
Martha Washington was on the $1 silver certificate (that's a bank note).
In before:
- Bringing attention to this disparity only divides us and we need to stop thinking about that and move forward.
- The causes are all economic, so stop looking at gender!
- What about all the women's only awards/positions/clubs?
- Why can't my son join the Girl Scouts?
- This isn't your personal soapbox!
- Why don't you ever talk about the abuse of men by women?
- Men are just better at some things than women are.
- Why are you talking about this when there's drones/new world order/gold standard/innocents dying somewhere happening?
- The Trolls (Anything by the MisterG clones)

Their bullshit only means they're scared Bethany. Ignore them and keep adding the other side to a frequently one-sided conversation.
The chef thing has always been odd to me. Clearly women have no place in the kitchen.
I saw a headline (on Reddit, cringe) that noted the current Dalai Lama is suggesting that the next incarnation may (or should) be a female. So there is that...
Actually, the next Dali Llama is a woman.

She's busy learning math right now, cause it's not hard.
you do realize that men are far more miserable in life than women right?
The next Dalai Lama will in all probability be selected by the Chinese Government, who will "discover" the incarnated Lama in the form of a suitably malleable religious figurehead for the people of Tibet, otherwise known as West China.
And there's not enough female acts on the Coachella lineup. Thank goodness the Capitol Hill Block Party is the second coming of Lilith Fest. And the self righteous of Seattle may inherit the Earth.
I watched a former boss - academia - make a list of people to reach out to for a leadership position. I walked back into his office and said "27...and not a single woman? How is that EVEN possible?"

I love counting. Have for years.

Thank goddess that there are NO institutions, clubs, positions, and honors that just happen to entirely exclude men.
Other clubs that, while not all men, are mostly men:

U.S. military personnel killed/wounded in our wars
people raped in prison
people who have parts of their genitals involuntarily cut off for religious/traditional reasons in the U.S.
the homeless
victims of violent crime
suicide victims
people disciplined for behavior problems in schools
people who pay alimony
people who lose their children in divorce
people injured or killed at work

and finally,

people told "shut up, it is not all about you" when they bring up their concerns in conversations about gender.
Odd that they would include Doctor Who - a male fictional character - while not mentioning the US Presidency.

I suppose the Papacy goes without saying, but why single out the Dalai Lama, when the pope actually gets elected, while the Dalai Lama gets, if one is to believe the system, incarnated?
Ugh. Stupid lists with no point, just insinuation.

You know what excludes men?
- Nunneries
- Women's restrooms
- Every child birth ever
- Every U.S. First Lady ever
- Disney Princesses
- etc

See? That exclusion of men proves... uh, wait. It proves nothing. It is just a list of things that exclude men.

Sexism is a real issue that can be constructively addressed. Talk about why you think it is changing (if you believe it is) or why it is not. Talk about what links the items in these lists together. Just please, dear God, add *some* value beyond "a list of things that are all on the same list."
Thanks for the perspective, @13. Girls can be cartoon royalty! And can marry powerful men! You solved sexism. Hooray!

Wow, this sure does make women seem inept.
Thanks everyone for playing, especially you #10.
They left out 9/11 hijackers.
@14: Given your nasty personality, I am delighted that you misread my comment in a way that upset you. Please try to read something else into this one that makes you positively screaming mad.

My point: lists of things with no analysis or commentary are useless because they beg insinuation and just reflect the readers' own opinions back at them.

Not my point (but please focus on this and hopefully have an aneurysm, @14): the things on the list of male-excluded are just as good as the things on the female-excluded list so there is no problem here.
Stop interrupting the congrasturbation.
WAIT! There's an error in the list - Martha Stewart did ring the NYSE bell in 2009.

Can't trust everything you read on the internet.
Keep posting lists like this and you are going to get yourself removed from Mitt Romney's binder.
@18 - "there is no problem here."

Bwahahahahaha ha! Welcome to being part of the problem, asshat.
here is a quick & apt cartoon of the Mens Rights Activists reaction to this kind of info:

But I Am A Nice Guy
The 14th Dalai Lama has said (in more than one interview) that the next incarnation may not be male and may not be born in Tibet. Most likely an "official" Dalai Lama will be selected by the Chinese government, and another will be found by the Tibetan search committee and identified as the real 15th incarnation. (Controversy will ensue.) The strategies that the 14th uses to make an ancient and mystical tradition cohere with modern society and social progress shows a lot of thought and creativity. IMHO, natch.
All of these sad Slog posts today...can we have a puppy posting soon?
@22: Welcome to total reading comprehension fail. Like, a "I pushed the door because it said pull" level of trouble processing what words mean.
You can spin that however you want, @also, but if you think that in *any* possible way that "there is no problem here" (your words, not mine), then again - you are part of the problem. Disney princesses.... Really now.
@27 There is definitely a problem, and I think that the current groupings absent women are much more telling than the long history ones (especially the ones that reach back prior to the ratification of the ERA :).

That said, Disney Princesses is at least as valid as the Dr. Who list and if you include the companions, I think it's clear what was net positive, and what was decidedly less so.
Disney Princesses are hot!
All that said, I still think I'd rather be a woman. Being a male never really appealed to me much.
@24 hence my joke. I would have thought people could figure it out after I purposely misspelt it as the Dolly Llama.
Looking at the Bumbershoot lineup, there's an interesting event around a book conceived by three women in a Seattle coffee shop. There was also an Independent Lens on PBS on Wonder Woman and female characters in action films.…
Buddhism sucks.
@1-33: Quit whining and take action that actually starts to advance women. Places to start and examples include:…
@34 I make sex-positive porn. What the hell do you do?
OMG the Doctor Who thing is just hurting my brain. Time Lords stay gender consistent across regenerations. Pains me that somebody went through the effort of compiling pictures of all the actors that have played The Doctor but missed the basics of the show - this is not even remotely suitable for inclusion in a Boys Club rant. Gah.
@36 well if that's the scientific fact of the situation then obviously it can't be changed. Also I'm sure that Doctor Who is a show that has always been 100 per cent consistent and would never modify or retcon any part of its mythology.

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