
As a mostly gay lady, I feel the need to express the following highly personal reaction: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
tl; dr
My lab does prostaglandin research. I want to give this to my boss because he'd find it hilarious, but it would be so inappropriate.
If it was in any way possible to turn a straight woman into a lesbian, this would do it.
Dan? How many more days till you get back?

By dense paragraph #7 of Jesse's response/dissertation, I started to nod off. This guy is clearly an academic. Had I been interested in reading an academic journal article on the subject, I'd have done that.

Seriously, Dan, I promise not to shit-talk you again. Just come back.
nay, nay..I enjoyed this thoroughly! Learning and gagging as I read through it.
I loved this! At first I thought you chose the same letter as Debbie and was happy to see an expanded answer. I love when the physical and psychological meet.
I normally shy away from subjects scatological, but I have to wonder if this is an issue for women only? Are there any men who have a similar problem? Is it only to other's semen, or does it include your own?
Oh lord, this is so weird, but I swear this happened to me at the start of my current relationship - not a total running-to-the-bathroom emergency or anything, but my stomach would definitely get upset.

Three years later, I guess maybe I've grown accustomed to his unique prostaglandin, ummm, cocktail???
Not taking issue with the advice at all. Just saying, off-topic, that I wish the FDA (or the USDA or anyone else) were actually there in any substantive, reliable, regulatory way "to supervise the mass production of our manufactured diets."
I'm interested in the topic but I'm gonna need to save this one for later. Man.
I also have this problem. I'm glad to know that at least I'm not the only one.
Good band names:

Signature Seminal Profile

Pharmacological Hodgepodge

Oral Mucosa

That Man’s Foreign Genome

Sublingual Sprays

Misjudging Sausages

This may be the greatest sentence ever written in the service of science:

"Fortunately for you, the null hypothesis—which is that there is nothing intrinsic to semen that leads directly to you being anally expulsive after oral sex—is an eminently falsifiable one."
This is such an awesome answer...

skjaere, have you emailed Dr Debby yet? Please do!
Jesse, doing a great job. For all the haters out there, pause to think that this is a person writing it and maybe you should just keep your bitching to yourself.
@8: This letter writer is a man:

when I'm with another man

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