
Crappy lawyer, crappy campaigner, crappy AG. Buhfuckinbye! Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
"Rebrand" is a corporate business term, and since the GOP is largely the party of corporations and other businesses, it's not surprising to see them use it.

When a company rebrands, it doesn't exclude overhauling its business line. So maybe when the GOP rebrands, they might overhaul their platform and the policies they champion. That's not out of the question; if you get away from purely liberal blogs, there's ample evidence that the establishment of the GOP wants to jettison the teabaggers and other fringe haters now that they're dragging the party down instead of buoying it up. Given how BOTH parties have gone as far right as either can go, it makes sense that they'll both have to go back to the left. (Especially the GOP, who will not be able to survive any further steps to the right.)
I expect this means trying Rmoney's tactic of refusing to talk to the press or being pinned down on any topic. Yeah, because that worked so well for Rmoney.
The Republicans prefer to change their image than to change their policies. Most of the people who support them are actually harmed by their policies (see: What's the Matter with Kansas?). The party has been successful getting those folks to focus on the image instead of the policies and they believe they can repeat that success with women, minorities, and young people.

But they can't. And they can't do it because what they sold their current constituents so successfully is an image that hates women, minorities and young people.
Nice to see the usual "progressive" humility here. Hey, at least we got I-1185 passed, and took the Senate away from the "progressives." That will make you whine for the next several years, and will be all kinds of fun to watch. Couldn't happen to a nicer or more deserving group of "progressive" assholes.

I would say we need to control our brand. You can't have a moderate republican in the northwest saying "hey, can we all just get along" and another republican in the southeast saying how "all gays are damned to hell".

So, really a set of guidelines as to who can use the GOP or Republican label when running and what they can say, support and so on.

As far as how to win elections, its pretty clear. You have to get your voters to vote by floating a lot of initiatives that cut to issues that will bring in core constituencies. Even if that initiative is essentially meaningless as far as providing real additional rights over what already in the case of the dispensary owner in Seattle now being prosecuted by the Feds.
I think making the P in GOP pop with 3d & glitter. That or stop being evil. Either one.
Well, considering less than 100,000 votes out of something like 3.1 million made all the difference in this election, just "massaging the message" may just work.
See how Rob Mckenna really treats women when the public is not made aware!
Mckenna, Is this part of the legacy you want to leave?
You still have not done anything about it.

See how Rob Mckenna really treats women when the public is not made aware!
Mckenna, Is this part of the legacy you want to leave?
You still have not done anything about it.

There is a very simple, easy step that the GOP can take & still hold on to their warped, bizarre attitudes ("corporations are people", "women who have sex", "gays are ruining America").

All they have to do is embrace cannabis legalization. The stoner demographic is the largest one in America. If they can capture that one, they can pretty much run the country.

They won't, of course. Because, as John Stuart Mill once put it, 'Conservatives aren't necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.'
#11, the stoner demographic is mostly young males age 18-24. Only one in 30 people over the age of 35 smokes dope.

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