I don't get the Republican position. Defunding the ACA does not eliminate it, it just means that people are going to mandated to buy insurance without the ability to get tax credits or to get on Medicaid. Laws do not disappear because they run out of money.
It's not about the procedural nonsense. It's about giving Republicans a million opportunities a day to bad-mouth Obamacare, which was originally their plan for health-care reform 20 years ago when it looked like single-payer might win, and convince low-information voters including the poor—the poor!—that they don't deserve access to decent, non-rescindable healthcare coverage.
They've won the PR battle already. The White House now has an uphill battle to preserve any shreds of a lasting legacy.
@3 Presumably, it would reduce support for the law if people were told they were required to buy insurance, and the full cost is their stupid problem. Who cares if their kids don't get new clothes, or other luxuries, like food. It's terrible policy, and risky politics, since there's at least some chance people would be aware enough to know that this problem was deliberately caused by the Rs and blame them.
OTOH, a fuck-ton of people know or care jack-shit about the facts on pretty much any issue, so the Rs are probably gambling that if there is a problem and it relates to "Obamacare," then Obama and the Ds will be blamed, 'cause it says "Obama" right there on the label!
Have I had a stroke, or does Cruz look a lot like Stephen Fry? Someone should dub some dialog from Jeeves and Wooster or preferably Wilde over video of Cruz speaking and put it on YouTube.
oh gosh regionalism. it's tough to separate emotions from dots on the map. Miswesterners support Rand Paul. San Franciscans dig Dianne Feinstein. I have a soft spot for Dan Savage because he comes from the great town of Chicago. It's silly appropriations. I love Alberta, have family there. In fact, Dan Savage, instead of spending your elitist money on a lavish skiing trip to Whistler this year, I strongly recommend Alberta's Banff National Park.
Frankly, whenever I see Cruz, the first thing that pops in mind is an image of Sen. Joe McCarthy. Perhaps it is the resemblances of nose or hair...I don't really know. That image of Joe McCarthy is the first thing that comes to mind, and I can't get rid of it. It's annoying as all get out.
Even if it does hurt, we won't feel it, we're all too oblivious. Plus, there will still be blogs to read, where we can try out the new medication, Escapism.
His unwillingness to answer the question and responding in fluent Tea Party bullshit reasoning is staggering. Maybe that talk down nicey-nicey shit works with your supporters, but the rest of us don't believe you just because of your tone of voice and the earnest smile on your weasely face? Truth is you're scared shitless that when Obamacare comes online, it's NOT going to be a catastrophe, and your political career is over.
Ted Cruz will not win the presidency. He may not even get the nomination. I say that because he's made too much of a name for himself as a typical braying Washington, D.C, partisan. He exemplifies everything that people fault Congress about. Voters prefer to nominate and vote for candidates they can convince themselves is not as dysfunctionally corrupted as the typical bought-for Congressman. For example, I can see Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton or even longtime former Senator Joe Biden being nominated. Am I contradicting myself? No, because Biden doesn't have a Congressional reputation as a partisan warrior. Biden could get nominated and win. Nancy Pelosi or Barbara Boxer couldn't.
So don't worry about Ted Cruz. The guy doesn't have a prayer of getting to the White House. There's too much stink on him. Now, if everyone else nominated is as stinky as he, then he might have a chance.
If we had a Westminster parliamentary system, failure to pass a budget would be a vote of no confidence and it would be election time instead of the squabbling and game-playing that we are stuck with.
oh darn-a loodles, i'm not perfect. Thanks for catching that usagi. Though I could dig for evidence about your claim.
Anyway, did you hear Goldie is adjusting his mathematical prowess? Yeah, I quote him, "I am concerned about the future of Seattle, dearly, have you not read my continual pleas to the Seattle citizenry? I am so devoted to the people of Seattle, I will be moving my math interests to Computer Code Writing. I'm unique in thinking this, but computers are the wave of the future; we musn't let newspapers and various media fall behind. Look for Code Writing tutorials on Slog this week."
@23 .... Your analysis is interesting but if you are correct, why are the Rethugs so clearly terrified of the ACA going into effect? Big Pharm and Big Insurance have the Rethugs well in pocket so why are they rocking Master's boat?
@14 The US made nearly 15 trillion dollars last year and used about 3.5 trillion of that for federal spending. Now the fact that Congress decided to earmark 2.5 trillion of the 15 trillion we made last year to pay for that 3.5 trillion dollars worth of stuff doesn't mean we're spending more than we make. It means we're deliberately not paying our bills. Remember, we are the government, nominally at least, and if we the people decide to buy stuff (military, roads, school, health insurance, aid to the poor and infirm, etc.) we should pay for it, even if that means we don't get a new car or a renovated kitchen this year. We have the money, we just don't want to spend it on that stuff.
Josh Marshall went to school with Cruz but couln't remember him, so Marshall asked around and everyone remembers Cruz as a total asshole, but really, really smart. Fascinating read.
Since nobody's pointed it out yet, if Cruz was born in Canada, he's not eligible to be President of the U.S. (That's why the "Birthers" are trying to prove Obama was born in another country.) Anyone urging him to run is either unaware of the constitutional requirements or Cruz's birthplace.
@30: There's no clear consensus among constitutional scholars. "Natural-born citizen" may include the children of American citizens born abroad, as they are also American citizens by default.
"Obamacare is ruining business and jobs......" OK Mr Cruz, play chicken with the U.S budget and see how much of a hit business and jobs take when the government defaults on its loans and grinds to a halt.
The first actual piece of comprehensive healthcare reform (Love it or hate it, it is something) this country has seen in decades and the GOP wants to fucking tank the government to stop it?.......I have no words. Listening to this mealy mouthed populist is like a cheese grater to my balls.
I always found "pasty-faced" to be a very odd insult. You are basically just saying he has a white face. We would not accept calling Al Sharpton a "brownie-faced" anything, would we?
If you DONT want this moronic hybrid of Sarah Palin, Rand Paul and George Dubya with a fetish for dixiecrats like Jesse Helms to run against Hillary in 2013, you really dont want Hillary (or ANY democrat...at this point Kucinich would have a good shot) to win.
I say CRUZ/PAUL 2016 for the REPUB TICKET!!!
Then again in 2020, then again in 2024, and again in 2028...keep having these moron tea party lunatics run and lose until their racist, homophobic, xenophobic, anti-intellectual, Koch funded, Fact spinning base finally dies out and the rest of us can move the country back on track!
Oh hai astroturfer @40 who joined just to make this one comment. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
The Medicaid expansion program, part of Obamacare, helps all kinds of poor people from -0- income up to 138% of poverty level for their family size. At that point, for families with no access to employer-provided healthcare, the state insurance exchanges kick in, with sliding-scale tax credits as incentives. Yes, that includes some families with relatively high household incomes, but it helps lower-income individuals and families much more.
For anyone inclined to believe @40's bullshit, go here—you can enter hypothetical situations all day long.
I try to resist judging people by their appearances, but Cruz does always seem to be doing an impression of Bill Murray's most self-satified flatulators.
And he seems like a prime example of this word which does not exist in English: Backpfeifengesicht (German): A face badly in need of a fist.
It's really relieving to see a Fox News Host say that he thinks the shut-down is a bad idea, and cite republican polls agreeing.
They've won the PR battle already. The White House now has an uphill battle to preserve any shreds of a lasting legacy.
OTOH, a fuck-ton of people know or care jack-shit about the facts on pretty much any issue, so the Rs are probably gambling that if there is a problem and it relates to "Obamacare," then Obama and the Ds will be blamed, 'cause it says "Obama" right there on the label!
oh gosh regionalism. it's tough to separate emotions from dots on the map. Miswesterners support Rand Paul. San Franciscans dig Dianne Feinstein. I have a soft spot for Dan Savage because he comes from the great town of Chicago. It's silly appropriations. I love Alberta, have family there. In fact, Dan Savage, instead of spending your elitist money on a lavish skiing trip to Whistler this year, I strongly recommend Alberta's Banff National Park.
Fry is bit less lantern-jawed, but...
Next thing you'll tell me is that Stephen Harper is from Calgary...gross, lol, as if...
Harper was born in Toronto, ON, Canada. He's from Hogtown. However, he did attend the University of Calgary. He's a dino.
Even if it does hurt, we won't feel it, we're all too oblivious. Plus, there will still be blogs to read, where we can try out the new medication, Escapism.
So don't worry about Ted Cruz. The guy doesn't have a prayer of getting to the White House. There's too much stink on him. Now, if everyone else nominated is as stinky as he, then he might have a chance.
[Also: Alberta = Canada's Texas]
oh darn-a loodles, i'm not perfect. Thanks for catching that usagi. Though I could dig for evidence about your claim.
Anyway, did you hear Goldie is adjusting his mathematical prowess? Yeah, I quote him, "I am concerned about the future of Seattle, dearly, have you not read my continual pleas to the Seattle citizenry? I am so devoted to the people of Seattle, I will be moving my math interests to Computer Code Writing. I'm unique in thinking this, but computers are the wave of the future; we musn't let newspapers and various media fall behind. Look for Code Writing tutorials on Slog this week."
Yes, but we do have to put up with his stupid ass for the next two years as he seeks the nomination.
The first actual piece of comprehensive healthcare reform (Love it or hate it, it is something) this country has seen in decades and the GOP wants to fucking tank the government to stop it?.......I have no words. Listening to this mealy mouthed populist is like a cheese grater to my balls.
I say CRUZ/PAUL 2016 for the REPUB TICKET!!!
Then again in 2020, then again in 2024, and again in 2028...keep having these moron tea party lunatics run and lose until their racist, homophobic, xenophobic, anti-intellectual, Koch funded, Fact spinning base finally dies out and the rest of us can move the country back on track!
The Medicaid expansion program, part of Obamacare, helps all kinds of poor people from -0- income up to 138% of poverty level for their family size. At that point, for families with no access to employer-provided healthcare, the state insurance exchanges kick in, with sliding-scale tax credits as incentives. Yes, that includes some families with relatively high household incomes, but it helps lower-income individuals and families much more.
For anyone inclined to believe @40's bullshit, go here—you can enter hypothetical situations all day long.
And he seems like a prime example of this word which does not exist in English: Backpfeifengesicht (German): A face badly in need of a fist.