
I think Valve's success with this platform would be wildly improved if they were to send me an advance copy, with access to my Steam library on my HDTV from the couch after my kid goes to bed. The sheer karmic resonance of happiness from my playing the PC versions of TF2 and the Mass Effect series in this way on the really totally awesome invention of theirs an hour or two most nights after my kid goes to bed would blast up through the ionosphere, to come crashing down in a tsunami of good will onto their offices of such frightening magnitude that, for a moment of human-measurable time, would stun fan boys from the Pacific to Atlantic coasts into such a stupor that for a moment they won't even be able to ask, make a snide remark, or recycle the lame jokes related to the phrase, "Half Life 3: confirmed."

DISCLAIMER: If such a device to me were to come shipped with a discrete copy of Half Life 3 on it, I can confirm I would not confirm Half Life 3, like a video gaming Edward Snowden.
Well, that sure presents a bit of a problem for small businesses like Authorgraph.
Forget about the Benadryl; get some hydrocortisone for that rash. You're welcome.
So, here's the problem I see with the controller:

I see how it's intended to map to keyboard/mouse, with the shoulder buttons effectively being right-left click, the right pad being mouselook and the left being the AWSD. But on a keyboard, I have 4 easy command buttons immediately adjacent: QERF. Arguably l-shift as well, but anything that relies on too much pinky work ends up hurting my hand.

More importantly, I can continue to hold A or S for movement with my middle finger while the ring and index fingers are free to hit those action buttons.

With this controller, I have three fingers wrapped around the handle, index for the l-shoulder, and thumb working the AWSD. That means I have to remove my thumb from the movement keys in order to access 1 of the 2 action buttons. So, I go from 4-2 action buttons, and lose my ability to move while hitting them.

I can see where it's a superior controller to the XB or PS ones for many uses, but my instinctive reaction is that it won't really replace a keyboard in a lot of games.

I'm very excited to see competition in the marketplace, though.
@2 are you in the wrong thread?

Ugh either I have to upgrade my media center PC to Win 7 or I have to drag my controller all the way upstairs and install it on my gaming PC to get my final hardware beta badge. FML
Whoashit. Just scrolled down the page to see the image of a controller in somebody's hands. My hands immediately cramped up, and I was forced to peck this post out with my nose. TOO SMALL. Like, 30-50% too small.
@6 We're pretty sure that's a half-ogre in the picture. (At least one of us hopes so, a lot.)

But the open-source nature of the whole project suggests that those of us with transplanted murderer hands will be well served by some smart third-party manufacturer.
@7 Those are probably gaben's hands.
@7- I have the copy of Dragon magazine which introduced the half-ogre as a playable race in AD&D.
@5 Yeah. That was supposed to go in the previous post, not sure how it missed.

That's pretty cool! I've got every copy of Dragon magazine starting at #84 up to something like #290. But I think even the intro of the half-ogre PC was before that. Old school... nice.
OUYA is a fine replacement for your kid's tablet games. Every time some quirky software problem arises, I remember it's open-source on a platform I already use and understand, so solutions are as simple as reading online.

I hope OUYA takes off this XMas as an alternative to the big consoles if only to give old PS controllers new life!
The controller looks stupid.

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