
Test 1 2 3
Hmm, must be all of those white supremacists...
Anyone else fucking sick of seeing Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' douchebaggy faces everywhere?
Was the Royal Charter from the Emperor Napoleon?
How about a Slog commenter tag for 25 bucks (which is fine and dandy, for you 25 dollar-having-folks), and maybe a bargain tag? There's got to be other slog-tag-whores aside from me, who would do it for 10 bucks, no? you could even call us Slog Tag Whores if it makes you feel better...what say you, Slog?
It isn't accepting donations. And, I'm presently fed up with trying.
@5: If it's a hardship for you, just donate any amount and send us your receipt with a note to that effect! No big deal! Even a little bit counts. Thanks so much for giving what you can!

@6: Thanks for letting us know—I'm letting YouthCare/Orion know. Keep trying, pretty please, maybe tomorrow? We don't want this to be like the Obamacare site, but isn't it likewise worth trying back?!
Go Slog!

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