

$9 an hour is not a living wage.

In Seattle.

But you don't have to live in Seattle.

Itโ€™s beyond important, itโ€™s critical to have a living wage minimum wage, and the wage needs to be indexed to inflation (or better yet college cost)

A living wage minimum wage and card-check would go a long way in fixing a lot of problems in our society
#1: since this vote is in Seatac, what does Seattle's cost of living have to do with it?
@1, only as long as you're single/married without kids. As soon as you want to provide for a family, a $9/hour minimum wage isn't enough for broad swaths of Washington state:…
Why should these jobs be careers? Move up, move on. Anyone can learn to be a baggage handler.
@1 People who work in Seattle should be able to live in Seattle.
@6 is right about that

Bet Sally & Tim are getting worried about the citizen revolt brewing, stoked by the SR-99 Tunnel cost overruns they and Ed want is to pay for their millionaire masters ...
Sorry auto-Korrect changes my Grandma
I wonder which City council reps are calling him... *cough* Richard Conlin *cough*
I'd love to know which asshole city council members called him. If the Stranger finds out, please post. They will immediately and forever loose my vote.
@1 - You do if you work in an industry that the suburbs do not--perhaps cannot--support.
I bet it was conlin or Rasmussen.
Although perhaps he meant to say "chamber members" instead of "council members"?
Perhaps it was the chamber of commerce and not a city councilmember that called him?
I make $10 an hour, and this guy is absolutely DREAMING if he thinks anything less is livable. Hell, what I have is barely livable.
I have a Masters Degree and barely make over $15/ hr. There is something wrong with this. I mean I have student loans etc... I don't see the justice in this at all!

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