George W. never seemed mean spirited to me, just ignorant, naive, and misguided. He did plenty of asinine stuff, but I never got the feeling he was doing it out of maliciousness.
Of course, despite its flaws Obamacare will enable self-starting entrepreneurs to leave dead-end jobs and start their own businesses and perhaps become fabulously wealthy; but Mitt Romney probably didn't think about that.
it's like the reverse of super pacs, give money to 'causes' and the elected candidates will put forth legislation good for your business. But their scheme did pan out in the least.
It's not free stuff. It's the stuff we tax ourselves to pay for.
It's time to force Mitt Romney and folks like him to pay fair taxes. No more "carried interest" exceptions for hedge fund managers. Take off the cap on FICA and Medicare taxes. Let them pay the tax on every dollar they earn in compensation. (You want a flat tax? There's one. Pay up, suckers!) Treat dividends as ordinary income. Investing in dividend-paying stocks does not support economic growth. Those are mostly mature companies that are done growing faster than inflation. Capital gains taxes? Put them back to where they were under Clinton. Income tax? Put the graduations back in the graduated income tax. It used to be parabolic, and we had the greatest growth of the middle class during that period. (We also had the Cold War, but hey, you can't have everything.)
Guess if you're too chickenshit to go Galt the next best thing is to find places to shop where they treat the help like shit.
(The big story in the next 5 years will be talented professionals who quit their corporate gig to start a small business because now they can get insurance for their sick kid. Watch and see. These whiners are just giving the next wave of entrepreneurs a wider niche to fill.)
I just want to mention that some dividends are taxed as regular income. Bush's tax cuts led to some dividends qualifying for the outrageously low capital gains tax. I have no idea what the distinction is; all I know is that it makes my taxes even more convoluted.
And, I personally disagree about reinstituting the capital gains rate. Capital gains should be taxed as regular income, period. Small-time investors can pay 10-20 percent of their capital gains in taxes. Mittens can pay 37 percent; he can afford it.
@11: Totally. Apparently, offering cushy tax breaks to rich people in an effort to buy their votes is a less effective strategy than offering cushy benefits to poor people to buy their votes. Or you know, actually trying to help struggling people.
How many hundreds of millions did this shlub TAKE from the rich, the fucking hypocrite. Blaming the poor for your own shortcomings is the new Republican agenda.
I agree with you entirely, even though it would hurt me financially. Some of us didn't vote for the "gifts" we'd get but for a better country and better treatment of all its citizens.
I love that bit about the end about Mitt Romney's phone conversation with Bill Clinton. Clinton apparently told Romney, "I thought you were going to win, and then the hurricane happened."
@23 What else would you say to a loser? "Dude, you seriously deserved to lose?" Nah, you tell him he did great, you admire his effort, it wasn't his fault, yadda, yadda.
Bill Clinton has always been a very personable shmoozer. He was just making nice to Mitt.
More Team Rape projection. His entire economic plan was to give billions, if not trillions to the very few. Including himself & his family. Everyone stood to make bank.
For one of the very few times in my life, I can say that democracy actually did what it was designed to do: give the power to the governed, and not to the entitled.
Romney should know now that money can’t buy everything. Despite all odds, our President prevailed. He still has an uphill battle fighting a Red House which has blocked his every move in an attempt to squash his goals of bringing the Middle Class equal pay, women’s rights, gay rights and affordable healthcare. The Bush Administration drove our economy into a swift nose dive and Obama is still the patsy. Watch conservative hands paint him in Blackface with a visual commentary of how Barack has been bamboozled at…
Thanks for providing the transcript, because otherwise ... ugh. That-that-that ... man had to throw in a reference to "free contraceptives" as one of the gifts. Well, that and OMG how-dare-poor-people-want-to-be-healthy in HIS America!?!
Plus the Dems being more aggressive in getting out the vote, beating many of his party's repugnant attempts to disenfranchise people wherever possible.
"Wah-wah-wah," baby Mitty wails, pounding his wee fists on the floor. "It's just NOT fair to MEEE."
Does Romney recall that many of the 47% he doesn't like that don't pay taxes were given that "gift" by Republicans, and probably did vote for him? Idiot.
Romney's turned just about everybody against him in addition to the overwhelming majority of taxpaying U.S. voters. Now he's even got his "fellow" GOP and Tea Party goons backstabbing and pointing fingers at one another. How did so many criminally rich, corrupt-as-fuck white men reach the idiotic conclusion that Government-Approved Rape was a "gift"?!?
Here's hoping that the GOP and its 2010 evolved Tea Party go extinct, and soon.
And it's not even free. It's paid for by our health care premiums. I, for one, have barely use my health care benefits as I'm a healthy young adult. Getting "free" birth control means that I'll start seeing more immediate benefits from my health care plan. Then there's the fact that "free" birth control pays for itself in lower health care costs for everyone.
Not to get all conspiratorial, but what is said is just so idiotic that it almost seems like the RNC put him up to this just so all the Repubs who are in office can throw Romney under the bus. I mean, it is making the Bobby Jindals of the world look better.
I like Mitt's idea of adding dental to Obamacare. A person's general health can be greatly affected by dental problems. Not to mention the quality of life issues.
Mitt probably thinks "dental care" means whitening and porcelain veneers.
(@19 - Thanks for the link to the transcript. I couldn't get the damn video to load.)
@9 "It's not free stuff. It's the stuff we tax ourselves to pay for."
Thank you!
Go to hell, Mitt Romney. Go to hell and rot in hell. Giving people preferential treatment so they'll support you? Are you talking about Obama and 99% of the electorate, or you and your wealthy donors? He effectively gave families $10,000 in the form of Obamacare? Oh, my god! Throw him out of the White House! What the hell is his job if not making life better for said families? We're supposed to feel outraged because people can afford healthcare now? "Government handout! Government handout!" The only government handout is the millions of dollars your wealthy, lazy ass gets for robbing this country and its people of its wealth. If it was up to me, we'd be chopping your head in the town square. You're lucky you're just losing an election.
GW Chimp was mostly an ineffectual doof who acted as frontman to a bunch of supremely evil bastards, led by Mordor Cheney. Said gang of goatfuckers were ready to slide back into power had Romney somehow stolen this thing.
Just look at the Blue/Red electoral results map, and tell me that anything was settled in the year 1865.
Was Romney ever the leader of his party though? I feel like he can say these things as an outsider and someone who's only game has ever been playing politics. I'm glad he's going back to "unemployed".
@23, 24: I would like someone to fact-check that Clinton call actually. I do not think Clinton is dumb enough to actually think that Romney could have won if it was not for Sandy.
But the idea that he was just being Slick Willy and trying to make Baby Romney feel better makes a little sense.
Clinton campaigned so hard for President Obama that he lost his voice, so I do not believe for one minute that he told Romneybot 2.0 that he thought he would win but for Hurricane Sandy.
Romneybot is a liar. Why would I believe anything he says?
@21 When Romney takes, its an investment in the future of the nation. When the working poor get healthcare, it's a drain on the economy. Why don't people see that?
It's time to force Mitt Romney and folks like him to pay fair taxes. No more "carried interest" exceptions for hedge fund managers. Take off the cap on FICA and Medicare taxes. Let them pay the tax on every dollar they earn in compensation. (You want a flat tax? There's one. Pay up, suckers!) Treat dividends as ordinary income. Investing in dividend-paying stocks does not support economic growth. Those are mostly mature companies that are done growing faster than inflation. Capital gains taxes? Put them back to where they were under Clinton. Income tax? Put the graduations back in the graduated income tax. It used to be parabolic, and we had the greatest growth of the middle class during that period. (We also had the Cold War, but hey, you can't have everything.)
Maybe the GOP could learn something from this. The top 10% has only 10% of the vote, so maybe lavishing gifts only on them isn't the best strategy.
(The big story in the next 5 years will be talented professionals who quit their corporate gig to start a small business because now they can get insurance for their sick kid. Watch and see. These whiners are just giving the next wave of entrepreneurs a wider niche to fill.)
"BREAKING NEWS: @mittromney says Black Friday is a new holiday Obama set aside just for Black voters #obamagifts" -- rolandsmartin @rolandsmartin
I just want to mention that some dividends are taxed as regular income. Bush's tax cuts led to some dividends qualifying for the outrageously low capital gains tax. I have no idea what the distinction is; all I know is that it makes my taxes even more convoluted.
And, I personally disagree about reinstituting the capital gains rate. Capital gains should be taxed as regular income, period. Small-time investors can pay 10-20 percent of their capital gains in taxes. Mittens can pay 37 percent; he can afford it.
I agree with you entirely, even though it would hurt me financially. Some of us didn't vote for the "gifts" we'd get but for a better country and better treatment of all its citizens.
Bill Clinton has always been an asshole.
Bill Clinton has always been a very personable shmoozer. He was just making nice to Mitt.
For one of the very few times in my life, I can say that democracy actually did what it was designed to do: give the power to the governed, and not to the entitled.
Thanks for providing the transcript, because otherwise ... ugh. That-that-that ... man had to throw in a reference to "free contraceptives" as one of the gifts. Well, that and OMG how-dare-poor-people-want-to-be-healthy in HIS America!?!
Plus the Dems being more aggressive in getting out the vote, beating many of his party's repugnant attempts to disenfranchise people wherever possible.
"Wah-wah-wah," baby Mitty wails, pounding his wee fists on the floor. "It's just NOT fair to MEEE."
Here's hoping that the GOP and its 2010 evolved Tea Party go extinct, and soon.
And it's not even free. It's paid for by our health care premiums. I, for one, have barely use my health care benefits as I'm a healthy young adult. Getting "free" birth control means that I'll start seeing more immediate benefits from my health care plan. Then there's the fact that "free" birth control pays for itself in lower health care costs for everyone.
Mitt probably thinks "dental care" means whitening and porcelain veneers.
(@19 - Thanks for the link to the transcript. I couldn't get the damn video to load.)
Thank you!
Go to hell, Mitt Romney. Go to hell and rot in hell. Giving people preferential treatment so they'll support you? Are you talking about Obama and 99% of the electorate, or you and your wealthy donors? He effectively gave families $10,000 in the form of Obamacare? Oh, my god! Throw him out of the White House! What the hell is his job if not making life better for said families? We're supposed to feel outraged because people can afford healthcare now? "Government handout! Government handout!" The only government handout is the millions of dollars your wealthy, lazy ass gets for robbing this country and its people of its wealth. If it was up to me, we'd be chopping your head in the town square. You're lucky you're just losing an election.
Just look at the Blue/Red electoral results map, and tell me that anything was settled in the year 1865.
But the idea that he was just being Slick Willy and trying to make Baby Romney feel better makes a little sense.
Romneybot is a liar. Why would I believe anything he says?