Trying to read a post on Twitter - with all its esoteric acronyms, obscure hash tag trends, and inscrutably abbreviated words - is like trying to follow a Defense Department appropriations hearing.
I think I might understand (note: not agree with) their argument about how gay marriage affects all these straight marriage problems. Let me take a whack at it. You see, all these problems are caused by the fact that people don't take marriage seriously enough for these people's tastes. It's not sacred: people get married without thinking it through, you don't have to stay married if it's hard, and you can have babies without getting married. Religious people are upset by all of this, and naturally are even more upset by any change which they think will make people take marriage less seriously. And since gay marriage is, in their mind, a loosening of the rules, they think it's just another way in which people will take marriage less seriously.
What they don't understand is that this is fucking retarded and anyone who thinks like that has their goddamn heads up their self-righteous asses. Take responsibility for your own straight marriage problems you fucking babies.
What exactly IS this so-called "hateful agenda"? And exactly how will all our lives be so much better if we voluntarily renounce all our rights, go back into the closet and live celibate lives until death? If we are to be told to turn Mormon (and then some, apparently), at least offer us a cookie.
There's one thing great about twitter: It can list in a single post every name of all the young Christians who have ever committed suicide because they were abused at school over their religious "orientation" by SSM activists & bullies.
In what world are gays (and straights) losing the fight for marriage equality? It will get better for her to admit the truth and stop pretending that homophobes are winning anything.
So has she come here to comment? We're generally a hateful bunch, but there are a few gems, like that Worst Nightgown Dude, who come here with whom she can surely have a civil discussion and maybe even a babby.
The real Irony is that for all the anti-gay rhetoric from the Catholic Church, there are LOTS of gay clergy! And most parishioners do not care- they only don't want their minister to be an ass.
Did you guys hear that brilliant joke from Chris Rock about how the Tea Party may signal the end of racism? When asked how that was possible (by Oprah), he said "Well, you don't have kids. Kids are crazy right before they go to bed. Screaming, throwing stuff. Then, magically, they just pass out. That's what the Tea Party is. I look at them and I think "Aww, they acting up. It's almost bedtime." Same principle applies here.
Gay marriage is legal in Mexico, at least in a de facto way.
See, same sex marriage is legally performed in both Mexico City and one other Mexican state, and the Mexican Supreme Court has ruled that marriages performed in those two regions must be recognized in the other states.
So basically, if you have enough money to travel to one of those states you can get married; if you don't have enough money than too bad for you.
I see... so bullying is any kind of rebuttal, and anything less than, "yes honey, you're TOTALLY right." You put yourself on the internet, and Dan's comments were critical of your STANCE. If he were bullying you, he would have done what your side so frequently does to uppity women they don't agree with; call them sluts (Sandra Fluke), allow them to be publicly shamed for expressing an opinion (Dixie Chicks), or claiming they're malingerers when they in fact have a cerebral blood clot (Hillary Clinton). I suppose though, that these were all justified tauntings in your book. You are going to have a long, unhappy life if you equate people not agreeing with every little thing you post on the internet as bullying and unfair.
There's a difference between calling Hoffman a "hateful dingbat" and an ad hominem attack. One is a sophomoric response when you don't have anything better to say and the other is a funny and accurate description of a pigheaded hoesbeast. But, hey, congrats to the hateful dingbat for getting something out of her high school debate class.
There is an ad hominem attack, and there is an ad hominem fallacy. They aren't the same thing.
An ad hominem attack is simply a personal attack.
An ad hominem fallacy, properly referred to as Argumentum ad hominem, is to use a personal attack in an effort to invalidate a person's position.
Calling Hoffman "hateful" isn't an ad hominem in any way since it is an accurate description.
Calling Hoffman "dingbat" is an ad hominem as it is just a vicarious personal attack, but it isn't a logical fallacy.
Saying that Hoffman's position is wrong BECAUSE she is a hateful dingbat would be an ad hominem fallacy.
You don't want to use an ad hominem fallacy in a debate, but depending on the format of the debate it is perfectly fine to use an ad hominem attack.
So to say "your are wrong because X, Y and Z, and your an idiot" is an ad hominem attack, but not an ad hominem fallacy.
To say "you are wrong because you are an idiot" would be an ad hominem fallacy.
That said, Dan's Slog post were none of these things.
His rebuttal to her position was clearly and logically laid out, pointing out that banning same sex marriage does not, in fact, prevent all these things she doesn't want to see from happening, and pointing out that he and Terry did in fact adopt a child while same sex marriage was banned in their state. So he did not use an ad hominem fallacy in his rebuttal to her at all.
Furthermore he didn't call her a "hateful dingbat". He said that if she didn't want people to think she was a "hateful dingbat" she shouldn't use such shoddy arguments when trying to argue against other people's rights. So it wasn't even a basic ad hominem attack. It was just a bit of logical and relevant advice.
Her response clearly shows that she did not actually learn anything in her high school debate class and is, in fact, an idiot (which is an ad hominem attack, but an appropriately used one and not a fallacy).
@13, the hateful agenda is obviously to not sit silently and be ashamed when Hoffman and her pals tell gay people they serve no purpose in life and that their sexual preference is sinful and destructive.
This is like racists that don't HATE other races, they just don't want to mingle with them or allow intermarriage or let them have equal rights.
They still LOVE 'ethnic' people, it's just that 'ethnics' use up welfare, or are more violent, or are to blame for all of the problems that white people have.
Right. Whatever. It's still hateful and bigoted, even if you like to claim otherwise. Those stats on marriage and family configuration were true 5 or 10 years ago before equal marriage was possible in any country. The demographics haven't changed much.
Face it lady, it's heteo people that screwed marriage up. They're the only ones that could've--they were the only ones that were allowed to.
The Counter-Cultural web site page on which her vlog is posted is entitled "Faux Marriage" (in some messy paint-splatter rainbow font) with "Defying What's Natural" underneath.
That is demonizing and degrading to gay people. But maybe in Anna Maria Hoffman "how is it hateful to support marriage?" world that's not insulting because it's not like she's saying gay people are lesser human beings and their relationships unnatural and false, she's just implying it. Because they used the rainbow-colored word "faux" and say "defying what's natural", instead of sickening perverse. *teehee*
Her constant use of the phrase "radical gay activists" to indicate everyone who disagrees with her also bespeaks of a lack of knowledge of the humanity of gay people. She doesn't know any of us, most likely. Not really know us, anyway. To her, we are angry, perverse caricatures, not real people who feel passionately about equality after centuries of violent and often deadly repression.
The discordancy of her attempting to be a hipster for Christ as bigot is nails-on-blackboard creepy.
As for her "Can't we all be nice and respectful in airing our differing opinions?' the answer is No. Her opinion is disrespectful and mean, regardless of how disingenuously worded and I, for one, am done accepting poison dissolved in sweetness. She has worked for organizations which want to imprison and kill us, which lie about and marginalize us and she has the gall to whine about our anger? Are we supposed to be happy and civil because she claims to only want us to live the lives of second class citizens, instead of being destroyed?
I love how people like her act like the word bigot doesn't have a clearly defined meaning, but is some random pejorative whose origins are unknown. Sorry, Ms. Hoffman, but "bigot" is a word with a meaning and the use of that word to describe those who want to deny rights to others based on the deniers' religious beliefs is clearly within its meaning. It is an ugly word. But it fits. Even you know it. Or why would you try to disguise your anti-gay marriage position as "supporting marriage"? Yes, I know Maggie Gallagher was quite pleased with herself when she started that bit of misdirectional marketing back in 05ish, but it fools no one. The page on which your vlog appeared wasn't "Strengthening Marriage", or "Ending Divorce Culture". It was "Faux Marriage" in rainbow font. Don't tell us you are some gay-neutral proto-Gallagheresque philosopher who regrets that gay people must suffer for the greater societal good. We see you.
I am an American. I love my country and I love its guarantees of freedom and equality under the law. And I will not be polite to people like you when you would deny me those freedoms. My people are done being quiet and polite while you and people like you demonize and brutalize and marginalize. Reasonable, rational people now understand that being gay is an inherency and is morally neutral. So no, I will not be nice while you, like some younger real-life version of Saruman at bay, claim a lack of animus and feign aggrieved concern at the inconceivable hostility of good people to your arguing in opposition to our natural rights.
Let's quit the baloney. Homosexuallity isn't about love it is about perverted sex. In all the discussion of gay tolerance have we forgotten a dread disease called aids came from the gay culture? Aids is a result of the breakdown of the tissues lining the rectum, and is therefore a result of anal intercourse, so patient zero could have been a hetero female, but since gay men engage in anal intercourse a lot more, patient zero was a gay male. So if I must tolerate an activity that introduces aids, then you can tolerate my second hand smoke, whose effects are unproven, when I lit a camel in a crowded bar.
How can someone justify putting something in their mouth that was just up in their butt? Now thats sick. And you peopl ethink your normal?It NEVER will be. No matter what law they pass, we do not have to accept you. That, you cannot change.
our society (as all societies in history) will fail if we do not get our moral and sexual appitites under control. Our children (and adults) need to realize there are consequences for our behaviors. That is the natural law of things. History has shown as that when a society becomes morally corrupt, civility is destroyed, the society becomes unstable, and inevitably the nation slides towards collapse.History is replete with examples of fallen civilizations and inevitably, all suffered from (1) social decay, (2) cultural decay, and (3) moral decay.
To be judgmental about modern codes of conduct is to risk being labeled a prude, racist, sexist or a homophobe. People ignore the fact that to accept another’s right to engage in certain peaceable, voluntary behavior doesn’t require moral acceptance or sanction.
Enough with with the double standard of “tolerance” We, who do not agree with the mandated education of our children agree the state can teach as seen fit, PROVIDED, we, the people who do not agree are not forced to financially support such an intolerant and corrupt system as is being forced upon us and then we are bullied and belittled when we disagree with state mandates.
On another note, if you research the number of countries and nations and their embracing of LGBT rights, you will note that the majority of countries, worldwide, do not espouse these rights, nor do they teach these in their educational systems, not in their familial networks. Interestingly enough, in fact, the oldest nations, those with thousand year histories of existence, do not support these rights and teachings. In fact, if you pay attention, you will find MANY nations consider America a septic tank of immorality and over sexualized living.
This is NOT a Republican vs Democrat issue. Never has been! It’s a matter of societal norms and traditions that supports a strong family, strong moral and ethical traditions that support a strong, well founded nation that survives thousands of years instead of only a few hundred. America is still a baby in the eyes of the world. We could stand to learn some lessons from those nations which have survived much more and much longer than we…
I you research the number of countries and nations and their embracing of LGBT rights, you will note that the majority of countries, worldwide, do not espouse these rights, nor do they teach these in their educational systems, not in their familial networks. Interestingly enough, in fact, the oldest nations, those with thousand year histories of existence, do not support these rights and teachings. In fact, if you pay attention, you will find MANY nations consider America a septic tank of immorality and over sexualized living.
This is NOT a Republican vs Democrat issue. Never has been! It’s a matter of societal norms and traditions that supports a strong family, strong moral and ethical traditions that support a strong, well founded nation that survives thousands of years instead of only a few hundred. America is still a baby in the eyes of the world. We could stand to learn some lessons from those nations which have survived much more and much longer than we…
For all your "straight" talk about being tolerant of others, you spew a lot of hatred and bullying towoard those that disagree with you. The only saving grace in all of this is that you cannot procreate amongst yourselves therefore you have to mind twist young children begining in kindergarten in order to keep your numbers up. (Probably the only thing you can keep up). More andmore young people are realizing that the hatred and disinformation that you spew is just that; hatred and disinformation. I, for one long for the days you were still in the closet and I would galdly put you back there. MY hatred of your kind comes from the fact that I was raped by homosexual, without provocation and I live for the day when you ALL burn in hell.
@48: Your past misfortune and current hang-ups have nothing to do with me and mine asshole. There's a word for people who blame their shitty lives on other people: cowards. And to condemn an entire group for the actions of one is just plain stupidity (I might have more sympathy for your trauma had you not consigned me to hell).
P.S. About your charming handle? Those who define themselves by what they hate are bound to be consumed by it. Might wanna get back into the closet with that.
What they don't understand is that this is fucking retarded and anyone who thinks like that has their goddamn heads up their self-righteous asses. Take responsibility for your own straight marriage problems you fucking babies.
... maybe that's why they're losing the debate lately.
fucking bizarro world.
I wonder if she'd role play out a horny priest / naughty right-wing Catholic girl scene with me. I've already got the clerical collar . . .
Gay marriage is legal in Mexico, at least in a de facto way.
See, same sex marriage is legally performed in both Mexico City and one other Mexican state, and the Mexican Supreme Court has ruled that marriages performed in those two regions must be recognized in the other states.
So basically, if you have enough money to travel to one of those states you can get married; if you don't have enough money than too bad for you.
There is an ad hominem attack, and there is an ad hominem fallacy. They aren't the same thing.
An ad hominem attack is simply a personal attack.
An ad hominem fallacy, properly referred to as Argumentum ad hominem, is to use a personal attack in an effort to invalidate a person's position.
Calling Hoffman "hateful" isn't an ad hominem in any way since it is an accurate description.
Calling Hoffman "dingbat" is an ad hominem as it is just a vicarious personal attack, but it isn't a logical fallacy.
Saying that Hoffman's position is wrong BECAUSE she is a hateful dingbat would be an ad hominem fallacy.
You don't want to use an ad hominem fallacy in a debate, but depending on the format of the debate it is perfectly fine to use an ad hominem attack.
So to say "your are wrong because X, Y and Z, and your an idiot" is an ad hominem attack, but not an ad hominem fallacy.
To say "you are wrong because you are an idiot" would be an ad hominem fallacy.
That said, Dan's Slog post were none of these things.
His rebuttal to her position was clearly and logically laid out, pointing out that banning same sex marriage does not, in fact, prevent all these things she doesn't want to see from happening, and pointing out that he and Terry did in fact adopt a child while same sex marriage was banned in their state. So he did not use an ad hominem fallacy in his rebuttal to her at all.
Furthermore he didn't call her a "hateful dingbat". He said that if she didn't want people to think she was a "hateful dingbat" she shouldn't use such shoddy arguments when trying to argue against other people's rights. So it wasn't even a basic ad hominem attack. It was just a bit of logical and relevant advice.
Her response clearly shows that she did not actually learn anything in her high school debate class and is, in fact, an idiot (which is an ad hominem attack, but an appropriately used one and not a fallacy).
They still LOVE 'ethnic' people, it's just that 'ethnics' use up welfare, or are more violent, or are to blame for all of the problems that white people have.
Right. Whatever. It's still hateful and bigoted, even if you like to claim otherwise. Those stats on marriage and family configuration were true 5 or 10 years ago before equal marriage was possible in any country. The demographics haven't changed much.
Face it lady, it's heteo people that screwed marriage up. They're the only ones that could've--they were the only ones that were allowed to.
That is demonizing and degrading to gay people. But maybe in Anna Maria Hoffman "how is it hateful to support marriage?" world that's not insulting because it's not like she's saying gay people are lesser human beings and their relationships unnatural and false, she's just implying it. Because they used the rainbow-colored word "faux" and say "defying what's natural", instead of sickening perverse. *teehee*
Her constant use of the phrase "radical gay activists" to indicate everyone who disagrees with her also bespeaks of a lack of knowledge of the humanity of gay people. She doesn't know any of us, most likely. Not really know us, anyway. To her, we are angry, perverse caricatures, not real people who feel passionately about equality after centuries of violent and often deadly repression.
The discordancy of her attempting to be a hipster for Christ as bigot is nails-on-blackboard creepy.
As for her "Can't we all be nice and respectful in airing our differing opinions?' the answer is No. Her opinion is disrespectful and mean, regardless of how disingenuously worded and I, for one, am done accepting poison dissolved in sweetness. She has worked for organizations which want to imprison and kill us, which lie about and marginalize us and she has the gall to whine about our anger? Are we supposed to be happy and civil because she claims to only want us to live the lives of second class citizens, instead of being destroyed?
I love how people like her act like the word bigot doesn't have a clearly defined meaning, but is some random pejorative whose origins are unknown. Sorry, Ms. Hoffman, but "bigot" is a word with a meaning and the use of that word to describe those who want to deny rights to others based on the deniers' religious beliefs is clearly within its meaning. It is an ugly word. But it fits. Even you know it. Or why would you try to disguise your anti-gay marriage position as "supporting marriage"? Yes, I know Maggie Gallagher was quite pleased with herself when she started that bit of misdirectional marketing back in 05ish, but it fools no one. The page on which your vlog appeared wasn't "Strengthening Marriage", or "Ending Divorce Culture". It was "Faux Marriage" in rainbow font. Don't tell us you are some gay-neutral proto-Gallagheresque philosopher who regrets that gay people must suffer for the greater societal good. We see you.
I am an American. I love my country and I love its guarantees of freedom and equality under the law. And I will not be polite to people like you when you would deny me those freedoms. My people are done being quiet and polite while you and people like you demonize and brutalize and marginalize. Reasonable, rational people now understand that being gay is an inherency and is morally neutral. So no, I will not be nice while you, like some younger real-life version of Saruman at bay, claim a lack of animus and feign aggrieved concern at the inconceivable hostility of good people to your arguing in opposition to our natural rights.
To be judgmental about modern codes of conduct is to risk being labeled a prude, racist, sexist or a homophobe. People ignore the fact that to accept another’s right to engage in certain peaceable, voluntary behavior doesn’t require moral acceptance or sanction.
Enough with with the double standard of “tolerance” We, who do not agree with the mandated education of our children agree the state can teach as seen fit, PROVIDED, we, the people who do not agree are not forced to financially support such an intolerant and corrupt system as is being forced upon us and then we are bullied and belittled when we disagree with state mandates.
On another note, if you research the number of countries and nations and their embracing of LGBT rights, you will note that the majority of countries, worldwide, do not espouse these rights, nor do they teach these in their educational systems, not in their familial networks. Interestingly enough, in fact, the oldest nations, those with thousand year histories of existence, do not support these rights and teachings. In fact, if you pay attention, you will find MANY nations consider America a septic tank of immorality and over sexualized living.
This is NOT a Republican vs Democrat issue. Never has been! It’s a matter of societal norms and traditions that supports a strong family, strong moral and ethical traditions that support a strong, well founded nation that survives thousands of years instead of only a few hundred. America is still a baby in the eyes of the world. We could stand to learn some lessons from those nations which have survived much more and much longer than we…
I you research the number of countries and nations and their embracing of LGBT rights, you will note that the majority of countries, worldwide, do not espouse these rights, nor do they teach these in their educational systems, not in their familial networks. Interestingly enough, in fact, the oldest nations, those with thousand year histories of existence, do not support these rights and teachings. In fact, if you pay attention, you will find MANY nations consider America a septic tank of immorality and over sexualized living.
This is NOT a Republican vs Democrat issue. Never has been! It’s a matter of societal norms and traditions that supports a strong family, strong moral and ethical traditions that support a strong, well founded nation that survives thousands of years instead of only a few hundred. America is still a baby in the eyes of the world. We could stand to learn some lessons from those nations which have survived much more and much longer than we…
P.S. About your charming handle? Those who define themselves by what they hate are bound to be consumed by it. Might wanna get back into the closet with that.