...

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