
Eh, my vote would be for a really bad make-up job.
"Dyed" meaning "had television makeup applied more heavily"? I wonder if he asked Univision's makeup artist to lay it on thick.

I suggest you adjust the Tint, Contrast and Hue knobs on your Sony Trinitron.

@1 and 2, I agree. Bad make-up job. The real poll: did Univision's make-up dude do it on purpose?
Remember how orange Gore was for the debates in 2000? As I recall, he even had badly applied dots of blush on his face. Bad makeup artist is bad.

Writer's note: I, too, have been the victim of ugly makeup application. It happens, and this is one thing I won't fault Mitt for.
I've never been on TV, but don't people look in the mirror after someone does their make-up and hair? BEFORE they go on air?
Greetings tortilla eating yard laboring illegal immigrants! I have put on makeup to make you feel at ease. I had many like you working for me until I started running for President for Pete's sake.
I told him not to kiss Snooki.

Besa, besa mi mucho ...
Actually, you've got it backward. He normally wears a lot of makeup to make himself look whiter. Hanging out with his fellow Mexicans, he felt comfortable showing his true face.
Bad make up job.

Take a break from time to time, ok Paul? Sometimes you sound like Glenn Beck.
@9: It's "bésame" you fucktard.
@4 The vile aren't assassinated; those who threaten the powerful are assassinated. Who is Romney threatening?

That said, Romney probably shouldn't go traveling internationally after all this is over. Adelson's got a long reach. It's like Romney wants to destroy the GOP, all the while reaping vast financial benefits.
How on earth does one "dye their skin?" Perhaps post-mortem, it could be done. I guess that's what hide tanning is. But while alive? Come on, Paul!

Also, as all others have said, bad make-up job, probably the Univision make up department.
Can you imagine this shmuck's funky tan face on our money? Talk about lipstick on a pig.
"Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-doo,
I’ve got a perfect puzzle for you.
Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-dee,
If you are wise you’ll listen to me."
Chill, Paul.

I hope you get a month off after the election. You are starting to enter tinfoil hat territory on the paranoia scale. You need time away from all media to recover from this mess.

Why not? If you can bleach your skin, surely you can dye it. I've gotten lots of stuff on my skin (ink, paint, certain types of topical medicine) that stained my skin until eventually it washed off. Haven't you heard of henna?
Maybe Univision's makeup artists don't have much experience makeuping super white dudes like Romney.
Why isn't "Channeling the spirit of Spiro Agnew a choice?"
@19: your guess is best. either they just used the "brown people" powder, or they fucked him over on purpose.
I noticed the make up job on GMA this morning. Thought it was just a bad combination of lighting and a poor make-up job and the fact that he was on Univision made it a bit hysterical.
I think it's simply what you get after you've been nuzzling with John Boehner.

A decent make-up person should have a wide range of foundations in-stock, in order to match skin-tones. In this case, either they were out of "Ben Nye Pale Rose" (which looks closest to his normal skin-tone), or else the make-up person decided to play a clever little joke by deliberately applying "Rich Tan" instead.

Either way, it's a pretty rushed job. As others have noted: no coverage on the hands or ears, plus only a few obvious dabs between the jaw and neck lines (I could easily imagine Romney pointing out that "this shirt costs more than you make in a week - don't mess it up!"), and very uneven blending around the eyes and brows.

My guess is Romney probably waltzed in late, and whomever did it either didn't have enough time, or perhaps didn't really feel much incentive to do a proper job of it.
@19, you won't find a whiter-looking collection of people outside of Univision, or any Latin American TV station. Ever watched Mexican TV? All white, all the time, except maybe a golliwog will appear during the comedy segments. Telenovelas are about as "indio" as the Swedish National Bikini Team. The only time you see the mestizo reality is when someone's being arrested.

But yeah, Romney looks a lot oranger than Don Francisco on "Sabado Gigante". The makeup artist probably thought he was going to be appearing on the clown segment.

@5 FTW.

I'd like to imagine a scenario where the make-up person goes "You look a little pale today, Mr Romney. Here, let me give you some bronzer for that nice healthy sun-kissed look." And then proceeds to go to town with it, all the while chuckling inwardly.....

Artificial tans on awkward white men? Its a Utah thing.
@12 i know but my auto correct "fixes" it.
Mitt "Juan Percent" Romney and sidekick Paco gustas mucho chimichangas -y- no gusta redistribuirs a los comunistas Kenianos.
If you don't think Romney has his own makeup and hair team, you're crazy.

With his billions/millions, Mitt's gonna trust whatever low-paid makeup and hair bitch a TV show would throw at him?

Even for quarter-billionaires, shunting around your own personal grooming team from studio-to-studio sounds a little excessive. Besides, many of those "low-paid makeup and hair bitch(es)" are union members, in which case it would be a violation of their contracts with their respective stations/networks for someone outside their Bargaining Unit to come in and perform covered work.
All you who think this was done by Univision, if you follow the highlighted Democratic Underground link you'll find the photo of him getting off his own campaign plane with the makeup/spray tan already badly applied but very, very evident. Willard seems to have done this himself for some reason -- maybe for the same reason clueless tourists throw single words in Spanish into their conversations in Mexico so the locals will think they're hip.
All you who think this was done by Univision, if you follow the highlighted Democratic Underground link you'll find the photo of him getting off his own campaign plane with the makeup/spray tan already badly applied but very, very evident. Willard seems to have done this himself for some reason -- maybe for the same reason clueless tourists throw bits of Spanish into their conversations in Mexico so the locals will think they're hip.
@28: No, Will, you don't know, because you don't speak fucking Spanish. Blaming your ignorance on autocorrect - when you claim to be such a tech wizard - is an extra heaping dose of stupid on top of your usual dull roar of fucktardary.

Now, see? I mixed my metaphors. That's what your moronic commentary drives me to do.
I just picture him spilling bronzer all over his face in a Mr. Bean-esque folly.
Thank for the laugh and the delightful mixed metaphor TVDinner.
@14 - It's called spray tan! Or alternately, makeup! Really, it's not hard to change the color of someone's face by slathering tinted goop all over it.

I see your point. There does appear to be a definite line on the side of his neck in that photo, which seems to indicate the base wasn't fully applied all the way around to the back. But, the image is somewhat blurry, as for example, the botched job around the eyes isn't in evidence here.

But, I grant it does lend at least some plausibility to the theory that the spray-tan/makeup was applied, probably by Romney himself (since again any competent makeup person wouldn't have made such obvious mistakes), prior to his reaching the Univision studio.
Mitt figured if it worked for George Hamilton in Zorro: The Gay Blade, it could work for him...
This reminds me of a story about Dan Quayle from way back when:

One day, Vice President Dan Quayle shows up with a big irregular port-wine blotch tattooed onto his forehead. "What the heck is that?" asked his H.W.-appointed handler. "Well," replied Quayle, "Mikhail Gorbachev is one of my all-time heroes. He dismantled the Soviet Union and brought democracy to Russia! It was the thrill of a lifetime to actually meet him in person, and when I did, I told him how much I admired him and asked what I could do to become a great political leader like he was. He looked me right in the eye, tapped his head, and said, "First, Danny Boy, you have to have something up here."
He is Mitt and he is orange and he is fabulous!
He's been mowing his own lawn. Himself. That's what Boehner says is the reason for his own orange glow and he never, ever uses sunbeds or fake tans. Of course I believe and trust both of them implicitly. Why would they lie to me?
/irony off.
This is silly. I've noticed Jon Stewart looking a little orange this year. Why do these guys do this?

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