
Phoenix Jones is a Phucktard
I live 2 blocks off Boren and Pike and I can hear the flag bangs grenades from here.
I guess since the SPD failed, despite their, KING5, KOMO et al's best efforts to incite anything at the M1AC march earlier, they decided they'd just start flat-out attacking the anti-capitalist march.
I want to toss Phoenix Jones's salad
Kinison, no one gives a flying fuck.
Oh those poor oppressed children. They can't throw shit and break windows freely. Oh how will they ever be free from such oppression.
What I have to admire here is how SLOG reporters have swum against the current of local media reporting, and instead largely ignored attention-seeking anarchist non-events in favor of the much larger protests for immigrant rights.
At least from the coverage I have seen the police have been doing a fine job.

Fuck these assholes.
Kinison dear, don't listen to the troll. He's just mad because Mother took away his bus pass and now he can't leave Lynnwood.
Goldy has zero credibility in covering these events. He's been going out of his way to minimize any possible disruption, so now that the troublemakers are throwing rocks at police and vandalizing he's looking for ways to blame the cops.
I expect most of the black-clads would've stood down, but for the presence of TV cameras.

I hope KING, KOMO, et al are proud of themselves tonight.
Boy, nobody can turn a legitimate political stance into a flimsy pretext for camera-ready cop-baiting quicker than a Seattleite. I hope everyone heals up okay.
On KIRO they've done an amazing job of documenting the police, and they've even been critical of how the police was handling things. Yes, they've got a lot of "hooligan" jargon too, but this coverage is hardly the typical party line.
"Pepper spray has been "liberally deployed" "

Now that is some liberalism I can get behind.
@15, the KOMO liveblog is where I'm seeing some good stuff too. They're reporting businesses' windows being smashed around Broadway and Pine now for some reason.…
White kids smashing up Cap Hill. It's like Portlandia for morons.
Sadistic Psycho Degenerates
Will they loot the dildo shop and smash capitalism? Vaginas want to know.
I don't understand the idea of smashing windows of businesses. And why we should think this helps what ever point they were trying to make.

I think the violence by some protestors on May Day is completely intentional and that IS their only point. They use the more innocent protestors as cover not giving a shit who gets blamed or hurt. Anarchists suck.

I heard the cops were also seen throwing 3 inch pocket knives on the ground so when they "accidentally" shoot an unarmed person in the back they can point to the knives and say they feared for their lives.

Lord knows I don't have many nice things to say about our local contemporary anarchists, but at least this year they seem to have scheduled their shouty cop-baiting horseshit until after all the immigrant-rights protesters had gone home.
What is this, Occupy Cupcake Royale?
The flash-bangs were going off close to the SLUT terminus at Westlake, when there were still commuters arriving. I'm sure any hearing loss they suffered is justified if windows were saved.
I heard Arturo Bandini has a 3 inch pocket dick.
23 that is something to be thankful for.

@13, exactly what kind of idiot are you anyway? Were the camera people and news people saying "go ahead and incite something." It's like the wife beater. "She made me do it."

You know what? Those evil cops wouldn't have been so restrained had the "black clads" been actually African American or Latino or Native American.

The aimless disruptive, violent rage machine that is anarchy really is annoying. A bunch of hard working small business owners are going to face clean up or repair costs that are really going to hurt. That will teach Bank of America! What fucking idiots you are.
"Like beads at Mardi Gras"? You have got to be fucking kidding me. SPD is showing incredible restraint given the taunts, insults, and outright assaults being perpetrated by childish idiotic assholes.

Get fucking real, Goldy. Tonight, YOU are the Horse's Ass.
have you people not heard, or seen, that capitalism has poisoned the planet and continues to do so at an accelerated pace. that the "wealth" has been sucked out of the middle classes, and that civil liberties are rapidly disappearing?
why the willful ignorance about anarchists being, in large part, anticapitalist, anti fascist, (capitalism's handmaiden,) and anti patriarchal.
why the schoolyard remarks in what should be enlightening discourse about "why do they hate our freedoms?"
you might consider that your "freedoms" look a lot like prison to us.
@9 YES. Except Goldy, who apparently has tossed credibility to the wind (this from a former Goldy Fan Club Member).
I"m just pissed that they made me miss Survivor.
Brendan might be a *touch* biased on this.
Fnarf, available on Hulu. And we really need a Survivor Seattle edition. No women in bikinis on that one, though.
I'm just glad I decided to stay in this evening and polish my pole lamp collection.
@34 I have the same collection, although it only includes 1 item. I also manage to "stay in and polish it" pretty much daily.
@27, you know, the cops were plenty restrained earlier when a big crowd of mostly brown people marched. That's because they had a legitimate story to tell about immigration rights that they expressed in a dignified manner, behaving like human beings.

That's the part that the anarchist dingleberries don't get and never will. They are actively working against justice. Fuck 'em.
37 many hedge fund managers were cowering in the aisles there?

Face it guys, the battle has been long lost. All you're doing is peeing in your own swimming pools.

There's 32 trillion on offshore accounts. Game over. You're so far from the board even, nay, the the dining room in which the game is played, there's zero chance of anyone kicking it over.

You can't touch it.
Goldy is a fucking idiot. Fuck these protestors and thanks to the people picking up an cleaning up after these pathetic tools. Way to fight the system you moronic trust fund anarchists....trashing the street and vandalizing local businesses!
Let's all go to the east precinct and make fun of the anarchists clothes that they all bought at Urban Outfitters.
Ya know, there is a media feeding frenzy going on right now, and Slog is part of it (with Goldy's participation). Media are LOOKING (dare I say "hoping")? for a WTF style mass mis-behavior of SPD complete with pepper spraying the Angry Grandma's and people in parked cars.

Too bad, assholes (including Stranger - you are supposed to be the Good Guys). It isn't happening this year.
@33, I'll catch it on On Demand in a day or two. I don't have Hulu Plus, and Hulu regular is only up to episode 5, more than a month ago.

In Survivor Seattle, the only food would be at restaurants that have a huge line out the door, and close before you get there, or at food trucks that unexpectedly change location to across town without warning. The immunity challenge would be real immunity -- you'd have to lick a bus seat and hope you didn't come down with something.
Slightly off topic, but why hasn't Charles posted anything about May Day today? What the hell kind of Marxist is he?
Geez, guys. Could you some of you be bigger assholes? I'm just piecing together what Brendan and Ansel are calling in. These are their words and their descriptions, not mine.

I put it together on the fly as the reports came in, updating the post from time to time so Slog had the latest. Rereading the final post from start finish, I've no idea why some folks here have their balls in a knot over it.

Now, after a 14 hour work day, good night.
good point, 36. At least that is true. And yes, I agree, Anarchists are useless pigs.
Seriously, Goldy and Brendan's unsubstantiated "reporting" is nauseating to read. I enjoy SLOG a lot but christ, of course they lost the hearts and minds of people....because they are a bunch of selfish, destructive, ridiculous fucktards. Unfortunately in their rush to give the protestors a journalistic hand job, Goldy yet again, manages to show what a hack he really is.

What the hell kind of Marxist is he?

BTW, I'm impressed that the ECB hate took all the way until the 39th comment to find expression. How many years since she left The Stranger now? It already took a crass moron to pile on when she was here, so I'm impressed with how small a person "meb" is.
Brendan, the "tense standoff" was the intent of the protesters.

And I can't agree about the SPD losing the hearts and minds of Capitol Hill. The Hill is frustrated by both the police and the vandals right now but from what I'm seeing Hill folk are pretty angry with the vandals.
For what it's worth: I understood at some windows at Sun Distillery were broken (did not see them myself, but heard from a trusted source); and learned that the flash-bang grenades seem to be a 'pint-size' version of the larger ("standard"?) type seen during the WTO event, for example.

As of 15 min ago the crowd was pretty effectively dispersed, as far as I could determine from the Broadway-Pine/cal Anderson area.
Weak explanation Goldy. You eagerly fanned the flames by framing and highlighting phrases and things the way you did. This journalism thing isn't working out for you.
"What's missing", dipshit assholes, is that those "protestors" could be (legally) carrying semi-automatic weapons, while SPD is constrained by pepper spray and rules of engagement. Get a fucking grip. These folks put themselves in harms way DAILY, to the point of losing their lives and families. SPD may have its political and procedural bugaboos. But these are the good guys.
Fnarf@31: Don't make me fucking like you.
Oh Just Jeff, you naughty boy, working blue....irregardless, I hope you enjoy your "collection" as much as I do mine.
@48 She deserved it as much as Dominic does when she was here.
Totally not getting it, CVD, but hey, you gotta be you.
I just got back from the event. The cops were completely overboard. They were so desperate to prevent these kids from smashing windows that they were liberally using pepper spray and flash grenades when kids threw plastic water bottles at them. The SPD did an awful job and a lot of innocent people were trampled on and pepper sprayed. Worse, when some of us tried to get away the cops would only let us go to capitol hill and if we tried to get downtown it was pepper spray, pepper spray, and numerous obscenities thrown at us by the cops.
Those kids are total douchebags but I won't lie, I got a laugh out of the broken window at Bill's. Having worked there back in the day I can say the owners are at least as shitty as the protestors.
Looks like the city will be paying out more $ from lawsuits against the SPD.

They never learn.
@57 And so vandalizing small businesses and dumping trash all over the fucking streets was the logical next step right? Yup. I'm sure you idiots were completely innocent lambs in all
@53, you know you do. You know I'm right. About everything. You know I'm on the side of the angels. You know that Cochran is the best Survivor in the history of the game, win or lose.
@52- when, ever, have you heard, seen or read about American protestors using semi-automatic weapons against the cops?

Oh, right: never.

Stop creating propaganda.
Hey, I wasn't claiming they were innocent and I was merely observing. The cops did a horrible job of keeping things cool and instead just pissed off a whole bunch of already pissed off angsty kids.
@57. Also, you might not know this since you are a douche but its generally not a good idea to throw ANYTHING at a cop lest you are into providing them with justification to come back at you. Too bad you didn't observe the immigrant march earlier...could've learned a
few pointers about how organizing is really done.
Wow, way to get all the capitalist apologists frothing at the mouth over a protest. Look at all these good people wringing their hands in excitement over someone getting tear gassed, pepper sprayed, getting his or her head bashed in by a baton.

Gazillionaire bankers obliterate the global economy, nobody bats an eye. Bunch of black bloc ties up traffic and busts a couple windows, let's form the lynch mob!
Whatever, fuck you #65. I'd normally be happy to engage in dialogue with anyone to flesh this out a little more for the benefit of all parties but your use of insults and condescension is boring and base. Suck shit through a tube.
You people are choosing to read stuff into this post that isn't there. For example:

And I can't agree about the SPD losing the hearts and minds of Capitol Hill.

How do you get from this post that Brendan was asserting the SPD lost the hearts and minds of Capitol Hill? He was clear referring to the assholes who busted the window at Bill's.

Sheesh. Again, folks, reread this post. We report on protesters throwing stuff at police and breaking windows. How is that possibly biased in favor of the protesters?
@63. So again, vandalizing small businesses and trashing the neighborhood advanced the cause in what way now?
Blah, I was stuck at the bus stop at 8th and Olive waiting for over an hour. There was tons of tear gas being thrown a couple blocks up (probably the 5th and Olive stuff being reported on). Eventually, the mob rolled through as I tried to just read my Kindle and hope the bus would eventually come. My wife and I finally decided to head down to fourth after an hour and a half, because all of the broken glass on the streets and cops blocking traffic made us think it might be rerouted. Finally got home just now, despite being at the bus stop before 8.
Fucking absurd. I wonder how this would have played out if the media hadn't been playing up how "ready" the SPD were for the last week or so.
"Liberally deployed"? What does that mean? Can you quantify that?
Pocket knives were being thrown down by cops? Got pics to prove that?

Know what? Fuck the anarchists.
They fucked up Occupy, what could've been an awesome social/political movement, because they're more interested in fighting the cops and having screaming little tantrums than in ending corporate control of our gov't.
I'm no fan of the shit some of the cops did to some Occupiers, but as far as I'm concerned, I'd look the other way if they were stomping the teeth out of the anarchists' mouths.

Breaking the windows at Walgreen's says nothing, and breaking the windows at Bill's just pisses off the people in the neighborhood.
Until the unions and the immigrants' groups realize this, and do something about the radical elements that are fucking up the message and the image, then we're not going to win the hearts and minds of the middle class, the blue-collar people, the retirees, the families with kids, et al. And, without those folks, the May Day protesters will continue to lose against the corporations and the cops.
@46 As for "unsubstantiated" reporting... both Brendan and Ansel were there on the ground. These were firsthand eyewitness reports.

But enough. I'm letting my fatigue get the best of me. I love engaging in comment threads, but I learned long ago not to take them too seriously. And you guys are all pussycats compared to my trial by fire at HA. At least nobody here on Slog has ever threatened to kill me.

Please point me to some of the defenses of capitalism you mention? Sounds nefarious.

Also, could you tell us where go to read about the stuff you have learned about bankers wrecking the economy? I haven't heard a thing about it, apparently because nobody bats an eye.
Damn I hate cops. They are by and large douchebags who think they are above everyone else because they have a badge and a gun. And no I've never broken any major laws and no I don't throw rocks and windows. And every time I've needed a cop they've been assholes to me.

Makes me sick that the US has become such a fucked up police state.

Well we didn't use our rights so we lost them.
@72 I don't think it's fair to make unions and immigrant groups responsible for what a bunch of sullied children decide to do later in the day.
@41 Get a fucking grip. Organizations like KIRO were hyping this for WEEKS definitely from a pro-police bias.This type of thing was and has been hyped as a fucking Anarchageddon when it's always been mediocre vandalism and misguided pseudoactivism.
@68 You'd have a better point if your article
wasn't loaded with inflammatory highlighting of phrases like "teargas canister to the eye"
and "he's quite certain they shot him on purpose." There is absolutely no effort whatsoever by you to highlight or bring to front and center anything negative about the protestors. No boldface quotes, no elaboration...nothing. Nice try Goldy. The Pulitzer will have to wait.
@66, I gotta hand it to you, you really showed those gazillionaire bankers what's what. You're really hitting them where it hurts, huh?

You know what would be a really powerful message? Rip your shirt. That'll show 'em.Come on, show those bankers who's really boss in Seattle. Hit yourself in the nuts. Fight the power.
@29: You might consider taking up residence in the woods. The rest of us would like a society.
I didn't say they're responsible. I said they need to be aware of, and do something about, the tying of the anarchists' actions to the union/immigrant message/image.
Like it or not, when the labor/immigrant movement is known for marching on May Day, and May Day becomes synonymous with anarchists' smashing of windows and fighting cops, then the labor/immigrant movement is the loser.

Not the anarchists. They relish this shit.
Not the (slightly) inconvenienced, insured, big business.
Not the cops. They're getting overtime, and maybe relish this shit.

The real losers are the victimized small businesses and the immigrant/labor movement.
@71 Same thing happened to me trying to catch the 49 south at 45th and University. Checked my phone and saw it was going to be 45 minutes because of delays so I just grabbed an Uber.
From what I saw and heard, pepper spray and tear gas were only used after a repeated set of fireworks were set off. For a long time the cops were just corralling everyone between 4th and 5th. The mob started setting off a couple fireworks. Cops threw one canister of tear gas, people spread out, then regrouped.

Fast forward a bit, another bunch of numerous fireworks went off. Cops swarm the area. Some sort of flashbang and tear gas was then released into the crowd. Crowd starts running down Olive towards us. Cops roll through and "advise" us to depart the area. Black clothing brigade bandied through, followed by cops. By the time they were in front of us, I saw a bunch (4-8) of glass bottles thrown at the police. I didn't see who threw any of them. Police walked by with pneumatic OC pellet guns. They didn't even look twice at those of us by the bus stop. The bike cops rolled through, one fell dodging a plastic bottle (at least, I didn't hear it shatter, so I think it was plastic). Bike line held, then advanced. We had a nice little wall of cops circling us, facing outwards. Apparently (I did not see it), a police officer was injured by something being thrown. At that point the crowd turned the corner and walked away.

A few minutes later, some female newscaster and cameraman came up looking for everyone... A bit late, don't you think?

Know who I feel sorry for in all this? The drivers of the cars going over all the broken glass, who will probably get some flats and need to pay for tire fixes.
I sure hope that our friendly court appointed monitoring team is paying close attention to whatever is or isn't happening tonight.
I mean fuck, SPD are horrible and I'm not apologizing for any REAL excesses of violence that actually occured but for fucks sake, SLOG. Clearly there are certain political concerns more popular here than others but would it kill you to take some fucking basic journalism
@71, @82

The People's Revolutionary Disruption of Public Transportation is once again Victorious! Hail Eris!
And now we can have a couple weeks of protests of how the police handled the situation.
Goldy, my reading, like your reporting, was flushed and hurried. I did misunderstand your quote from Brendan. So I agree that the anarchists lost the heart and minds of Capitol Hill tonight. Not that I'm convinced that they ever had a hold of them anyway...
To clarify, I was pepper sprayed, not tear-gassed as I said in my tweet. I am poorly versed in the ways of crowd control. And thanks again, Brendan. Running into you was a miracle.

Wow, you must watch a hell of a lot more TV than I do.

This year I didn't pick up anything remotely like the "incipient mayhem" vibe that I got last year, but I'll grant that if the picture painted by Your Local TV (Action!) News was worlds away from my own impressions, I'd be pretty much oblivious.
Hey Seven, complaining about the cops in this instance is just silly. March with a mob and some are throwing rocks, pipes and bricks and other are throwing balloons...there's smoke and yelling and somehow cops are supposed to know that the thing about to get hurled is a balloon?

What nincompoopery. Deal with the consequences. When you make the decision to seek out trouble with a mob and the mob acts, well, like a mob, you are just lucky it wasn't worse.

I always enjoy the part where suburbanite/anarchists start whining about cops noticing destructive behavior and responding accordingly.

Be fucking happy you aren't a carver, princess.
Don't listen the couple haters in this post, Goldy. Remember that the capitalist system has been ingrained into us since the cradle until it has become a sort of religion. In addition, there's the natural defensive resistance to anything that challenges conformity. Hence the law-and-order authoritarian fetish. That's why there's so much venom spouted at political protesters. It's very similar to the weirdly passionate and reflexive antagonism to anything that smacks of gun control. If you notice, anything that proposes an alternative to a capitalist market economy, or gun ownership (which offers the illusion of self reliance in a capitalist world that has curtailed the freedoms and options of the non-wealthy individual), is met with rabid attacks so violent you'd think you were burning their houses. That's because a challenge to capitalism is a challenge to the true world religion and to conformity. All the insults simply mean that you've struck a very big nerve.
@90 It was all over KIRO, my one guilty pleasure and hypertensive agent.
Take everything Erica says with a grain of salt and a bottle of wine. Paying for the wine is optional.
CapitolHillCowboy makes some great points. SLOG, via Goldy, via Brendan, et al, are engaged in some really blatant hyperbole.
Such as:

"a tense standoff is blowing up into an all out confrontation between angry protesters and angry police."

"Pepper spray has been 'liberally deployed',"
As a former infantry Marine, who has trained in gas mask deployment inside tear-gar chambers, and someone who's been in Mardi Gras and Occupy demonstrations, I'd like to know what "liberally deployed" really means.
Do you actually mean tear gas?

"police are now throwing flash bang grenades into the crowd 'like they are beads at Mardi Gras'—I could hear several go off near Brendan."
I've been to Mardi Gras. This is obviously not true, nor even close to accurate. Again, exaggeration and hyperbole.

"'I would not be surprised if someone is hurt right now,' says Brendan."
So, assumptions and surmising are now considered reporting?

"For their part, protesters are throwing fireworks back at the police, along with other debris. Brendan says he's seen a bottle of water and a rock thrown at police. Stranger news intern Ansel Herz reports seeing rocks, paint balls, flares, and glass thrown by the crowd, though he did say an injuries."
Fair to report the instigation.

"Eventually the police used a rain of flash bang grenades to break through the crowd and start forcing the protesters back up Olive."
A "rain"?
Is that 20, or is it 2,000?

"Later, as the crowds moved on, Brendan came upon a man named Brian who was limping away, his leg bloodied, after police threw as many as three flash bang grenades at his feet. 'He's quite certain that they shot him on purpose,' reports Brendan."
Brian's not quite an objective witness and, indeed, may be an instigator in all this.

"At that point Brendan disconnected after reporting police 'tackling some kid.'"
Really? Got a pic? What is tackling? Did he do something? How many police? What specific actions did they take? Was it a running block? A flying tackle? Or, were they arresting someone and threw him on the ground for resisting?

"PubliCola's Erica C. Barnett Tweets that she got a 'full canister, right in the eyes.'"
Again, not an objective witness. Nor do we see pics. And, again, hyperbole, as I sincerely doubt she got a full cannister since she probably moved out of the stream and a cop would have to circle her, constantly directing the stream into her eyes. And, since she certainly closed her eyes upon first contact, there's no way she go a full cannister in her eyes.

"Ansel reports just barely dodging a direct pepper spray hit himself (he says his face is burning a little)."
So, being in a crowd being dispersed with pepper spray, and ALMOST being sprayed is now considered accurate reporting of police excess?

"I know the police claim they use pepper spray for crowd control and to facilitate arrests, but it doesn't always look that way."
So, of course, you use the word "claim." That's awfully reminiscent of the Faux News tactic of "some people say."

"Ansel reports an incident in which a woman got cornered in some bushes, with an officer standing over her emptying a can of mace. The officer eventually allowed the woman to walk away outside the police lines without arrest. Hard to understand how that sort of assault is justified if the woman didn't do anything worthy of arrest?"
Again, pictures? Did he actually see this? Did he follow her to get her name and/or a statement? Cornered? What kind of bushes downtown prevent someone from extricating theirs self from the situation? Standing over? Was she prone? Hunkered down?

"It's a street battle," says Ansel, "a kind of a symbolic street theater sort of thing where both sides are contesting control of the street. Usually the police have ultimate control, but the people out here tonight are trying to prove otherwise." The protesters, Ansel says, forced the police to use "substantial force." And he speculates that was their intent.
Again, fair reporting.

"SPD now reports 11 adults and 2 juveniles arrested for assaults and property damage. One officer has reportedly been injured by a thrown object.
But while the downtown business district may have escaped damage, once the crowds were chased back up the street, Capitol Hill wasn't so lucky. Brendan reports two windows broken at the Walgreens at Broadway & E. Pine, as well as a window at local hangout Bill's Off Broadway: 'They lost the hearts and minds of folks on Capitol Hill,' says Brendan."
A decent summation.

"At last report the crowds had converged on the East Precinct at 12th & E. Pine, which Brendan says is now on 'total lockdown.' Stay tuned for Brendan's wrap-up later tonight."
What the fuck does that mean? Are we talking "Fort Apache, the Bronx," a San Quentin prison-riot type lockdown, or is the precinct secured with some cops standing out front? And, by converged do you mean there are thousands of people surrounding the precinct with torches and pitchforks, or do you mean that there are a couple hundred people in small groups, spread out over a couple blocks around that area? Again, shitty reporting with far too much hyperbole.
You guys should be embarrassed by this.
Here is my recommendation for next year's protests: move it to a soccer field with protesters on one side and the police on the other. Fight it out there. Bring in a couple of plate glass windows for the anarchists to smash and let the police pepper spray and throw flash-bangs with abandon. And for the anarchists that want to full police oppression experience, they can volunteer after the event is over to be brutalized by the biggest assholes in the SPD. It is almost like a sporting event. After all, that is really what this is about, since nobody with a brain could honestly think they could make the rich quake in their boots by smashing the windows of local businesses and fighting with the police.
LOL @ 96...
I loathe sporting events, but I'd buy tix to that!
If we sell hotdogs, popcorn and beer, the concession proceeds could go to the labor/immigrant groups.
I usually like Goldy's posts, but if you look at this one and just read the parts he put in bold type, you'll see it for exactly the kind of sensationalist, "if it bleeds, it leads" crap journalism the other Sloggers have been warning against all day.

Seriously, Goldy, your post belongs at the Seattle Times. Congratulations.
@33 for the Seattle Survivor: Bikini Kill Park edition win.
@98 I don't think there was anything particularly egregious in the Times coverage of this. Goldy is right where he belongs.
And, for the record, based on my own experience on both sides of riots, the SPD escalated when they didn't need to.

But, hey, wasn't there, just basing this on videos.
I saw what was going down when they got to Pine & Boren. The cops were completely and unabashedly instigating this shit.

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