
Using Comic Sans by itself should automatically disqualify the GOP from ever holding a national elected office for at least the remainder of this century.
My shirt says "Comic Sans is the font Republicans use". It has a picture of Goatse on the back.
@2 I prefer Helvetica, it comes across as more authoritative. Republicans are big on that.

But yes, on the goatse.
Sounds to me like some 30 Rock plagiarism:…
I want a shirt that says MERRY WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO CELEBRATE. Can anyone make this for me? Comic Sans preferred.
@3, goddammit, if English was good enough for Our Lord Jesus Christ, it's good enough for you!
I cannot take anything written in Comic Sans seriously.

Maybe the shirt is a message from their inner passive-aggressive liberal trying to outsmart them and escape.
Merry Pagan Winter Festival. Jesus wasn't even born on Christmas. But then Republicans never let facts get in the way of hype.
I don't get it. What happens in 2032?
FRONT: "Merry Christmas is what conservatives say"

BACK: "99% of you can fuck off is what conservatives mean"
that's when we elect a T-Shirt to be president. Can't you see that they are very important to Slog and society?
@ 11 FTW. Honorable mention @ 2.
And yet their gerrymandered districts in the House and the disproportionate power of smaller population states in the Senate will keep giving them WAAAAAY more power than they would otherwise be entitled to for decades.
You know, I have no trouble wishing someone a merry Christmas. It's something I say all the time during the month of December to people whom I know celebrate Christmas. But when some total fucking stranger wishes me, a Jewish woman, a merry Christmas because they just assume I worship their God--now that pisses me off. I actually used to vote Republican, more than a decade ago (I believe I last voted for John McCain in the primary in 2000) and it's absolutely right their exclusionary politics add up until there's almost no one left they haven't excluded.
Darned conservatives - stealing a perfectly good Samhain festival for a birthday celebration for someone born in July ...
Until they embrace Festivus, it's all a losing game.
I saw something yesterday that really summed it up in my mind. It said:

Instead of fighting to put Christ back in Chritmas why do you fight to get Christ back in Christian. When Christians start acting more like Christ and less like an assholse then they can lecture us about Christmas.

The GOP will win plenty of elections no matter what they do, as long as low-information, short-attention-span Democrats stay away from polling places or ignore down-ticket races in droves like they did in 2010 and will probably do in 2014.

We may be stuck with current Congressional district boundaries until after the 2020 census as @14 alludes, but we should start focusing RIGHT FUCKING NOW on winning state legislative races and advocating non-partisan redistricting commissions in the 37 states that do not use them exclusively. We should have started in 2000. We lost a lot of ground (not to mention lives and money) sitting around pissing and moaning during the Bush years.

Democrats can win even in heavily Republican-favored districts if they're sufficiently motivated to do so. If Dems control more state legislatures ASAP, they'll be in a far better position to influence the next round of redistricting in 2020-22.

We'd be better off educating and motivating D-leaning voters now than endlessly pointing and laughing at Republicans' hamfistedness.
Ha! We have them fooled! REAL liberals say "Joyous Solstice".

I think.

At least that's what they told me at the Ultra-Secret R.E.A.L. Liberal Society meeting/hazing/induction ceremony last year. Maybe it's different now.
I think someone needs to introduce these "Merry Christmas or Else!" people to Krampus, the dark-side of Christmas.
Gotta take the good with the bad; ignore the dark side at your own peril.
Is it time for that zombie carpenter's birthday again? You'd think after being eaten by Papists all year long there'd be nothing left to throw a party for. That must be the miracle part, I suppose. And why is there never cake for his birthday? Everyone else has cake and ice cream for their birthday parties. And hats. The Brits have hats for zombie carpenter's birthday so why not us? Cake and Ice cream and hats. Now that's a goddamn birthday party.

And fuck off Republiklans. Merry Fuck Off and I hope you die on New Year's being gunned down by a drunken Mel Gibson screaming Merry Goddamn Christmas while spraying the room with his AK-2ndFuckin'Amendment-47 given to him by Wayne LaPierre in celebration of a cakeless goddamn birthday.
We have cake. We have fruit cake. Let them eat it.
Yep. Saying "Merry Christmas" shouldn't offend anyone. Saying "Saying 'Happy Holidays' is bad" should offend everyone.

"My way is good!" is almost always less offensive than "Not-my-way is bad!"
It's funny because they are afraid of saying Merry Christmas.

Not to get too nit-picky, but you DO worship the same god as Christians, and Muslims too for that matter; that's why collectively we call Judaism, Christianity and Islam "Abrahamic religions", because they all spring from a single godhead: Yhwh, Jehovah, Allah - the names may be different, but it's still the same old man in a bathrobe. It's the little details about who is or isn't considered a messiah that has had them all killing each other like nobody's business for the last couple of Millennia.
I propose a symbolic Declaration of War on Christmas every year on Pearl Harbor Day, Dec. 7, well--just because.
Just like that damn pinko liberal Bing Crosby. Oh wait...
@20 - How about "Merry Wednesday"?
The term "Happy Holidays" was invented by Christians - lazy Christians - who thought it too long to say "Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."

This "Happy Holidays is a war on Christmas" bullshit is a lie. And liberals keep playing into their bullshit by taking the bait.
TeaBaggers, 2M4M, Comic Sans -- some days I swear the GOP has been invaded by lefty double agents.
This reminds me that its time to renew my conservative hunting license.
@26, not to get too niticky about it, but don't tell us what god we worshi, or call the differences little details. Merry Christmas.
I find it curious that what really gets the Christian-Conservative dander up is deciding that any given retailer isn't properly exploiting the birth of their savior, when said retailer has the sheer audacity to try to sell us more towels, remote control cars, and personal electronics without calling it a goddamned Christmas sale!!! WAR ON CHRISTMAS, BITCHES!!
I'm just curious as to why Christians have turned Christmas into a war.
@4, I'll take one with Dan's drag pic and quote

"I was Helvetica Bold before Helvetica was cool."
@16 actually, Samhain is Halloween. Happy Yule!
republican are assholes, but there ain't nothing worse than hypocritical assholes that don't respect privacy.

those fuckers ain't even human
I know plenty of straight non-Hispanic white Christians who don't find the GOP's attacks on gays, immigrants, and non-Christians to be at all appealing.


Happy Holidays is What Liberals Say.

That isn't a liberal shirt?!

Also +1 to @1-38
It never ceases to amaze me that a country that worships "liberty" and has the word enshrined in its constitution would also find the adjective form of the same word (liberal) to be so offensive.
Hah, that shirt is hilarious! I am a liberal atheist. I'd love to own that shirt.... if it didn't say "Merry Christmas" on the back that is.
I am a pacifist in the war on Christmas. Sometimes I say "Merry Christmas", and sometimes I say "Happy Holidays", because I simply do not give a damn either way.

But the extremes on either side can be vexing. I went to a "holiday tree" lighting the other night that featured a choir that sang a sappy song about helping, a traditional Hanukah song, and a song about solar energy that was set to the tune of "Angels We Have Heard On High". The whole thing was so ridiculously Seattle that I had the urge to stage a live Nativity scene right then and there, but I didn't have a manger handy (although there were plenty of asses in attendance).

On the other hand, an office that I am aware of cancelled their annual Holiday Party because two "religious" people got bent out of shape because they were not calling it a Christmas Party, and another "religious" person who doesn't celebrate Christmas got offended by the whole thing. (All three of them make a big deal of leaving their Bibles out on their desks, and spend most of their days sending prayer request e-mails back and forth, which is apparently more important than work)

@26, well since Catholics believe that Jesus was God (ever hear of the Holy Trinity?), no, Jews and Catholics and Muslims don't worship the same God. Their traditions share historical roots, but that's not the same thing. As for other Christians, I'm sure there are as many different perceptions of God as there are Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Just because they use similar language and traditions to worship their god doesn't mean they are worshiping the same god.

This is why I wait for people to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving or Merry whatever, and then I respond with "you too."
@24: Weird you would get so bitter over people pointing out that, hey, other people exist, and they have different interests than you.
@30: It's fun to hear dumb Christians rail against "Xmas". Way to know anything about your faith, oh leotarded ones.…
23, Fruit cake is not cake. It is not even food. No one has fruit cake for their birthday party. No one puts ice cream on fruit cake. I wouldn't make Dick Cheney eat fruit cake. I would beat him to death with one. That is the proper use for fruit cake.
I want a shirt that says "'Happy Hanukkah' is what Reform Jews say" and has the Shehecheyanu on the back. No wait, I'm not a complete tosser.

@48: I was stocking shelves one day and a few things of fruit cake had come open during shipping so we marked them out of stock and shared them among the employees and it was tasty actually.
Isn't that a quote from 30 Rock? Jack and Avery had that on their Christmas cards.
"Only 42% of Asian Americans are Christians. "

I thought it was higher than that, actually. Most Chinese immigrants *I* know are Evangelical. I suspect it has a lot to do with why they're here in the first place, since the Communist party's official stance on such dangerous cults is that they're dangerous cults. Making them, at best, unwelcome. Then there's Filipinos, who are mostly Catholic, and really, only *look* Asian, since they're actually Pacific Islanders.

Apparently I was wrong, but I'm not exactly taking a sample of people across America. :)

Either way, not every Christian (capital C or otherwise) sees the world quite this way, either. So this only really appeals to paranoid Christian types who think they're surrounded by attacking forces every day of the year.
MUST HAVE SEATTLE RENT CONTROL - Here's an email I sent today to legislators from my Seattle district:
Seattlites are fortunate that we were less affected by the recession than most cities. However, housing prices and rents are rising faster here than ANYWHERE else in the country. If action is not taken quickly to allow Seattle to impose rent control, we will lose our recent growth in web and startup businesses. Wages will rise to keep up with rents. Prices per square foot will quadruple in record time. And higher wages will drive companies out.

I have seen this happen with the banks in San Francisco. Bank of America and Wells Fargo moved out. So did the other large companies. The only companies left in town were the law firms. Rents then went down with recessions, and came back as dot-coms and web startups increased.

But today 6 people, share-renting a 2-bedroom apartment, is nobody's idea of dignity. You have professionals living in closets and living rooms.

Even though new Seattle apartment units are coming available, due to a building boom several years in the planning, they will soon fill up with those paying extremely high rents. And single family dwelling prices are already going through the roof, including rents on these SFD's. Seattle real estate prices have definitely recovered from the recession, and then some.

Before the situation gets out of hand, placing extreme pressure on wages and on people, I plead with you to introduce a bill removing the current state prohibition of rent control in Washington State, RCW 35.21.830. We must act now or see a situation where Seattle turns into San Francisco. And we wouldn't want that, would we?
#19 is right on. Most sane persons can agree that the republican party is a train wreck. They cannot get all their players moving toward the same goalpost. They have no real leaders, they have no definite plan. The religious right is fading out of sight in scandal, stupidity, homophobia, racism and generaly being a bunch of neanderthals in wingtip shoes.
"Happy Holidays" is what capitalists say. Why do Republicans hate capitalism?

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