
Why do I suddenly get the image of thieves shoving someone's head against the entry plate of a secure facility?
I've seen the brain actuated cat ears in person and they're pretty neat in a geeky way; actually work somewhat well.
All the nerds will just pick "petrichor".
But you have to think in Russian.
Can't we think in Prussian with Slavic swear words thrown in?
Multiple applications on multiple monitors is one thing. In a typical day, I probably interact with three or four dozen real and virtual machines running three or four different OSs, accessed via three or four disparate remote desktop technologies.

But honestly, the desired effect could probably be more easily achieved by tracking where your eyes are looking. Of course, I can't even get this huge rat's nest of shit to quit turning my Num Lock off, so what do I know?
I'm all for tech for tech's sake (I guess?), but what would the advantage of this be? From the little I understand about hacking, this wouldn't provide any more security than typing your password. Maybe on local devices like door locks or ignitions, perhaps?

Still, kinda cool.
This really is of no use. Everyone knows it's easier to type than to think.
@4 FTW with the Firefox reference.

@8 FTW with the meta-commentary on comments. :-)

And yes, RF waves (presumably) are easy to sniff and replay, until we invent some new way to isolate it.

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