You see how much you mean to us all Cienna? Even some of the more obstreperous posters have weighed in quite sweetly to wish you well.
Again, best wishes, and don't be a stranger. ( see what I did there?)
I'll echo #94, in that your articles were the mandatory reading. Thank you for your topic choices and your effort. I suppose I'll have to learn how twitter works now.
Sorry to hear that you've left. Adding your loss to Dominic and Goldy has brought attention to The Stranger switching gears and aligning with main stream media.
Thanks for your work, and for exposing the bastards that control our elections. You will be missed.
Again, best wishes, and don't be a stranger. ( see what I did there?)
+1 to all of the above (or at least to the first thirty I read so far)
Well, I'm a bit late to the punch.
Sorry to hear that you've left. Adding your loss to Dominic and Goldy has brought attention to The Stranger switching gears and aligning with main stream media.
Thanks for your work, and for exposing the bastards that control our elections. You will be missed.