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Activist threatens to shoot journalists:…

Same activist has his voice all over the internet (@18:25 mark):


I'M invited? Little 'ole me?!? Well bless my bloomers!
Let's make sure to remember to do the Slog Happy Secret Santa this year, since we somehow forgot to do one last year!
@1: fuck off. you're on the wrong thread.
Heck, even SB, Bailo, Raindrop, you_gotta_be_kidding_me, et al are invited - so long as they play nice. After all, it's not like we know what they look like in real-life, so they can just "borrow" somebody else's handle for the evening, if they're so inclined.

Well, everyone except Bailo - we already know what he looks like...

Only if the "Fnarf Celebratory Bed Pan" makes a return appearance. It's really not SLOG Gift Exchange without somebody getting it!
But you PROMISED we could do it at the Rendezvous!
Look, I said I was sorry. Just how long are you going to hold on to this? Jeesh!

Stop, please. You're begging to sound like The Incredible Sulk.
I don't care who thinks I'm an asshole. I'm coming anyways.
@5 Even Seattleblues that is so nice she is so excited, she just rushed out the door to go buy a new outfit for the occasion.
Hmmm, I'm 99% sure I'm going to have overtime this friday...
So if anyone is still hanging abouts around 9, maybe you will see me.
I assume that there will be tags? You know labels -- like at conventions?
@13 - Yes, and also like at conventions, there will be ill-advised drunken hookups... handsome.
Sweet! 25 introverts stationed against the walls of the Canterbury checking their Facebook wall on their smartphones.

Sounds like a party.
Tags are a good idea! I so look forward to seeing everyone! I've invited the more prickly commenters (commentors?) before, and I'll pop back into the McDonalds thread and ask SB again to join us.
I think I may be able to drop by, but I'm going to see Helmet at the croc so only one beverage.

I am going with the name tag "FNARF".

@15: Wow. You have never been to a Slog Happy, that's obvious. Fnarf and I both have been called a lot of things, but introvert is not one of them. Come, and I'll buy you a drink. :)
@18 I think it's your turn to be Ecce Homoculus.
I'm only going if there's a sales representative from selling Che Guevera t-shirts for 50 bucks a pop.
enigma: michaelp and i are going to be late too! i'm sure it'll still be going strong after nine. please come, i miss you :)

sean@15: we have a pretty good time. really.
someone who is going to be on time volunteer to bring name tags?

also yes, we will be sure to put together a holiday gift exchange!

go join the "friends of slog" facebook page to be part of the planning and such :)

I'll be Lord Basil.
We're not getting started until 7:00 p.m., so many of us won't even be completely shit-faced by 9:00 - come on over!


In meat-space, most of the folks who show up for SLOG Happy are livelier than a pack of puppies in a petting zoo.


No Che shirts, but I WILL sell you one of the Canterbury's massively huge chairs for $50 - you just need to tell the bartender we said it was totally okay for you to take it home.
My nametag will say "I'M SHITFACED".
Poop. I'm actually quite reserved in public. Although I'm pondering going as Sgt. Doom. I'll need to buy a 75-yard box of tinfoil...

@18 Does that mean I can be David Sucher? I have some great ideas on how to incorporate moats into the urban village concept. I would love to share.

I'll be part of the late crowd too. Last day at my soon-to-be-former job, so I may be 1 1/2 - 2 sheets to the wind (going out with coworkers beforehand), but I promise to keep an appropriate amount of clothing on. See you there!

Dang. I wanna come as "."
you really are ignint 'n shit, mr. kinney. i do not own an iphone, or an ephone or an aphone. and i am the farthest thing from an introvert you will ever meet. WHICH YOU WON'T, because you are too chickenshit to show up.
Too old to be up that late, but will get a report. Will a group photo be posted with name tags?
@30 - Way to win them over with your charm.
I call Alleged.
I'll bring name tags, badge holders & double-sided tape for those who don't want to run pins through their clothes.


I'm sure we can make that happen, but from the sound of things don't assume anyone in the group photo is really who their name tag says they are.


First we get accused of being wallflowers, then we get shit for being assertive - make up your goddamned minds, people!
bet yer ass, mac.
Thanks, Comte!
@ 33, be sure to use the period. That was his best registered sockpuppet name.
Y'all realize they're closing because its one of the dirtiest bars in cap hill with service sitter than the sobs at mashiko, right? They don't deserve your business.
Oh man, you guys, I wish I could be there. Make sure Fnarf has four pints for me.
go away and come back when you're coherent, @38.
I know I haven't been *around* here much in the past year, but really...what would life be like if I came to a Slog Happy?
I call Reader01.
there's only one way to find out, LEE.

Very true! The only thing is, if I do this my name tag will simply read "Lee", like a normal person's name.
I haven't been to the Canterbury since 1980.

I don't think it's changed much since then.


I've never had an issue with service at the Canterbury and I've been going there fairly regularly since 1985. The food is average, but not terrible; exactly what one would expect from a somewhat divey bar with pseudo-medieval themed decor. Maybe it's just your stunning personality, who knows?

And that's not the reason they're "closing" (which, technically, they're not - they're changing ownership and are being added to the growing Meinert-Lajeunesse empire); Capitol Hill Housing, which recently purchased the building, decided not to renew their lease, which is not even close to the reason you stated. Do try to keep up with the news, um'kay?
I'd like to come and wear my Che shirt.
Paul and I will be there with GIFTS FOR EVERYONE!!!!
@48: I want a pony.
@6 Oh fear not... it will return! I'm still debating on whether I should scrawl my name in it "Stanley Cup" style before passing it on.
@48 - If it's out of your freezer, I don't want it.

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