
What do you do? Stop being so jealous and start being a better boyfriend, before you get dumped for being the insecure, controlling guy you are.

Guys shouldn't go to gaybars without their boyfriends? Really? If that is what you personally think, I personally think you might want to see a therapist. Or grow up a bit before you sabotage a good relationship. Just saying.
This ain't going to turn out well for this couple.
how prudish. are you sure you're gay?
If you have ever been to any kind of a church conference, especially one involving the less uptight denominations, the booze flows like water after the day's agenda is done. If a good number of the participants are gay, why wouldn't they go to a gay bar?

You used 'cunt' in your podcast a few weeks ago (pro tip: you can only use 'cunt' in the British sense if you're ACTUALLY BRITISH. And even if you're using it in the so-called 'British sense', it *still* means vagina and it's *still* misogynist to use any permutation of 'vagina' as an insult).

Now you're using 'manpussy-whipped'. Putting 'man' in front of it doesn't absolve it, because 'man-whipped' doesn't make any sense (at least, not in this context). There were so many other words or phrases you could have used, why did you have to pick the one that denigrates women (and denigrates men by implying they're women)?

Please, Dan. You're one of the loudest voices for progressive, accepting sexuality. And when someone like you, with your credibility and your audience, uses terms for female genitalia as an insult, you're insulting all women. And you're quietly letting your audience, hopefully at least partially comprised of progressive, women-loving men, know that vaginas are still, on some level, icky and gross and a bad thing to be or have.
@6, dick.
@6, does this call for a different pronoun?
[BJ] The whole point comes down to cross-examination about whether the LW uses "gay" to indicate any same-sexer - in which case the LW is clearly the MF who deserves to be DTA'd - or whether the BF lied about the roommate's orientation. While it is possible that the boyfriend was mistaken, this amounts to nearly the same thing as a deliberate lie if he assumed that a roommate with a girlfriend was straight. As far as that goes, they could both be guilty of presuming monosexuality. But we begin with strong odds against the LW, who already made entirely unwarranted assumptions about the attendees of the event.
@9: How is saying someone is slavishly devoted to lady parts any better than actually calling them a lady part?

And, FWIW, I also think 'dick' and 'dickhead' need to be dropped, too.

I don't have any problem with calling someone an 'asshole.' Everyone has an asshole (except for rare medical cases). I don't mind 'douche', either, because a douche is something bad and harmful for the person using it.
Please post a complete list of all words and phrases I'm allowed to say.
@12: If I only had that power.

All I can do is ask people to not use misogynist words like 'cunt' and hope they realize that using lady parts as insults is extremely misogynistic, and that being misogynist is bad.

Use whatever words you feel appropriate, I can't stop you. All I can do is think less of you.
What. A blowhard.

Chill the fuck out or GDBTMF,A (Get dumped by)
Anyone who doesn't think "pussy-whipped" is sexist is welcome to post the equivalent term for when a woman is being bossed around by her guy.
"Anglican organists, I'm told, aren't exactly rolling in dough"

Actually Dan, having the organist roll in the dough is how Anglicans consecrate their host. Strange but true.
Ophian @7: Nice.

R. Taylor@6: I'm just going to repost this comment from a few months ago. I do this as both support (for the principle) and explanation that you might be in the wrong company here on Slog- with Dan specifically:

Ugly is in the eye of the beholder. I'm a gay man, and I don't like being called a faggot. I know there are millions of straight men who use the word and I actually believe them when they say they're not actually homophobic- but the word certainly is and I don't want to hear it. There are also many gay men who don't give a shit. Defer to the company you're in if you don't want to be confronted or embarrassed. Using words like "cunt" or "faggot" don't necessarily make you a bad person, but if you do you should anticipate being judged for it- like anything else that comes out of your mouth. So the swears-he's-queer-positive straight man who says "faggot" and the considers-himself-a-feminist grad student who says "cunt" really shouldn't bitch when they're "misunderstood". Of course you have every right to say whatever you want- and other people have the right to point out that you sound like an asshole.


The LW is fucking insufferable. I was mumbling DTMFA under my breath mid-paragraph.
I've heard and used the term "dickwhipped" lots of times.
@17: I agree mostly with 'defer to the company you're in', which is why I avoid the company of douchebags, assholes and people who revile me or condescend to me because of my gender. I generally only try to hang around with progressive, open-minded people; who, even if they're not the best at being egalitarian, are at least trying (goodness knows I've fucked it up myself plenty of times, so I'm always willing to give an A for effort).

Which is why it was so shocking and hurtful, as a longtime fan of Dan Savage, to hear him use 'cunt' so flippantly. If he'd been saying something like 'You're gonna lick your lady's cunt like her life depends on it!' that would be one thing. I don't mind 'cunt' when it's used to refer to an actual lady part. But it was an insult, by someone I thought was on 'my side.'
I really don't think Dan should use DTMFA anymore. I mean "Mother Fucker" implies that a mom getting laid is a bad thing? Maybe we can replace it with Empowered Gender-Neutral Receiver of Mutually Agreed-Upon Sexual Intercourse.

I expect DTEGNRMAUSIA to be be the new acronym immediately or I'll hold my breath until I turn blue.

-- thought police
@19: Just because Dan's a lot less considered about language than you doesn't mean he's not on your side. A former co-worker of mine loved saying faggot around me to get a rise out of me. I was patient in explaining why he shouldn't and blah blah blah until I ran out of patience, at a get-together at my place, and finally told him to get the fuck out of my house. On his way out, he said, "It was a fucking joke. Do you really think I'm a homophobe?" To which I answered: "No, I really think you're an asshole." The difference here is that he was addressing me personally in my house with the express purpose of aggravating me. There's no such rancor here. You can think Dan's an asshole, but don't think he's an enemy.
@ 11 Wait. " ... a douche is something bad and harmful for the person using it ...?" But I douche every day! So far, I haven't been harmed. Not that its apropos to your argument, just saying this is the first I've heard of it.
which is why I avoid the company of douchebags, assholes


Oh, wait... Instead of demanding righteously that you obey my direct verbal orders, I will only hope that you realize you are extremely insulting & judgmental, and being insulting & judgmental is bad. Use whatever words you feel appropriate, I can't stop you. All I can do is think less of you.

Or something like that.
Yeah, as a cunt-having American, it's totally unreasonable of me to ask that my genitals and gender identity not be used as insults or put-downs, especially by someone who has as wide an audience as Dan Savage.

I'm just some asshole spouting off on the Internet, I have no power over Dan or anyone else here. Y'all want to continue using 'cunt' or 'pussy' as an insult, I can't stop you. I have apparently totally misjudged Dan and his fanbase. I thought I was coming into a progressive, sex-positive, woman-friendly space; not somewhere where people would defend their god-given right to denigrate women on sole count of their being women.

(and @22: Douches can disrupt the normal flora in a woman's vagina and leave her more open to yeast infections and the like. Or worse, if one douches like they used to and uses actual Lysol. It's nifty that you can do it daily and not suffer any ill effects, but a lot of women aren't so lucky and it's basically been advised women just wash their labia with regular old soap and water and not try to squirt anything up into the delicate bits, since the vagina does a pretty good job of cleaning itself).
@24, you have disrupted the flora of this comment thread. The fauna too, I think.



If you are determined to be offended by a specific arrangement of letters without considering context or intent, then don't read anything. Anywhere. Ever.

There are no bad words. Words are combinations of phonemes that have no significance until there is collective agreement as to what those sounds in a particular combination mean.

As a black man, I don't get to determine that people do or don't get to use specific words that are offensive to me personally, particularly not in spaces or forums that I do not control (by specific right of ownership -- one of those First Amendment things), and it would be a waste of my energy to try anyway, because even if people don't use the specific words that offend me, they're still thinking them, so I wouldn't accomplish anything.

If you're around anyone who you know is prone to use words that offend you, by all means STAY AWAY FROM THEM (e.g. avoid the comments on most Huffington Post entries). Don't presume you have the right or obligation to place parameters on what other people's acceptable speech should be, because I sincerely doubt that other people making similar capricious proclamations and insisting on your compliance would be met with sincere appreciation.
Now, on to the LW:

You're damn lucky he isn't cheating on you already (assuming he's not). Until and unless you let go of whatever insecurities you have about yourself and your relationship (but mostly yourself), I believe, as do some posters above me, that your relationship is as good as over right now, and there's only the third-act formalities of breaking up left to do.

Lighten up and quit forcing your boyfriend to lie to you.
To jump on the bandwagon of scorning of silly judgemental people:

The reason that 'pussy-whipped' doesn't have a (common) term for the male controlling the female is because when a woman is being controlled and manipulated by her male partner, it's seen as what it is: abuse, and so not used in a good-naturedly ribbing manner. But men are not socially allowed to be seen as anything but domineering, so any sign of abuse is cause for derision and humor instead. It's kinda like how male rape is a joke, but female is not. So I'm not really sure the phrase is as sexist against women as you claim.

But more than that, you seem to take it as a personal affront that someone would use a term that yes, does have some vague sexist connotations. But really, you do know how much you're over-reacting, right? I mean, read what you've written: "I thought I was coming into a progressive, sex-positive, woman-friendly space; not somewhere where people would defend their god-given right to denigrate women on sole count of their being women." You're leveling this pretty harsh accusation against goddamn Slog. If you're accusing the most progressive alternative newspaper in one of the most progressive cities on Earth of being deliberately anti-woman, what the hell is pro-woman? And what kind of happy life are you leading if there's so much that you look down upon and take offense to?
The one possible silver lining to this letter is that "anglican organist convention" is highly specific. Maybe the boyfriend will find this letter and discover the strength to dump this jealous psycho fuck already.
@25: I tried harder than anybody here, so it is with no regrets that I say... cackling laugh, comment win.
@22 If you've ever mentioned your habit to a doctor and they haven't told you to stop, fire your doctor. Why on earth would you even imagine this was necessary? If you smell off, it's the douche that's been doing it to you, or a medical problem. Go to the doc, get some anti-biotics (and Diflucan too, always ask for it at the same time in case you end up with a yeast infection), get through that and you'll smell great.

Also, for the record, the Lysol douching was a birth control attempt in the days before the pill. It didn't work I don't think (you'd have to do it just before sex I imagine to have any efficacy) but maybe the stench of said lady bits once thrown off by industrial grade detergents was such that it repelled the hubby? It would have to be pretty strong as back then he'd never have his nose anywhere near there (if he were American anyway).
Yes it is sexist to use the terms pussy-whipped and cunt. Dan uses these terms because he is a snappy social communicator operating in mainstream society, and because nowhere does it say that SLOG is a non-sexist space.

Such spaces exist, and they're very careful and considered. SLOG is not one of them, and it's kind of obvious. So any attempts to change Dan's language ought to be done in a less heavy-handed way, because nobody is breaking any agreed rules or commitments.

Anyway, why be personally hurt when sexist language is used in an open forum? I find it a very useful reminder of what hasn't changed. The language will change when people get used to treating women as equal, not the other way around.
Pussy-whipped and cunt, when used as insults, are ... wait for it ... insults. Sexist insults, on par with telling a male that he's 'acting like a woman', or 'screaming like a little girl', or 'throws a baseball like a girl' or any other phrases that imply being female or female-like is a horrible thing to befall a poor guy.

Those saying that pointing this out is being over-sensitive and looking for offense are basically saying "What you're saying makes me uncomfortable and I think I'm the privilege-bearing entitled person here, so SHUT UP because I say so."
@6 You're not helping.

@33 - Congrats on successfully superimposing your own bullshit onto ALL those other comments! I especially liked how much of a cocky dickhead you were about it - I assume that was some clever irony on your part. You really busted their balls!
As a woman, i've always understood pussy-whipped in the same manner that 28 does, as an example that the patriarchy hurts both genders.

Instead of arguing about whether it is an insult towards women, perhaps recognizing it as being about people dismissing abusive behaviour towards men could allow for more productive conversation.
Personally, I think it's bi-kingdomist, if not actually deliberately Fungist/bacterialist, to refer to what grows in and on a person as either flora or fauna.
"Manpussywhipped" is a ridiculous term and it made me laugh. My god. Dan made a joke to amuse readers.
It would help if someone knows the Anglican organist in this letter. Then, he/she could point them to this thread so he can dump the idiot letter writer. I seriously picture letter writer as one of those women( I notice them because I'm a woman 'intent on stealing their manz') who clutch on to their boyfriend/husband like they're drowning without noticing his discomfort whenever another woman happens to come by. It's not attractive, screams out your insecurity and screws up the other person because after you, they're going to be very very wary of future relationships. I won't suggest therapy because a therapist might just add to the crazy,but I'd suggest you breaking up with this poor guy to work on your crazy and bring it down to an acceptable level before dragging the poor sod down to your level of psycho.
If you came expecting a feminist environment to anywhere that allows anyone to comment you were pretty mistaken.

That said, I don't think "I would prefer not to hear these words, I consider them degrading" is a super controversial thought policey thing to say. It doesn't say much about the thickness of your skin if "I don't like that word" is what it takes to get underneath it.
I'm so glad I'm not into straight women! They're SO CRAZY.

Oh wait ... well, fuck.
By the way, Dan, seen Prudie today? She advises the ex of a politician with porn in his past to out him in an anonymous letter, for the good of society it seems.
All I can say is I was expecting to smile a lot more at a letter titled "His Anglican Organ."
This article is just one more thing that proves that gay couples are a hell of a lot more like straight couples than they or the conservative right are willing to admit. Swap "titty bar" with "gay bar," and it's almost literally the same letter (though straight men and women do not traditionally room together, so that WOULD have been a huge red flag.) But it sounds like the straight Anglican organists are few and far between, and chances are equally good that they brought their wives/families to stake out their claim on heterosexuality.
@ 28 "And what kind of happy life are you leading if there's so much that you look down upon and take offense to?"
This one sentence makes such a huge point.
I care much more if a person acts in such a way that shows they are misogynistic than if they say a word that could possibly be taken that way. Words are words. They only have the power you attribute to them. I think a person should be able to call someone a "pussy" or a "dick" without having to discuss why they felt the need to use that particular gender connotation. That's why I surround myself with people who believe in equality, but also don't talk about it like they have a stick up their ass.
Dan uses the word fag a lot, too. I understand the objection and I'm personally not a fan of any word that offends anyone but the person you're intending to offend, but at least we can say Dan is fair.
@39 - Who isn't allowed to comment? I think you meant "comment without any response", which is an entirely different thing. And just because people have a different notion of feminism from you doesn't make them not feminist.

It seems like people without thick skins get under your skin ... were you going for irony there?
Cunt (in most, not all contexts) and Pussy-whipped are insulting. I don’t like them. First Amendment means that the government can’t imprison you for saying them; it also means it can’t imprison me for saying that you’re being insulting.

Also: intent is not magical. (Google “magical intent.” Others have spelled it out already for those unclear on the concept. No need for me to recap.) I have a penny jar at home. Every time my husband says “just kidding” in an attempt to make the immediately preceding statement “you’re a stupid woman” ok he has to put a penny in the jar. I’m not ok with being called a stupid woman no matter what the intent is, but I am really super not-ok with the assumption that “just kidding” is a get out of jail free card. If you say something, own it. (These are my personal standards for anyone old enough to speak. You are free not to live up to them. I am free to think less of you. You are free not to care.)

Nobody here imagines that they can control either what Dan says or what other commenters say, and accusing them of that is a straw man. Address the issue or ignore it if it’s so irrelevant. Don’t be a dick. (No, that is not a threat to call the police if you continue to be a dick. It’s free advice.)
@47 So it's ok to tell people that use the words "cunt" and pussywhipped that they're being dicks?
Of course I should have put quotes around all the inflammatory words... good thing today is my friday... sheesh.
I dunno if it’s ok. I did it. Does it upset you?
Not particularly. It just struck me as hypocritical.
Because “honky” and the n-word have similar impact?
@ 6

Not everyone who comments on SLOG is a misogynist semen stain. They really can't handle anyone who comes in and challenges the status quo, especially in regard to treating women and men like equal human beings. Lots of unrecognized privilege and gleeful trolling.

I completely agree with you. Solidarity!
If you decide that using race-based, or gender-based insults is wrong, you don't get to pick and choose how wrong they are.
I didn’t say that.
@28-"...term for the male controlling the female is because when a woman is being controlled and manipulated by her male partner, it's seen as what it is: abuse,"

Actually the man running the show is called "what God intended" or "the natural order of things" by a very large segment of Americans, the Bible, the Koran, etc.... When a man physically abuses a woman it's against the law (as not too many decades ago) but society still scoffs at a man who isn't in charge of his woman and scorns a woman who is.
Five letters go through my mind at this point:

@52 Your self-justification powers are amazing. I find your last name offensive because it has "cum" in it. Please change it. And don't be a tit about it please.
@58 Thank you. I almost snarfed my drink up my nose.
I know, huh.

And stop saying asshole to mean a shitty person 'cause assholes are one of the best things in the world.

I meant to say... JKBNR
@53, aw, honey, that's cute, but you [and @6] are not, "challeng[ing] the status quo," around here. People don't roll their eyes at you because they can't handle your Truth. You are not some Brave New Voice that the world spurns because it is afraid of your blinding righteousness.

You are passionate, misguided and green. You shout first and wonder why you get shouted at. You suffer from an arrogance that compels you to discount the knowledge, experience and value of others in the name of sensitivity.

There are more than a handful of folks here that are fully capable of respectful, insightful, nuanced discussion of the day's sticky issues--particularly in the areas you clearly care about--but not with you.

Lose the oppressed crusader schtick, learn to communicate with others, and then you might be able to forward the causes that are dear to you.
I had a girlfriend like this once. Wasn't able to stand that shit for long. No one likes a partner who's trying to be their parent.
No one likes a self-righteous scold, even if you agree with them.
Holy fuck @6 et al way to derail a thread.
@ R. Taylor,

Thanks so much for what you said. It's not easy to stand up to a hero who's using oppressive language.

To everyone else, do you want to stop discrimination or not? If so, then yes, you might actually have to give up some of your favourite words, which is hard, but not as hard as living under patriarchy.

It's not "thought police" it's called fucking growing up and working toward a better world, even if your favourite columnist might have to own his shit too.

Way to hold the line, R. Taylor. Thanks very much.
@ R. Taylor,

Thanks so much for what you said. It's not easy to stand up to someone so popular who's using oppressive language.

To everyone else, do you want to stop discrimination or not? If so, then yes, you might actually have to give up some of your favourite words, which is hard, but not as hard as living under patriarchy.

It's not "thought police" it's called fucking growing up and working toward a better world, even if your favourite columnist might have to own his shit too.

Way to hold the line, R. Taylor. Thanks very much.
@67, " might actually have to give up some of your favourite words..."

I don't understand. My favorite words are boustrophedonic*, sesquipedalian and qualm...?

*Correctly used--to my delight--by Aykroyd in Spies Like Us.
@68 Looks like you're in the clear then. Thanks for not being a sexist douchebag.
Ophian @68: Mine are concupiscence, cerulean, incandescent, and motherfucker.
oneajklein @67: It wasn't the request that put off most people here, it was her absolutist stance on the matter i.e. everyone who doesn't consider their language with the same care along the same lines of thought are, and I quote, "douchebags, assholes and people who revile me or condescend to me because of my gender." It isn't conducive to a healthy dialogue when folks come in knives out and ears closed.
No, thank you.

[Careful about the "douchebag" stuff. People around here get pretty touchy.]
@71, is @69.

lolo @70, I'm with you with concupiscence and motherfucker, fine words. Also: "knives out and ears closed," indeed.
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy!

One of my all-time favorites, although technically it's three words I guess.

It probably has to go though. I'm being offensive to cows, aren't I?
I have to chime in that I also find the term "pussy-whipped" misogynistic and insulting.

It's one thing to discuss hearing such things from some random person but quite another to hear it from an internationally recognized 'progressive' sex columnist. His responsibility is greater because his audience is greater and views him as an expert.
It seems like a lot of people on this thread have neither read anything by Dan nor heard him speak. It's the only way I can explain the shock and surprise.
"Which is why it was so shocking and hurtful, as a longtime fan[?] of Dan Savage, to hear him use 'cunt' so flippantly."

[emphasis added]

The level of political correctness in American(USA) society boggles the mind. As a British expat living in the South USA, can I then call people cunt and/or tosser because I do that shit on a daily basis,thanks to the nimrods who turn the trails into a gathering place.

Your level of PC offends me,so stop offending me. My favourite words: fucking idiot and fucking dumb southerner degenerate. Bite me!
I guess it seems ok to use cunt in the same way that you use dick, but the pussy whipping term is very offensive. Basically it is used to pressure guys into being dicks to their significant others and has a very similar social function to calling your buddy a faggot - to shame them into conforming to restrictive social expectation.
Ophian @76: Gasp and swoon, I believe I've caught the vapors!
Seriously, if she's a longtime fan, she must be a first-time attention payer.
I'm seconding whoever said that "dickwhipped" is the equivalent of pussy-whipped. I have definitely heard that and referred to it amongst friends. Just because it's traditionally gendered doesn't mean it always is, and to be honest, it is a useful expression. What else are you supposed to say about someone who isn't being abused, but is clearly putting up with a lot of crap they wouldn't put up with if they weren't fucking the person? It's common in any gender or orientation.
What I find interesting is that whenever someone has an opinion in support of women, however carefully worded to be an expression of their point of view and just their opinion, a shitstorm inevitably follows, no matter where you are on the internet.

When folks stop jumping down the throat of folks who just say what they think, when they stop ganging up and trying to shame into silence that opinion.... that is when I know that society has finally gotten a clue about what it means to be a woman in what is still a man's world.

Methinks thou dost protest too much, those who are so angry with R Taylor. Catch a clue, folks.
thanks for speaking out bareboards. I know from experience that it doesn't feel good to be viciously attacked for stating your opinion. It is particularly bad in science or technology type forums. I once suggested that over emphasis of the gender of Chris Hadfield detracted from a story about space station. In response, I was told, among other things, to go drown in my own menstrual blood. It didn't really feel very good, that is for sure, and was an emotional drain and an effective censor. Even if I was dead wrong and irritating, the hateful response was totally unjustified.
@81, my favorite one for that was "dickmatized".
RTPGA (Release the poor guy already!) since you're the "motherfucker" in this instance. If you can't stand the idea of your boyfriend leaving the house without you in tow, then this is not going to work out well. Get a dog you can keep tied up/ on a leash instead, and allow your poor boyfriend to find someone with whom he can have some sort of a normal gay life, which includes having gay friends. If you're going to assume he's sleeping with every gay guy he meets, no wonder he's being less than honest. With that type of behavior, you'll drive him to it. RTPGA.
My kid says, "I got screwed." Now, should I take this as meaning someone literally fucked him up the ass, or can we agree this has become a figure of speech that transcends its origins?

I sympathize with the language police; it feels sometimes as if language is the problem and something that can be easily corrected. What they forget, however, is that it's the attitudes that drive the language, not the other way around. A perfectly decent egalitarian isn't going to turn into a misogynist by saying "cunt" or "bitch" or "pussy-whipped."

Language is not a static thing, though, we give it meaning and we take away meaning. We call someone a cunt not because it's a woman's reproductive organs and those are obviously bad, but because it's the Worst Thing You Can Say™. I daresay a woman's reproductive organs are rarely on anyone's mind when the term is used; it's the shock value alone that matters. Consider how "cunt" and "pussy" are both used pejoratively to refer to the same thing, but one is considered worse than the other.

All of the words we use have origins, and most are metaphorical in derivation. The reason we use cunt and asshole and dick and pussy and shithead and so on is because they are vulgar. Slate's Lexicon Valley is very helpful in understanding how profanity and vulgarity has changed. Look for episode #28.…

As for nigger and faggot, they're neither profane nor vulgar, nor do they have a meaning in US English that has transcended their origin (except when members of the target group have re-appropriated the term).

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