I am going to subscribe to this. I've been on Nathan's bus a few times and was always impressed by his demeanor and happy attitude. Very excited to learn he has a blog, and I am even more excited that its well-written with great story-telling.
I've never met "Light-Skinned Black Woman" but I used to ride the #358, and its previous incarnations (6/360/359), with her several times. When I first encountered her in the mid-90's, I was an insulated 18 year-old who was terrified of her. Later on, I just found her to be gratingly obnoxious, though I'd still never want to fuck with her. One time this sanctimonious white boy tried to scold LSBW for verbally harassing a young woman for being white and blonde. Scolding her went no where, of course, and she got off the bus yelling and even more belligerent than when she got on. After she left, I had to ask him, "You're not from around here, are you?" He wasn't, so I explained, "Dude, this woman's been riding the bus and acting out like this for years. It's not worth engaging with her like that."
"But it's not right," he countered, "what she said was racist."
"Uh huh," I agreed, "but it's not her fault, she's mentally ill. You're not going to school her, you can't correct her behavior or get her to see things your way because she is out of her gourd." Even for being obnoxious and out of her gourd, she's a force of nature. And kind of a Seattle institution, no pun intended.
I've encountered LSBW before. It has to be the same woman, screaming at some poor woman minding her own business WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT? I'M BLACK. YOU'RE A LESBIAN. I HAD AN ABORTION. I HAD SEX. I HAD AN ABORTION. On the 358, of course.
"But it's not right," he countered, "what she said was racist."
"Uh huh," I agreed, "but it's not her fault, she's mentally ill. You're not going to school her, you can't correct her behavior or get her to see things your way because she is out of her gourd." Even for being obnoxious and out of her gourd, she's a force of nature. And kind of a Seattle institution, no pun intended.