As you may remember, the professionals at Seattle Skin and Laser are partnering with The Stranger to give away one free tattoo removal. Now it's time to vote for the WORST and THE WINNER! There's 18 terrible tattoos to choose from, so cast your vote in this official Slog WORST TATTOO CONTEST™ now!
We'll tally the poll numbers at 9 am, PST on Monday September 16th.
More photos after the jump...

- 1. Tig - "Sad Palm Tree with Birds"

- 2. Shelly - "Ken" (She got this in Vegas and hasn't seen Ken in 12 years!)

- 3. Heather - "Bacon n Eggs Smiley" (she says this sort of tattoo happens when you're hungry and stoned)
Keep reading, to see them all!

- 4. Ashley - "Dylan with Cross and Butterfly" (tattooed by a very bad "family" member)

- 5. Rachel - "Ohana" (means means family in Hawaiian, tattooed by someone "on painkillers")

- 6. Christy - "Gyrl" (although it was done in the riot grrl era, she didn't ask for "gyrl")

- 7. Joe - "Two Pentagrams" (right on his damn forehead!)

- 8. Matthew - "It Used to Say Lisa" (a tale of love gone wrong)

- 9. Melissa - "Ungrateful Dead" (she has nothing against the band, but this is just a bad tattoo)

- 10. Nick - "Symmetrical Dot People" (because once he was crazy in love!)

- 11. Alicia - "Bleeding Heart with Snake" (she gets asked if it's an apple with a worm)

- 12. Becky - "The Celtic Knot" (an ankle atrocity)

- 13. Renai - "Hope" (done by a 45-year old Canadian biker. She HOPES it can come off!)

- 14. Sarah - "It's Supposed to Be a Dragon (a "tribal" dragon, that is)

- 15. Suzanne - "A Crappy Pretzel?" (Or is it a butterfly?)

- 16. Marteen - " I Was 18 and Just Wanted a Tattoo"

- 17. Tracy - "Winged Labia Minora on a Cherry Twig" (and it's on her boob!)

- 18. Tom - "The Christian Fish" (he's not even Christian!)