
Clearly, evidence of Neanderthal genes still residing in some Homo Sapiens.
Science is only good when it says I'm right.
Also, science can be checked out. It doesn't work to say "Science came to me in a vision and said [nonsense]."
In lion families the lady is the bread winner.
Conservatives still trot out this tired complaint every few years, ignoring the fact that it's always been bullshit.

They're yearning for a past that never existed.
I don't know, he did say things like "science" and "biology" Time to go home! I didn't really feel like being at work today anyways. Thanks Erick "the Eric" Erickson!
On the bright side, people like this drive women away from the Republican Party, including many who would otherwise embrace its policies. So, keep this idiot talking, I guess.
If male breadwinners were biologically superior, then why are neocons dying out faster than they can replace them?

Ooh. Math. Math is hard.
"Females in many species are relegated to nurturing tasks," is science, yes. "As a result, human females must stay at home and raise families" is not science, it's regressive misogynistic sociological bullshit.

Whether nor not you can identify the difference between the two may be a strong indicator of whether you're a dumb motherfucker! Take the test today.
Wow, so now the Stranger, the Official Voice of the Seattle Fuckwit (TM), is using the word "fuckwit" to describe people it doesn't like! Ha ha ha. Imitation is flattery, etc etc.
Glad I didn't have to mention lions. I suggest Erickson attempt to educate lionesses about their appropriate gender roles.
Oh, I think we all know who the official fuckwit is here.
Erick Erickson is an asshole? Who knew?
Erick Erickson is an asshole? Who knew!
@6 Of course Lions eat bread. How else do you make a gazelle sandwich?
What about male seahorses nurturing their eggs/young? Science! Who can explain it?
Good to know that liberals don't believe in science. I'll keep that in mind.

@20 ROAR!!!
...And on that fateful vacation morning, during his very first paddle-board lesson, Mr. Erickson came face to face with the angry group of seahorses the woman on the boardwalk had warned him about.
And here I thought the nuclear family --the newest 'form' of family, historically--, and an economy that forces both parents to work in order to support themselves + children... was antithetical to families.

Guess I'm wrong?
Damnit @19, I was still typing!
Did the Pro-Life Movement
Lead to More Single Moms?

* "In geographical regions and social classes where the stigma for having an abortion is high, the nonmarital birthrate is also high."
* "blue states, despite their relatively progressive politics, have lower divorce and teen birthrates than red states. In fact the college-educated middle class, partly by postponing having children, had managed to better embody the traditional ideal: that is, a greater percentage of children being raised in two-parent families. "

Don't like single moms like Bristol Palin being the sole breadwinner? Want two parent child rearing? Then you need reality-based sex ed, access to birth control and access to abortion.

Don't like them apples? Complain to your God, puny Christianists. Complain to your God and let him laugh.
@13 I'd pay to watch that. Who's with me? If market forces want it to happen, it MUST be the best allocation of dumbass reichwing blogger-pricks to use them as lion chow, amirite?

Because SCIENCE! Or at least, ECONOMICS, which is not quite the same thing.
On the bright side, people like this drive women away from the Republican Party

Like the Stranger and Roger Valdez turn people away from the Democrats?
I hope his next article explains fucking magnets.
@28, you posted something on this yesterday under a different name. Who are you to call someone else a coward?
I could only watch the video for 10 seconds before I had to turn it off. Are these people for real?!

I hope women of the republican party see this and see what their "men" are saying about them and what their "roles" are supposed to be.

And how the HELL is mom earning more money bad for children? Children just want to fucking eat, have clothes, shelter and people love them (of whatever fucking gender). They don't give a damn how it all comes about! Republicans, PLEASE stop trying to use children as your reason for doing (or not doing) things. Leave the kids out of it!
I bet Erickson tells women he passes in the street to smile for him.
Who is the breadwinner amongst those snails or fish that change gender back and forth depending on the ambient temperature?
I'm sure if it's legitimate breadwinning, men's bodies have a way to shut that whole thing down.
Just wait until Hitlery Clinton takes the throne and turns us into asexual haplo-diploids.
So the guy who makes a living having his picture and voiced beamed through the air by energy magic all over the world, who has almost certainly never gathered a single calorie of his own nutrition with his own hands, thinks we humans shouldn't do things that animals wouldn't do?

Huh. How 'bout that.

@35, I know you're kind of an idiot, Bailo, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume "Hitlery Clinton" is tongue-in-cheek. If it's not, you need to go find the nearest Holocaust survivor and fucking abase yourself, immediately.
@33 Or the ones who change gender depending on the number of males in the population

I also want to hear this guy talk about seahorses....
What kind of a shitty website forces you to complete surveys before it will let you see content. Fuck that shit.
The NATIONAL SYMBOL of Erickson's godforsaken country, the BALD EAGLE, has a female that's 25% larger than the male (as is true for almost all raptors).
@ 39, that's why we tried to hunt them to extinction. Fucking pussy birds.
C'mon, guys. It's natural so it must be good. You know, like otters raping baby seals to death.

It isn't. In actual fact, anti-poverty campaigns in the third world often focus on educating girls and women and finding them meaningful employment, because, when you give more money and education to mothers, their children directly benefit. When you give money and education to fathers, the children don't directly benefit. On a global scale, men are far more likely to piss the money away or to take their new success and ditch their families than women are.
Science is only right when I can pull scientific facts out of my ass to support my bigotry.
@36 How 'bout if he just finds the nearest deep Hole, and throws himself to the base of it? Seems like that would do us more good.
He's right you guys. Biologically, men are more adapted to hunt and women to raise children. Science. Also, we should live naked in caves and die of tooth decay at 30. Cause, science.
What about those lizards in SE Asia that are all female clones, with no males at all?

It sure is good to know that God biologically adapted us for this modern world with all the high-rises, cars, and computers. Welp, I gotta be off, I have to go hunt for a little bit after work with the boys, whilst my wife gathers some fruit and nuts for dinner.
Why would I watch some retarded fuckbag that doesn't deserve a second thought? The problem here is you are paying attention to them and NOT pointing and laughing.
Yeah, that guy's a moron.

@35: "asexual haplo-diploids"
@32: I'll bet that when Erickson passes women in the street he says, sotto voce, "I can smell your cunt."
I just laughed so hard @6 that the lady sitting next to me on the bus got up and moved.
Albatrosses parent as perfect equals, taking turns foraging and egg-sitting. Plenty of animals parent as single mothers. Others lay their eggs, conceal them, and then never have anything to do with them again.

Humans have been known to use a wide variety of parenting models. We need to find our own way that works for us. It's silly to say that there is One True Model that is a Jealous Model and will smite your family if you follow False Models.
@47, Erickson is what passes for an intellectual on the right these days. He's a "highly respected" "voice of reason", a "welcome tonic" in the land of no-nothings who "demands attention" for his "bold thinking" and is "shaping the narrative".

People treat him seriously. He's on TV and in the major newspapers regularly. So when he proves he's dumber than a box of rocks, you should pay attention, because whatever he says, some elected or wanna-be elected Republican shithead is going to be saying it too pretty soon.
@20: What the heck are you talking about?
Females of a number of species eat the males after mating. Ergo, it is natural to devour the male and use him for food, because Science. Just call me Hannibala.
Start paying living wages for EVERY type of work -- by "living" I mean sufficient for ONE income ONLY to cover all costs of living -- and undo the egregious abuses to the economy Reagan started that FORCED everyone who wasn't rich to HAVE to have two incomes to make ends meet, and I'll GLADLY forego working outside the home. Hey, more time to spend on activism, getting in shape, hobbies and video games. I *WANTED* to freaking stay home with my kids and YOU WOULDN'T LET ME. You conservatwats HOSED the freaking economy SO BAD that by the time I was of age and having children I didn't have a choice; I HAD to work JUST so we could survive, have a roof over our heads and eat. And even at that we were eating boxed crap because we were so broke, and you douchenozzles wouldn't even help by giving me a tiny share of the money MY WORKING BUTT'S TAXES paid into the system with EVERY paycheck; no, you turned our family of five away saying we "earned too much" to qualify for help. Meanwhile we were $200 in the hole EVERY month with BOTH of us working, because of the economic voodoo YOUR idiots pulled in the early-mid '80s. And this AFTER your precious ronny "RAY-GUN" decided to literally rob widows and orphans (cutting SS death benefits, again, money THEIR spouse or parent had paid into the system all THEIR lives presumably TO PROVIDE FOR THEM) and made it financially impossible for those of my generation in that situation to be able to finish school as well. THANKS YOU SELF-CENTERED ASSHOLES (conservaturds). You NEVER think about the effects of your crap on OTHER people or even care -- you are sadists and can't tell the difference between reality and your sick self-absorbed toxic dogma-saturated imaginations.

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