I don't think that those preachers understand what the 1st Amendment is about.
The government will NOT tell them that they CANNOT endorse a specific candidate.
But if they do that then they are NOT eligible for tax exempt status.
Jesus said to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.
They want the freedom without the costs.
They want their Rights without their responsibilities.
Can we please please please make them pay taxes? Are they trying to bait Obama into attacking church rights right before the election? He won't do it, but I hope he comes down on them hard after the election. The no tax thing is complete non-sense. They're businesses.
I'm sorry, but when I see all those pro-marriage ads with all those preachers, I think the pooch has been screwed. You just can't have it both ways. I would have preferred religion was kept out of it, too. But liberals do the same thing.
@1 Righty right. And I think it bears repeating: Tax them already. Get that cash money.
I think most of them will bail from political platforms and refocus on old-fashioned soul-saving and whatever. Some will take it underground. Then we find those who continue to push a political agenda with a tax-free status and fine the shit out of them.
Can we get a list of these churches anywhere? We need to send people into all of these churches with video cameras to capture them breaking the law. If the IRS doesn't have the staff to hound these motherfuckers then we may need to do our civic duty here.
Thank you for covering this, Brendan. Please stay on it, try to get an interview with the highest ranking IRS employee you can, talk to the Freedom From Religion Foundation to see if they have any plans/ideas on how we can take action on this. But just please, whatever you do, stay on this story.
Another factor in the the willingness of the preachers to challenge the separation of church and state is Obama's cowardice in dealing with the right wing in this country: Whether it's reflexively firing a Shirley Sherrod, or a Van Jones when the right automatically screams about people associated with the dems saying something outside of mainstream political discourse that offends them, or pulling back homeland security from focusing on right wing terrorism, Obama has been very accomodating to the right and they know they can get away with more chicanery.
As a matter of fact unfortunately, Obama is tougher on his own base than he is the party across the aisle, e.g., Rahm Emanuel calling liberals retards.
If you suspect or know of an individual or company that is not complying with the tax laws, you may report this activity by completing Form 3949-A. You may fill out Form 3949-A online, print it and mail it to:
The government will NOT tell them that they CANNOT endorse a specific candidate.
But if they do that then they are NOT eligible for tax exempt status.
Jesus said to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.
They want the freedom without the costs.
They want their Rights without their responsibilities.
this is the scariest image i've seen through this whole campaign:
I think most of them will bail from political platforms and refocus on old-fashioned soul-saving and whatever. Some will take it underground. Then we find those who continue to push a political agenda with a tax-free status and fine the shit out of them.
Mo' money. There. Fixed.
As a matter of fact unfortunately, Obama is tougher on his own base than he is the party across the aisle, e.g., Rahm Emanuel calling liberals retards.
Well, what have we here? The IRS has just the form!