
You could turn it into the sword of victory if you can't get it removed. Good luck either way.
huh, "k'nex"
learn a new word everyday
Why waste MORE money on something that was already a big waste of money? Pathetic.
Okay, so AFTER I commented I actually read "after the jump" and still don't feel any more sympathetic. It's a tattoo, deal with it.
I'm sympathetic to her ordeal, and not empathetic to the residual tattoo* Since I know if I don't make that clear I'll get ripped.
@4: That's right. It is only a tattoo that reminds her of sexual abuse. No big deal, right?

Let's take a vote. Does michael bell win Slog's asshole comment(s) of the day award?
Jesus, @3 and @4, have some fucking empathy. I could understand if your position were something like, "There is a better use for my charitable dollars," but if you can't see why this is a compelling situation then you are just . . .

Is this like a Kickstarter campaign, or will she get the money whether it "funds" or not?
@5 A swing and a miss. Still a heartless thing to say, caveat or no.
@ Everyone...

How is it heartless to think it's a waste of $1200 to get a tattoo removed. It would cost her half as much to have the tattoo changed into something beautiful. Some random person online sends a picture to win the worst tattoo contest, and now someones asking to raise money to remove it, and I think that is a waste of money. How is that heartless?
There are lots of wonderful tattoos here in Seattle. I have no tattoos. Will SLOG readers take a collection to buy me a nice tattoo? I know what I want, but I have no money and don't know a good artists. Please help me get a tattoo for my birthday....BTW, that is 10/23 so time is short.. Contact SLOG if ya wanna kick in on this....
Someone should buy Mudede a new library then cause the one on Queen Ann reminds him of slavery.
I would no more pay for the removal of anyone's tattoo than I would pay for the application of anyone's tattoo.

I have sympathy for this girl Ashley, but there are far better things to spend charitable dollars on.
@9, It is heartless because you cannot seem to put yourself into her place. It is not just about the money. It is about the feelings that are brought up every time you see something that caused you enormous pain. Also, there can be a feeling of empowerment by taking control of your body, and getting something you hate, taken off.

So yes, I also vote you "asshole of the day commenter"
Urgutha said it more politely than me, and they are right, but seriously peeps need to not jump on me for writing my most likely unprocessed thoughts in a comment section on a blog post. Don't lose your heads and start calling me an asshole.
I'm an asshole because I didn't overly sympathize (within my comment) with someone who I don't know who posted two compelling paragraphs on a worst tattoo contest. That's what you meant right?
no, you're an asshole because you made a critical value judgement about the importance of it's removal, loudly, in a comments section.
I have a feeling you're just generally an asshole, Michael Bell. But yes, in this case, your lack of sympathy / empathy makes you a giant, mean, asshole.
No. You are an asshole because you didn't even bother to try. With just a tiny amount of empathy, you could have seen how getting the tattoo removed could help her. You aren't required to agree with her feelings, but there was no call to blow off her feelings the way you did.
AND you're an asshole for trying to defend that misbegotten comment further when even you knew right away that it should have been kept in your internal comments, exemplified by your IMMEDIATE caveat.
@14: It was an asshole comment. You wrote a thoughtless thing, and now you're pitching a hissy because people are calling you on it. Step away from the computer before you bury yourself any further, champ.
@14: As you said: "It's a tattoo [that reminds her of sexual abuse], deal with it." You were just called an asshole, deal with it.
I read @4 again and it was fucked up. After, I was trying to clarify the way I feel.
Not going to look back for all the hate but I am sorry for the asshole comment.
@everyone: you done got trolled so hard, your ancestors are shaking their fists in rage.

michael bell wins "troll commentor of the day" though I don't think he deserves it. despite crafting what can only be described as a series of lousy, obvious shitposts, he managed to get in a fight with several commentors and a slog staffmember (who didn't even post the article.)

here's a puzzle: if every business who employed commentors who commented on this post while on the job donated the exact wages earned during their time commenting on and reading replies to this post (deducted from said commentors' wages,) how much money would Ashley have in her "remove my ugly tattoo with a painful backstory" fundraiser?
Michael Bell, you are forgiven - go and sin no more. We all make mistakes; learn from it.
But you still win today's asshole of the day - tomorrow is a day away!
Hey #4, #9, #14 , #22: You know assholish comments on the web with your name attached are also unsightly and permanent? Too bad you just alienated the sorts of people who like to help out with this sort of thing.
@22: Thanks for the apology. @12 I love it when people criticize others for their charity, saying "the things you support are not as important as other things you could support." There is *always* something more important than the shit I support, and there is always some naysaying dick willing to call people out for wasteful charity. I got twenty on that cross!
And I love it when people announce how much they're giving to charity. It's like saying, "look at how much holier I am than thou."

Hey, if that girl gets that silly tattoo removed, super-duper. Still, it's just a tattoo. Removing it isn't going to magically remove her memories of her past. And I firmly believe if she took all the money she receives to remove her tattoo and anonymously donates it to a battered women's shelter or something similar, it would be money better spent.
@michael bell

You are free to give as you are willing and able.

No one has called the readership into judgment based on their choice to give, or not give.

The choice is yours to make. No need to share your reasons for or against.

If you don't want to give, don't. Stop there, and move on to something else.

However, if you choose to stand in the town square and proselytize your opposition while asserting it as the only valid perspective, regardless of the stumbling and bumbling imbicilic caveats, you've shown your ass in public; so, accept any dissent, criticism and rejection that comes back at you as a result of your ostentacious display.

You made a public spectacle of yourself, and you got read. Welcome to the real (adult) world, kiddo.

Even fools may be thought wise if they keep silent.
ostentacious [sic]? How in the hell did that get into spellcheck as a word?

Although, I do kinda like it as an alternative spelling...hmm, should it stay or should it go? So, hard to decide.

Ostentatious or ostentacious?

Ahstentayshus? Hmmm...maybe.
@28: You think I am gloating when I suggest people contribute to Ashley's tattoo removal and mention the specific amount I donated, while I think you are judgmental for telling others that their charity holds little relative value. The difference I see in our transgressions: it is entirely plausible that my intent is to help Ashley, not to suggest I am better than others, while you clearly seem to be spending your energy shitting on the positive efforts of other people.
looks like its at $1200 already - congrats ashley - & don't get any more tats.
I don't know if anyone will see this because it's a few days from the last post... but, I just want to thank everyone again for their kind words, donations and support! It really does mean more to me than you'll ever know.
When it comes down to the question "why don't you cover the tattoo" the answer is I would know his handwriting, his marking is still under there, still on my body! He harmed me and my body for way too long- and with the help of some pretty amazing people, I'm taking it back♥

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