
The only thing anyone is doing to Glenn Beck is ignoring him.
I tried to unpack that pile of crap, and all I'm coming up with is that the Religious Right is now going to play the Martyr Card. They will continue to exist, continue to rally their "troops," but now totally around the concept that Christians are being horribly persecuted.

They're not dead. Like the cancer they are, they've merely mutated a bit, and will continue to be just as virulent.
It wasn't gay people passing bans on straight people marrying in their state constitutions. Everything that's up is down with these morons.
It's dead. Now let's drive a stake through its heart and shove a brick in its mouth and purge it with fire and lye.
Beck and Driscoll:

By having a civil marriage, we aren't saying shit about what you have to believe in your church. This video is bearing false witness. I'm pretty sure that's against the Ten Commandments, not that you give a flying fuck about anything as lowly as not lying to people so you stay popular.

You guys are part of the reason Christianity isn't seen as a religion of peace and unity. It's seen as a religion of spite and hatred.

No Love,
Kevin Hope
PS. Criticism is not Censorship, I didn't violate your first amendment rights by yelling at you.
Just remember, these people hate the Pope and Jesus - because they think worshipping Mammon is more important than healthcare for the lame or good for the poor.
(Food) not (Good)
...two, old men talking quaint.

...ahem, NEXT!
What on earth is that twatwaffle sausage-face wearing on his head? Disgusting.
@10 I was thinking same thing. It must be confusing for cons. They hate anything PC and DC! I suppose insulting natives has more value then hating DC. I'm honestly surprised he's not wearing a Seahawks cap. He is from here, regrettably.

When, in the past 2,000 years, have Christians not played the martyr card?
@11, I don't think that's a Redskins Indian; I think it's his own idiotic line of clothing, "celebrating" the "heritage" of the cigar store Indian or some such bullshit. I'll bet he's got a collection of golliwogs and pickaninnies at home, too. Reprehensible man.
That's the Blackhawk's Indian logo.
Ha Ha Ha.

Right...the new strategy is to promote "tolerance" as THE core value of the Right? Ha Ha Ha.

Next up...Glenn Beck reveals to Mark Driscoll that he's a mormon. We'll see how far that tolerance extends.

Ha Ha Ha
@14, oof, you are correct.

Beck was selling clothing embellished with a similar Indian design on his website, which I why I thought that was it. You can get everything from $160 jeans to shirts, hoodies, caps, videos, books, keychains, mugs... an astonishing variety of crap.
@15 I fear you are misinterpreting. It sounds to me more like they're DEMANDING tolerance by us for them.

They already have 1000 radio stations and a cable news network, but now they're worried their propaganda campaign has failed so they're looking for some kind of special treatment dispensation? This is rich stuff.
I don't know this is about but I ain't watching this shit.
My church and it's puppet-master the Republican Party are NOT intolerant of you! We're just a) fighting you tooth and nail so that you can't marry the person you love; b) fighting against the ENDA so that you can be fired just for being gay and c) spending all our time in church talking about how disordered you are...

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