
Sounds pretty cool.

This is not really a complaint--or at least not a strong one, but I wonder why the first openly gay character there had to be from out of town. Have there since been any hometown characters introduced as or revealed to be gay? Otherwise, it's as if they're saying that although Riverdale is accepting of gays, gays aren't their sons and daughters, their brothers and sister, their aunts and uncles, etc.
i always suspected that reggie was a closet case.
Jughead. I always suspected his nickname was a double entendre.

@2: I don't want Reggie to be gay. The straights can have him.
How did Kevin already have a comic about his wedding but no kiss yet?
@4 That comic takes place in one of two alternative futures where Archie has married eather Betty or Veronica. In Kevin Keller's own book he's still a teen.
@3 Yep, Jughead. I read Archie comics obsessively as a child, but haven't read them in years, and haven't read any of Kevin Keller's story. This video was great, I think I may have to revisit Archie world. @5, I had no idea there were alternative future Archie comics where he married either Betty or Veronica! My childhood self is creaming her jeans!
@1 I should've said, Jughead, as far as I know, has never been revealed to be gay. He's just always been more interested in sandwiches than women. So I started to think he's gay but so far in the closet that he can't admit to himself that he is. I thought he and Moose would've made a good couple. But like the guy said in the video, the comic's been around for 70 years. The core characters (or at least did when I was reading them as a kid, starting around 30 years ago) reflect an earlier time.
@1- I think they introduced a new character so he could be out from the get-go. I believe he came out to Jughead pretty much during his first scene. If an established character was revealed to be gay, that would be a very different dynamic ("I've known you for 70 years, Reggie. Why didn't you tell me?")
No, Jughead is a misogynist. You can be straight and be a misogynist, you know. It happens all the time.

Although I question the wisdom of keeping that part of his character around in this day and age.
Well,that's nice. Now if they could just have a female character who doesn't look like a Playboy Playmate.
Gromm @9, you are correct, I am wrong. Excellent points.

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