I am thankful for that guy playing the saxophone on a corner downtown the other day who started playing "Careless Whisper" right as we started walking by. I don't think I'm over the laugh attack yet.
I am thankful for all the bunches of grapes I've eaten in my life, not one of which has contained a deadly spider.
I'm thankful for kids who want to sit at the grown-ups table, and for kids who don't have their own iPads yet, and kids who want you to pretend to be a monkey with them.
I'm thankful for electricity (especially indoor heat), carbohydrates, and living in a large, liberal west-coast city, a thankfulness I feel especially hard whenever I leave said city.
I'm thankful that Paul is happy to run practically this whole damn blog whenever the rest of us are too busy/hungover/lazy to post.
Just like David Schmader, I'm thankful for Steve Kardynal's Chatroulette/pop song videos, and for all the people in them who start laughing and singing along.
I'm thankful for deleting the Facebook app from my phone, which felt remarkably like curing myself of a disease.
I'm thankful that I haven't set foot in a mall today, which includes a thankfulness that I don't work retail on Black Friday anymore.
Happy day after Thanksgiving, everyone. Be nice to your family. Don't trample anyone.