otherwise known as the performance art troupe "the Douchebag Trio Plus Lackey #1". You see, it's cutting edge stuff that bewilders common sense with over the top banality.
So their claim is we're the same off as we were when Obama took office. So, at the minimum, and despite heavy resistance, Obama managed to reverse the free fall caused by Republican policies back to where we were when he started. In another four years he'll get us up to Clinton levels unless we decide to regress to failed policies.
@1 Considering that Angry White Men are the GOP base, and that base is the fastest shrinking demographic in America, four of them together is a gold mine for conservatives.
I would have thought they'd be old too, but the old people are probably all at the early-bird dinners right about now.
I'm guessing all four are christian and hetero/closeted too, right?
That's totally better off!
Also, what @5 said!
Repubs are so deep!