Mars Hill Church's Pastor Mark Driscoll will be doing a live Q&A on Twitter tomorrow morning. Here's his announcement:
I'll be doing live Q&A on Twitter tomorrow at 9:15am PST. Tag your ?'s with #AskPM & I'll get to as many as I can in 30 min & 140 characters
— Mark Driscoll (@PastorMark) November 11, 2013
Some things you might want to ask Pastor Mark about:
Is masturbation really "bordering on homosexuality?"
Does God really want you to have that property in Bellevue, or is God just very, very anti-public transit?
Is mixed martial arts too gay, or just gay enough?
What do you think about this article by Brendan Kiley?
Do you really think President Obama isn't a Christian?
Do you still think that Twilight is pagan propaganda?
How much do you hate women? A lot? A whole lot? A whole heck of a lot? More?
Hopefully we'll get some #realtalk on the hashtag #AskPM tomorrow morning.