Pick your poison. There are a lot of douchebaggy job postings these days. My favorite is when they're clearly saying "you're going to be expected to eat shit and like it". Hey, sign me up!
@10 That's kind of how I read the letter. When they are looking for a "ninja" they are looking for somebody who will devote their life to the company in exclusion of everything else.
@13, maybe I'm jaded enough that rejection letters and silence were equivalent to me as far as I'm concerned.
What I really didn't like is when an employer would call you to tell you that you weren't hired or you're not on the list of finalists---at least give me a time frame before hand as far as when you're going to make a decision and when the time comes and I'm not going to get gig nor remain a candidate in the running, leave me the f*ck alone.
I'm definitely in the Your Friend Dodged a Bullet camp. If their rejection letters are that flippant and frankly disrespectful, then imagine what working for those whackadoodles must be like.
A friend and I were recently lamenting that the only places that seem to be hiring are the ones that have high turnover because the managers are completely fucking crazy.
Sorry, Charles, that your friend only learned after investing time and energy in the pursuit of a position that the potential employer, which he hoped to enrich with his time, talent and work, is a pack of smug bastards and soulless assholes.
...lucky for him they don't like to walk...which gives me an idea.
Well I guess "socialist pseudo-intellectual that pals around with half baked retarded racist like Charles Mudede" does not look good on a resume. Nor does a degree in Workers History, Women’s Studies or some other Liberal Arts BS.
Embarass them for what? Having a sense of humor?
Someone else was a better fit for the postiion, so it goes.
The letter was not just a letter to say the person didn't get the job it was a put down. He was told someone had way better skills than he did and it was rubbed in. Being told someone has better skills is ok but how about giving some insight into what skills this person might need or improve. Basically a rejection letter should just be that and end there but if there is some other information that would be helpful for the applicant to upgrade there skills then make a suggestion, professionally.
The skills that are really lacking are tact on behalf of this so called human resource person.
But I have noticed that Human Resource culture in businesses has become a place littered with people that have learned to sudo help and usually there is one nutcase that can't be fired that rules the roost.
So lets just say this letter is from a HR nutcase that likes to demean people to feel empowered and not really be a RESOURCE to any human.
Because they do require ninja skills, I hear.
Anyway, life's just a game and you either get a unicorn ride or a stale cookie.
Best regards.
Pick your poison. There are a lot of douchebaggy job postings these days. My favorite is when they're clearly saying "you're going to be expected to eat shit and like it". Hey, sign me up!
What I really didn't like is when an employer would call you to tell you that you weren't hired or you're not on the list of finalists---at least give me a time frame before hand as far as when you're going to make a decision and when the time comes and I'm not going to get gig nor remain a candidate in the running, leave me the f*ck alone.
A friend and I were recently lamenting that the only places that seem to be hiring are the ones that have high turnover because the managers are completely fucking crazy.
...lucky for him they don't like to walk...which gives me an idea.
Embarass them for what? Having a sense of humor?
Someone else was a better fit for the postiion, so it goes.
The skills that are really lacking are tact on behalf of this so called human resource person.
But I have noticed that Human Resource culture in businesses has become a place littered with people that have learned to sudo help and usually there is one nutcase that can't be fired that rules the roost.
So lets just say this letter is from a HR nutcase that likes to demean people to feel empowered and not really be a RESOURCE to any human.